
My best friend refused to go to my 21st birthday celebration.

I feel bad.

I'm going to order a pizza and play a game to avoid thinking about it too much.

What is the best game to cheer me up after hits?

I would replay a game from your childhood. Also why did your friend refuse to go?





Maybe if you'd stop being a memeing fuck you'd have some friends OP

Why did he refuse?

Probably because OP is a memeing Trump baby who keeps spouting shit about red pills while crying about no gf and trying to fuck his only friend.

quit being a fag and get over it.

Is there something you need to get off your chest user?

aw shit me mate dint wanna come 2 me fukin wank party wot a wanker, best fukin kill me sen now seeing as a like vaporwave

My parents (who are upper-middle class) thought it would be nice if they took me to dinner at the Ritz. I guess I appreciate the thought.

But obviously no sane person wants to spend an evening at an ultra-posh elitest cafe which kicks you out for poor ettiquette with 1 person they know and 5 others they don't. So nobody wants to go with me.


I'm not the little bitch who made this thread.

sounds like some ace level projection there user, doth thou need a hug?

Oh well, at least you can go with mummy and daddy.

Please lurk moar newfag.

>The Ritz with mummy and daddy

Confirmed faggot. Your friend is probably fucking a bunch of sluts and not you.

Yes. And they can see that after 3 years of living on my own I don't even have one crummy friend.

Humiliating af. Plus my only FWB ever moved to China so I can't even release some frustration that way.

I want to die.

You choose this path.

Open wide faggot.

>It's another "Sup Forums is my personal blog" thread.

Oh gosh, life must be very troublesome for you, Maximilian. Why don't you retreat to your sleeping quarters and try to get some rest?

I'm pretty sure this is just what happens when you adult.

can we get back to game suggestions please

i already feel bad enough

The Sims

Make imaginary friends and your boyfriend, who is having the time of his life since he's not hanging out with you at the moment.

Play Civilization, it will keep your mind busy and its addictive

Good suggestion since the AI will pretend to be his friend and backstab him.


It's funny because it's probably true

Then why don't you organize something with your friend? Just invite him to your house if you live alone.
Dinner with someone's else family in the ritz sounds akward and boring

rich user. i can be your friend for a price