Is this game years ahead of this generation graphically? This is truly photorealism, I could have never imagined we would come this close so soon.
Look at pictures and post your best pictures. Only nice graphics allowed no bullshit. Console games like uncharted are welcome.
Blake White
battlefront was better
Blake Allen
Look at this, unbelivable. The most outstanding thing is, that it runs just great. I mean there are some optimization issues but its much better then all the realeases this and last year.
Don´t come with Doom now, that game looks shit.
Jackson Campbell
not graphically see On top of that, battlefield 1 gets a lot of hate but it´s actually a solid shooter. The killing and the guns etc. are very statisfying.
Chase Campbell
WTF lel I heard that game is very shitty optimized though. I run bf1 everything on ultra with 150 res scale.
Watch dogs 2 cant even hold 60 fps 1080p on a gtx 1070 appearantly.
Luis Kelly
Sniping is way too easy now.
It's ridiculous how easy it is to headshot.
I swear the hitbox for headshot is the same regardless of the range
Logan Campbell
That foliage actually bothers me quite a bit. It doesn't look very real at all.
I wouldn't say Alien:Isolation has better graphics, but considering when it dropped and how it ran on literal toasters, the visuals do impress me.
Samuel Lopez
going on...
Jacob Wood
All running on our glorious Sony Playstation 4™. Buy today just $299
Daniel Scott
That's the actual real model from single player when Trevor pulls his pants down.
I was standing on top of a truck when I took that picture and when the truck began to move the balls actually swung according to the inertia.