What is Nintendo trying to tell us with this piece of concept art?
What is Nintendo trying to tell us with this piece of concept art?
that links a slav
You see that mountain over there? You can climb it.
We're going to build a pipeline. All the way to the sea.
Migrating birds = 3rd parties leaving
That Breath of the Wild will be like the first Zelda.
>all dungeons and all of hyrule are technically open to you from the get go, going through them is just a matter of the right tools
>no real story of ancient prophecies, reborn godesses. sacred swords or whatever, just exploring for exploration's sake because you are an adventurer who likes exploring and the fun comes from the ways you explore
>secrets everywhere, like going behind waterfalls or bombing walls that don't appear to be bombable
>items are applicable to many situations, like a bow, bombs, glider, fire rod, unlike the spinner from TP or the hookshot, which only works in designated spots
I mean in the first Zelda getting the sword is technically optional until you fight the final boss. This will save the Zelda.
>that wall
Reminds me of Thoradin's Wall for some reason.
The golden sun sequel we were waiting for?
That BotW is a soft remake of the original LoZ?
>bombing walls that don't appear to be bombable
Is this confirmed for BotW? I doubt modern Nintendo would have the guts to do this.
Isn't it a reference to one of the old games' art?
I fucking wish
Was thinking the same thing.
I drank your milkshake
That the new Zelda will be like the first LoZ. Or that it'll be like the original LoZ artwork with all the wilderness, except this time you get to go there with gameplay.
what we already know
Play on your nostalgia for Zelda 1 so you buy the game.
where did this concept art come from
>I wonder if a fall from this cliff is enough to kill me.
That their current artist can't even draw better trees than the ones made 30 years ago.
"It's like the original Zelda!" is their excuse for a barren map and bad story.
Go home, Arin
They ran out of ideas.
Wait... shouldn't it be actually possible for us to literally build huge things throughout the entire world? Do you think those objects and where we put them stay?
from nintendo
That they target weaboos now.
That it just took 30 years to them to discover what made Zelda good in the first place.
What did they mean by this?
They said it was like the original Zelda in that it'll have lots of secrets and it won't hold your hand on where to go/what to do next.. it seems like a valid reason to compare it to the original.
Considering Modern Art exists, your statement doesn't mean much.
>oot final boss was originally going to have you scale a giant ganon
>new zelda had a free climbing mechanic
You already know the final boss
's ass.
Seesaws and makeshift log bridges are build-able.
I wonder if you can somehow make ramps/slopes
its a symbol used in the zelda franchise since the beginning
see here:
I think it's more likely that they despawn and spawn back to their original locations once you leave the region/teleport. It's how it usually works in games.
Deepest lore
It takes place in Brazil, near that big Jesus statue.
>it only took 13 years for Zelda to get basic physics down
Thank you Aonuma
The original Zelda had Christian crosses. We're finally going to find Jesus.
because it's a reference to also it's pretty neat how the old one was just some art and then the new one's like, "you can actually traverse those grassy fields in and climb that mountain now".
Witcher 4 confirmed
I hope the bombable walls sound different when you hit you Sword on them like they did it OoT's Fire Temple, that way they're not super annoying to find but still require a ton of exploration
>speedrunning tactics will be to quickly build a trebuchet to fling yourself to endgame
>also it's pretty neat how the old one was just some art
>implying the first game wasn't that
You had a pretty shitty imagination as a kid.
Love the Sony fanboy rhetorics when trying to criticise Nintendo games.
They just pick a legitimately great or good thing and make it sound bad by capitalizing the whole sentence or sounding sarcastic.
>wow, just like Half Life 2
Ignoring Half Life 2 was amazing and to this day developers are too dumb to top it.
>wow, just like Minecraft
Ignoring Minecraft was fun back then and had a great concept
>wow MMORPG combat in Xenoblade X
Ignoring average MMORPG combat is shit but still 100 times better than average JRPG combat which is beyond braindead and time-wasting
>wow, Switch is a tablet
Ignoring tablets aren't a bad thing and you can just use it like a normal console
Literal retards, kek.
They mean this is the first sequel to the original Legend of Zelda in 30 years
I'm actually a nintendrone and think BOTW looks cool. I just hate physics puzzles with a fucking passion.
yeah I get that the art sets an atmosphere and with your imagination you can link the game with that art but with the BotW one this time around the game actually looks like that.
It's not extremely significant, it's just kinda showing how much time has changed.
I'll be pleasantly pleasantly surprised if there's no handholding and it provides a challenge. I just don't think Nintendo has it in them to do that anymore. Their games have gotten noticeably streamlined and easier over the years and it would be nice to see them go back to their roots.
>Half-Life 2
>a multiplat title
That was fucking stupid, user.
>nostalgia for Zelda 1
Agreed. I'm not holding my breath but we'll see.
They said they heard people complaining about Skyward Sword holding your hand way too much, and want to make it up to them.
Which is true... to this day, SS has been the most insulting game I have ever played. It makes you feel like you're retarded and can't do anything on your own. Constantly reminding you that you need to replenish your health, that your batter is low, etc. Fucking you Fi, leave me alone you nagging bitch. Worse than Navi.
If they ever make a SSHD, hopefully they can fix all this bullshit.
I'm having a hard time trusting them after this shit and A Link Between Worlds having zero scale in difficulty.
They already reined back the handholding in ALBW, no reason not to believe them.
why is zelda pooping on that cliff??
Modern games have plenty of handholding. Like characters constantly talking about their next objective or levels being completely linear, so far as even making it impossible to fail at times.
That picture made me laugh. Haha wtf.
Apparently ALBW Hero Mode is challenging but you can only play it after you beat the original game so it's kind of pointless.
idk but i bet her penis is really cool
we're not talking about muh modern """"""""""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""". we're talking about modern ZELDA.
Zelda Hero Modes always required you to beat the game first
Thanks :)
between worlds might not've had that much of a difficulty scale, but it still had a decent sense of discovery for a modern zelda game
Link's taking a shit
how the fuck did you faggots not recognize this
nu-Sup Forums is shit
That wasn't even the worst Fi did.
>Master, let me repeat what this NPC just said
>Master, the boss key opens the biggest door
Wind Waker HD had it available from the start. No idea why they didn't keep that.
Yeah, but I guess I was sort of pointing out the fact that the standard difficulty of Zelda games should be near the Hero Mode. The NES Zeldas weren't easy. Hell, Ocarina of Time is a challenge compared to some of the recent standard Zelda difficulties.
WWHD and TPHD are exceptions.
I actually agree with you. Is just that they always did it like that, so it's not surprising
>That picture made me laugh. Haha wtf.
It is seriously that insulting. The game literally believed its players are retarded or 5 years old.
The world is going to be as empty as LoZ
>reading any of Fi's dialogue, ever
it's like you don't know how to skip. lmfao
>but it still had a decent sense of discovery for a modern zelda game
If you didn't play A Link to the Past or forgot most of its overworld, sure.
Since this is the Zelda thread I want to make a confession.
Majora's Mask 3D is gorgeous and I think it looks better than the N64 version but a ot of the gameplay changes ruin it for me and makes me consider it inferior.
for good reason, it's stupid as fuck
They completely redeemed Fi in Hyrule Warriors. If they ever make SSHD, they should let Fi be rewritten by her writer from that game.
its like the original only better
You mean "mash A"
and even then she shows up more than she should in mandatory scenes throughout the game including dungeons
don't even try the
>but if you use homebrew cheats she goes away :)
because that shit magically null the vanilla game
>Majora's Mask 3D is gorgeous and I think it looks better than the N64 version but a ot of the gameplay changes ruin it for me and makes me consider it inferior.
That seems to be the general consensus, actually..
I havent played MM3D, but I genuinely think OoT3D is the definitive version of the game. It would've been better if it was a console remake, but you can't have everything I guess.
not even him but you're an idiot.
I like the changes they made to the 3DS version. I have both the N64 cart and the collector's disc they released for the GCN but could never be bothered to play past the first dungeon in either one. The 3DS version was the first one I actually genuinely enjoyed and beat.
>They completely redeemed Fi in Hyrule Warriors.
I thought you were going to talk about how they tweaked her design to be more slender or how she actually helps out on her own, not about the dialogue. It's not like she acts different, there's just WAY less of it since there's not a bunch of unique lines.
Nope, don't mash A. hold it then press after two secs. if you mash A then you """speed up""" the text but make it return to normal pace. t. master speedrunner. but you wouldn't know a damn thing about that. bitch. fuck you.
>hurr dey redeemed tha bitch in tha muso title XD
why does it look so foggy/low contrast?
>literally speeding up the text in the scene
>therefore, not skipping shit since the full scene is still going
That you can climb that mountain.
>typed "lmfao" and "t."
>thinks he's above being meme cancer
Well, everyone looks better in HW. As for the dialogue, they turned up both her snark (makes sense since it's a much more competitive environment and you can also happen to face her as an enemy) and her display of emotions during the main storyline. That part where she goes something like: "Even though the chances for victory are slim, I don't want to lose. Is this what they call 'trust'?" is great and should've been in SS.
>is a fucking retard
>thinks he is worth anything
>unironically says "meme cancer" lmfao
Retard. Kill yourself, and head on back to
This sounded good until the shitty MIDI brass came in, holy shit.
Yeah it looks like it has a smear filter on it or something. The reveal trailer looked okay but everything since has just been bland
>fully orchestrated cover
>Logic Pro X
Look guys we made the same game again XD
shit taste, kill yourself.
i'll kill you.
Wow, great post!