defend the xeno series
Defend the xeno series
Cool concepts that aren't properly or completely executed because of takahashi's evolving ambition.
i cant hear you
the ost is fucking terrible, from chronicles x at least. what the fuck were they thinking? honestly m8, where they even thinking at all?
Are the three series even related? I think I remember hearing about Saga having references to Gears.
Also, where's Xenophobe?
I can't. I played Xenogears since I was led to believe that it was a revolutionary game, but the combat was fucking piss-easy, derivative garbage, so I stopped not long after the first robot fight. The cutscenes were too long, and one of the first characters you talk to literally tries to persuade you into cucking his sister's fiance. I will never understand its appeal.
That ost was extremely hit or miss.
I did like how it stands out from regular osts and adds personality to the game.
If someone plays xcx I doubt they'd ever forget it.
>I was led to believe that it was a revolutionary game,
Sorry that your expectations are skewed, but here's a tip.
If someone tells you something is "revolutionary" always take it with a grain of salt.
He made -gears, -saga and -blade
I mean related story-wise.