>here's your controller bro
Here's your controller bro
>imperfect sensor
no thanks
"T-thats a mouse"
>spiders in a water level
why is ther a spider
its ****ing a spider retard
The mouse is fucking a spider?
straight into the bin you go
Oh no mr spider noooooooo
Why did they have to encase you in acrylic like they did to Lenin
>here's your controller bro
The mouse fucked the spider to get to the fly, why oh why did she swallow a fly? Perhaps she'll die.
I bet that has a shit sensor and angle snapping or some homo shit, I'll just use my g400 that I brought THAAAAAAAAAAANKS
sit and browsan as usual, look down for a sec, spider is missing from the shell of the mouse. Don't know where it is, how, why, panic sets in. nope nopenope!
Too late! It has already laid eggs in your brain.
everything else is child's play
>literally one person itt knows how this game works
>mice and spiders inbreeding
>soon you will have rat tarantulas living in the walls of your house
Yo, thanks dude.
poor spider
>not wanting a spider that fills the entire mouse
Where do I get this?
I never get Sup Forumss spider phobia, they are cute and almost harmless to humans unless humans fuck up.
maybe undertale turned them off even harder
I killed a tarantula with a broom handle last year. Felt good. He raised up his little feelers to fight like he had a chance. He died like a bitch.
>power glove invented A half presses
it's so bad
it's not a Sup Forums thing, pretty sure its hard coded into our dna to be fearful of anything that resembles that design. Snakes/spiders/etc things that may contain poisons or dangers despite size.
I guess if you want that nobody ever touch your stuff you have this
delet this thread
defanged tarantulas can be alright
The fuck happened to the tail of that poor scorpie
Spiders a cute
user! your friend came over, he wants to play!
I don't get it either, I don't live in some spic shithole so I don't have tarantulas crawling through my windows every night, and I don't see the problem with non-poisonous spiders.
Snakes, on the other hand...
delet this
rip ROB threads
Spiders are the best,
You must live in a white trash haven if you bitch out at snakes.
I have a $25 Amazon gift card. Give me one good reason not to buy one of these.
You can't.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
dude fucking spoiler that shit
I have crab phobia
buy yourself a big dildo and shove it up your ass
Buy a live one.
Spiderlings and juveniles are dirt cheap, depending on species. Any Brachypelma species except for a red knee will go for 5 bucks
>fear of heights
>you die when you fall
>fear of spiders
>some carry lethal venom
>fear of mice
>carry deadly diseases
I really wonder what god meant by this
If you want a preserved spider or scorpion or whatever I am sure they sell them in better containers than a fucking mouse.
>fear of spiders
>some carry lethal venom
out of the 45,000 species of spider, only 45 can be dangerous to humans, excepting allergic people who dies from anything.
IN other words, unless you're allergic or from Australia, one out of ten thousand spiders you meet would ever be able to harm you.
Hey i remember that poem!
wow its not like we lived how many years on this earth already
maybe just maybe most spiders were deadly back then
Pretty sure none of the dangerous spiders are tarantulas either.
We just tend to fear anything that can hurt us, even if non-lethally. Think of wasps and how many animals fear them
i want to buy EDF, can you gib code pls?
>being the dumbass human that lacks a fear response to spiders and gets bit, dies, and is unable to pass on their shit genes
almost 900 species of tarantula and only the ornamentals (Poeciliatheria) can even remotely harm you. The worst you get out of them is some dizziness and sweat.
Anything else is no worse than a bee sting
When I meet that 10,000th spider and it bites me, I'll call you and give you explicit permission to shoot raspberries at me on my deathbed.
Until then, suck my nuts.
A few thousand
I guess TV and media always shows spiders as venomous assholes so people are careful if wether or not the spider is danger
>Hear a crashing sound in my house
>Check my room
>Spider mouse is cracked open
>The spider is missing
>The power goes out in my house
>door slams shut and hear it lock
>Close my eyes and pray that it will be over soon
>go to the kitchen to grab a bite
>come back
>the spider is gone
Your freaking retarded bro
try this on for size
Now you're playing with power... now you're playing with FUCKING SHIT!
Poisonous spider have a kingdom where were I live and they run fast as fuck literally teleport behind you shit, open a videgame and a spider attack, go take a shit but not for too long or a psieer will attack, once I was sleeping and having nightmares about a spider in my bed obly to rralize there was a spider walking on my arm thinking about buying and iguana and let it free on the house but I dunno if they eat poisonous spiderrs, maybe a shotgun
nigger I used to live in LA and have come across multiple black widows and brown recluse spiders. nature hardly fucking exists in that shithole, and those things arent uncommon. I really doubt they're rare elsewhere
It's so bad.
No really, It's godawful.
Snakes are chill as hell man. They make awesome pets.
Well, we've got those in FL too.
Guess I'm not a fraidycat. Don't need to piss my pants in fear to know when a spider is dangerous and take care of it.
Leave the widows alone and let them take care of the mosquitos.
Kill the recluses though.
All spiders are venomous, save for a vegetarian jumpingspider in Costa Rica.
Only one in ten thousand are dangerous, though.
that's the furthest possible thing from inbreeding
More spoopy spiders?
moar spiders
my bad, i didnt realize you were familiar with every breed of spider, and could instantaneously assess their danger to you. I was also unaware you were tapped into a collective subconscious shared between humans and spiders that allowed you to sense a potentially life-threatening spider that you otherwise wouldn't have noticed with your innate human senses
>no air holes so it can breathe or feed it
Congrats, that spider will be dead by the time the mouse gets delivered to your house
What does "prog" do?
In b4
>it progs
This post is so fucking retarded I'm not sure if you're the retard or if it went around and now I'm the retarded one
>Trapping helpless, tiny animals in your gaming accessories
What the fuck? That's kind of sick.
we all are
>my bad, i didnt realize you were familiar with every breed of spider, and could instantaneously assess their danger to you.
Well, I do know most species around my area, including the dangerous ones.
No need to be so snippy user. It's as easy as a trip to the library or perhaps even Google.
Did you know spiders limbs are controlled by a hydraulic system ? Fluid pressure pushes Thier legs out , which is why all spiders curl up when they die , pressure is lost . It also explains why their movement creeps people out, they are like little machines
>pass me the controller, bro!
>When it's the middle of summer and you got a half chub
I'm sorry but the power glove will never not be badass as fuck.
Spiders are also really inefficient breathers. Pretty much all of them are like that poor kid in PE who had asthma.
you two are either stupid, have autism, or are underage
Bugs don't feel pain and don't know fear as a concept. They're unable to.
Because of human emotion, we rationalize what a bug might think or feel in a situation, but we still squash and grind them up when we find them running amok in our homes. The truth is that bugs run only on instinct, they only flee and know to escape danger because it's their biological programming.
>when u posting niggermemes from social media on Sup Forums [onehundred]