Hitman thread cause why not

Complete this sentence.

>Agent 47 is _______

Other urls found in this thread:


secretly homosexual

genetically engineered autism

The main character of the popular "Hitman" video game series.

A person who kills people for monetary gain.

bald and proud


a cuter than Helmut Kruger

Using the bathroom.

in love with diana

cute! CUTE!

my husbando


the bird's dead
also, that silencer looks fucked

He loved that bird...

Mr. Worldwide!

Paris! Sapienza! Marrakesh! Bangkok! Colorado! Hokkaido!


He looked pretty sad and angry when he realized it was Diana.

on chemo

The first hitman game was SIXTEEN YEARS AGO


>hear there's a night mission for marrakesh
>boot the game up to try it
>can't play it unless I bought the bonus pack or season pass even though I own all episodes
>can't even buy the bonus pass
>only option I have would be to pay $40 for episodes 2-6 because that's the cheapest option with bonus pack available
but... why

it's shit anyway, you're not missing out

It's shite, but they're releasing a third bonus mission sometime this month. You can buy all three of them at that point.

I'm excited since I've roughly exhausted everything to do in the game so far.

Fourth, counting bonus Christmas mission.

Joke's on you, I only finished it yesterday and it was my first Hitman game.

fuck they really knew how to make ugly people back in 2000

>tfw BM is the definitive Hitman game but half of the missions are set in the worst setting ever: the southern US.

lol wtf who was in charge of the art direction the guys who made crashbox?

>it was my first Hitman game.
Why would you subject yourself to the torture of playing Codename 47, then?

I always feel compelled to play game series from the start. I've pretty high tolerance for janky old games anyway.

But it wasn't very good even on release.

>What good is a bulletproof vest... when death strikes from within?

Codename 47 would make a really cool movie.

Who cares it was good enough for the guy to finish it. Just because Sup Forums names a certain title in a series the black sheep not worth playing doesn't mean you need to interrogate everyone who does.


Even though this CGI artstyle is ugly i alwaays liked the rough around the edges look it had, Especially "The Setup"

Maybe, but it wasn't particularly long either so it's no big deal, I beat it in a couple of days. Colombia and the finale were obvious low points but aside from that I didn't hate it.

I love how braindead they all look, we've come a long way

Well they're supposed to, Dr. Ortmeyer decided loyalty was more important than intelligence.

>that conversation between doctors in hokkaido where they talk about how it says 47 is almost 40 years old but he's healthier than a 20 year old and how he might be genetically engineered


a clone

It was actually fairly impressive graphically considering the time of its release. Individual fingers, actual facial expressions and tie physics weren't a given back then.

Helmu- Wait, you're not Helmut Kruger!

I liked reading his records that were lying around too. There was one in his room and one somewhere else, I forgot where. It might be where the stem cells are.

I meant the overall design, the strong bulky neanderthal forehead and the stronk but dum expression

can creamapi get me banned from steam?

Crack when?

already "cracked" via creamapi

It makes me wonder why only in C47 they tried to show numbers of the barcode.

I mean, I know they couldn't use 2k textures back then, but can't they make a separate texture for barcode and put it on model even now?
That's how MGS2 and other Japanese games looked so impressive for the time on PS2.

Fucking a WHITE MALE and likely a misogynistic racist

>buy absolution at launch
>be insulted by how braindead the game is
>some cool parts are ruined by escape sequences that make no sense whatsoever

>buy the new hitman on sale thinking i'll just refund it after one hour if it sucks
>it's literally blood money but with nicer graphics

they fucking got it right, i don't even care about dlc bullshit at this point, i love the fact i spent 2 hours on a mission trying different routes and looking for all kinds of cool stuff around the maps

marrakesh mission was a little boring though

It's in the intensive therapy room and that's where it says 47 might be genetically perfect or something like that.

>yfw Helmut is an Ortmeyer clone who got separated from the rest and decided to become a supermodel

Oh, sure. There's a certain charm to it too though.

If 47 is the perfect assassin why is he so bad at Dance Dance Revolution?


I love how he's incredible at everything he does and instantly knows how to play the drums and probably has a million and one different skills, but he can't dance to save his life

>Helmut becomes a villain or works for that one

He's perfectly imitating a worthless worker, he unleashes his true power if you play the game as a ninja.

You mean in the clinic itself, that one room with three doctors with the female one leaving for the toilet every so often? Most patient files are there, including 47's one.

[captcha had a Bosco signpoint somehow?]

Oh shit, I'm gonna try this.

Actually he has dna from people all over the world.

Whiteness is the true form of humanity.

He can though.


But he can.

Is that true? It sounds like bullshit, but after IOI hiring a separate actor just to voice the AI ball in a hidden Portal 2 easter egg I wouldn't be surprised.


Wait, the AI ball isn't the same voice as the Jason Portman "wannabe Helmut Kruger" guy anymore?

Don't forget how he apparently can make perfect-tasting fugu rolls as well. Still, that's when purposefully poisoning people, but still, a pretty neat skill that is.


Is it? It sounds like a different guy


Holy shit

You have got to be shitting me.

One neat detail in the World of Tomorrow/Sapienza mission, is that you can not only emnetically poison Caruso with the expired Spaghetti Sauce, he even has special lines complimenting the chef on finally getting the Spaghetti Sauce perfectly right for once.

>Barcodeman_47 as the new top score

I love the fact that his precious mother's special spaghetti was just expired canned shit from the store

Hitman is the only semi-niche franchise I know of where even diehard fans can't find anything good to say about the first game in the series, which says to me that Codename 47 must be shockingly bad.

It was very good for its time, it's just that they didn't settle on the iconic game design until the second game. Too much of it is regular old corridor shooting.



I want a Curtains Down remake on TM engine or at least another theater level. The whole Tosca setup is pure genius built on several levels of irony the main character is supposed to be executed except the execution was arranged to be fake and he knows about it except he actually gets shot and dies AND it's mirrored in the context of the level itself and I have always felt pretty bummed it was wasted on an """open rehearsal""" due to technical limitations.

>there are people who think this wasn't the GOTY 2016


Especially considering that before release they basically hyped up the level as having a full crowded audience as a way to demonstrate their new crowd system. I genuinely felt cheated starting the level for the first time.

Because Codename 47 felt like IO Interactive was trying many different things at once and then sees what stuck afterwards. People fucking despised the Colombia and Rotterdam missions, but agreed almost unanimously that Traditions Of The Trade was the best level out of that game by far, and that it should set the bar for the rest of the series in terms of how to make a good Hitman mission/map.





>It was very good for its time
No, no it wasn't. It has plenty of stupid design decisions like no mid-mission saves yet infinite respawns, jungle and Rotterdam levels are plain bad, UI is unintuitive as hell, AI doesn't fit the purpose of the game and standard controls are weird even by 2000's standards: I mean, they're even using numpad as default setup, - just to name a few. It was a great proof of concept but not that good of a game.

I'm so glad fan outrage managed to save Bateson's role 47's VA, if they dropped him in Absolution like they planned they may not have brought him back for this one.

I wouldn't go that far, it's just a very obvious prototype and they hadn't really settled on what they wanted to do with the series especially since there weren't many other games like it. There just isn't much of a reason to go back to it since the later games have by all accounts done everything better, especially by now.

Stealth game VAs tend to get shafted for some odd reason.
Michael Ironside for Sam Fisher, Stephen Russell for Garrett, David Hayter for Snake.

>there weren't many other games like it.
There weren't any games like it. I think Castle Wolfenstein had a disguise mechanic, though, but still.

$$$, that's why, all of those characters had iconic, very recognisable voices and the actors could demand an appropriate salary for it considering those were AAA games in their prime.

Every now and then I get an urge to actually try out Absolution since we actually have a proper Hitman game now but then I remember the stupid story and almost everything surrounding the game and I get instantly discouraged. Hell, even the game's tagline was "The Original Assassin". Just what the fuck was Squeenix thinking?

They developed it when COD was at its zenith, Sqeenix probably figured that kids these days don't want open-ended stealth games,

In case of Ironside, apparently he didn't like they direction they went with, so he declined.

Also there's similarity with DLC in stealth games. Blacklist got Chaos Theory DLC, MGSV got Snake Eater DLC, Hitman has Blood Money DLC. All from fan favourite titles.

Looking at what other ideas they had for Absolution, I am almost glad that they didn't went for some ideas they had at first. They wanted to make it Max Payne 3 with some stealth elements first instead of anything resembling Hitman.

>we made assassinations before Assassin's Creed, look original

>that level with the fucking killer "sex-appeal" nuns

In their defense, they probably looked at the positive reception of the killer strippers in Blood Money and developed it further.