I know someone who may be willing to sell their's for $150 and I'm sorely tempted to buy it since I don't see it getting cheaper anytime soon. The only games I'm really looking at on it are Hyrule Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Don't know how active online games like Splatoon and Mario Kart are at this point in its lifespan.
I have literally no interest in the Switch so I wouldn't wait for that at all.
Isaiah Robinson
MK8 and Splatoon are still fairly active, but tht might change with the Switch versions coming out soon imo
Connor Collins
buy one if you want and hack it and get every game.
Leo Adams
I don't get how to hack this
they always post outdated and complicated guides and I can't do it for shit
with the wii, i just had to check a forum and I was done in less than an hour
Juan Smith
If you have no interest in the Switch, go for it.
I love my Wii U, best line up of exclusives this gen and online is still very active.
The Wii U might have sold like shit, but games like Mario Kart 8 still shifted like 8+ million units.......and there's a fuck ton of people out there playing it.
Ryder Jenkins
Buying dead Nintendo consoles past the SNES is a good way to waste your money.
Carter Collins
i say get it. is one of the best nintendo emulators you can buy. unless you got a beast pc that can run the wii u emulator alright, i say go for it
Colton Reyes
>wanted a Wii U for the same games OP said >console still 250/300 new >don't want to buy 2nd hand
Meh. Just Hyrule Warriors alone would make me waste hours on that shit.
Nicholas Price
>can play every single 3D Zelda on the same machine >Same with Mario and Donkey Kong >Can download them from Nintendo's actual servers for free and install them on my external
The Wii U was worth it for me.
Grayson Sanders
Right now the priority of anyone that cares about games is buying a Switch also wait to see if Switch gets digital Wii U games, otherwise it's still the best for Switch release for the imminent Wii U price cut
Austin Clark
Fuck you manchildren, I thought this place was for video games, not toys, buy a PS4, it's better
Blake Peterson
I already have a PS4.
Matthew Morgan
Ahahahaha haha Nintendrones gettin BTFO Nintendo is literally for secondary uses, now get out of my board faggot, only cucks buy Nintendo
Luis Robinson
With wii u you can be done in 5 minutes. If you want you have a "persistent" hack it does take maybe a few minutes more since you gotta buy a ds game to make the hack work.
Jackson Green
Honestly it's worth it at that price just for Xenoblade X, MK8, and Splatoon. Got mine specifically for Xenoblade X for a lot more money and I don't regret it at all.
Luis Evans
You should really be buying all the WiiUs you can get your hands on. In a few years nintendo collectors will be paying fortunes for working gamepads (you can't even access system settings without one).
Ryder Watson
Splatoon is still fairly active, even without splatfests, I can't imagine that everybody would be able to/want to port over to the switch on release
Nolan James
don't fucking bother, Wii U is dead as dirt >buy one a bit into the life cycle >dead the next few months
Luke Anderson
Always buy consoles late in their lifespan. It's pointless to buy new consoles, because that's when they have no games and they're more expensive.
I think I might skip out on the NX, because Splatoon 2 probably won't have motion controls, and that's a dealbreaker for me. Only other game I'm interested in is BotW, so I'll just get the Wii U version.
Thomas Cooper
hack it and get all the games for free
it also makes for a pretty good emulation machine
Lincoln Wood
I'd wager it's active because anyone with a brain can Brazilian Load their Wii Us full of games and the online works completely fine