Has any game developer had a harder life than American McGee?

Has any game developer had a harder life than American McGee?

>American James McGee was born to an eccentric mother who was a house painter. He met his biological father only once, at his 13th birthday party. In explaining where his name came from, American has said that his mother was a hippie and was inspired by a woman she knew in college that named her child "America".

>McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman. One day when American was sixteen, he came home from school only to find the house empty and abandoned. The only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex change operation, leaving him on his own. He packed up his computer, dropped out of high school and took a variety of odd jobs, finally settling on a Volkswagen repair shop

>In 2013 he opened a Kickstarter for a new game, American McGee's OZombie, however due to slow/lackluster funding the project was cancelled.

>He also mentions that his inspiration for the macabre tone of Alice comes from his disturbing, dysfunctional childhood. For instance, on McGee's 13th birthday, his father, whom he had just met for the first time, was "stinking drunk" and assaulted the young McGee by attempting to gouge his eyes out with the intent of either killing or molesting him. McGee escaped this event by suggesting they "take both of their cars" to a bar and get drunk. Luckily, the father agreed. Shortly afterwards his father was involved in a car accident. "They got no more than 100 feet away when American's dad crashed into a telephone pole."


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lmgtfy.com/?q=American Mcgee's Sister

His shitty life doesn't change my stance on Bad Day LA

Which would be? I've never played it

Not him but afair the gameplay was meh. Still a decent game though.

and his sister has been missing for more than a year now.

That's still going on? She's probably dead at this point no?

At least he's had a life.

Is he still busy exploiting cheap chink labour to produce shit games?

I still play his Alice game from time to time.
He deserves a better life.

>Those familiar with the GG threads may remember the curious tale of one Mercy Covington, the sister of American McGee who went missing after being McGee was threatened by Anti-GGers. There was a lot of discussion over it, including the fact that Covington had been in and out of trouble with the law and the bizarre response by the Dallas PD, who seems to have stopped giving a shit because of surprisingly-not-GG-related sperging on the part of its chief of police, and only deigned to investigate after the internet as a whole shamed them into action.

>She's still missing, and the Private Investigator hired by McGee yielded the fact that the trail led to a hotel room she and her boyfriend were allegedly staying at, where investigators found a copious amount of blood.

>She is most likely dead, and there is no real closure on this subject.

>It's curious indeed that with a gaming press that will sperg for pages about a female developer's harassment and constant discussion of "issues," how something like this went completely unreported in the mainstream press. But here we are.

At least he worked on Doom, right?


who cares about some woman.

police are doing the right thing not wasting resources, I say

Poetry something something ashes of the fires of our emotions something something

>Still a decent game
There was nothing decent about it, i don't remember even enjoying it to be honest.

/r9k/ is leaking, huh?

Well that's fucked up

>got engaged last week
>literally one day later has JUST hair

Don't do it brehs

>Transgender woman
Does that mean a dude acting like a woman, or a woman acting like a dude?

dang post pics of his girl pls

what the fuck?

t. cuck

She looks pretty cute

No no you got it all wrong, he is a man who was assigned the female gender at birth.

Different people, different tastes.

I've enjoyed it.

Looks like literally any other Chinese girl

nice sob story

he can't be any worse than all the todds and that crazy chinkman, but any game that promotes itself with the name of some dev is shit anyway

>hurr guys if you pledge $1billion more we will have fuck fuckington create a generic character in the generic game


thank mrs skeltal

>his sister is still missing
Sad world.

Harvey Smith's mom OD'ed in front of him when he was 6. I forget if his dad killed himself too or died in an industrial accident.

You have to admit, no one would play an Alice gake if it didn't have that AMERICAN MCGEE slapped on it

>single mothers

>Alice: Madness Returns

Didn't even know who that guy was. EU PS2 cover just looked fucking great,

I knew about the sister thing, but not his childhood.
Good lord. Handome guy, though.

>One day when American was sixteen, he came home from school only to find the house empty and abandoned. The only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's sex change operation, leaving him on his own.

Jesus, his mother was a super cunt.

AN AMERICAN MCGEE GAME slapped right on the bottom makes your argument invalid
I forgot I owned this

You got a point there. Always made me wonder what an American mcgee is and if it has anything to do with the game. Nice marketing move in that sense.

Still don't like devs that are more known for their name rather than their games.

Scratch that. There was no PS2 version, Must have been PC then.

I've always found really cringy the whole " *dev*'s 'game title' " meme actually.

I feel bad for the guy. Alice is a fantastic game.

>all those anti-GG cunts that spammed his Facebook messages with shit like "I hope she's dead." "She deserves it." and "This is what you get for being pro-GG."
>some even claimed that they were the ones responsible for her disappearance
>some posted her home address, phone number, and the school her kids went to online
>McGee still held his head high and kept it together
>his company goes bankrupt
>he still wants to make his dream Alice game

I feel so fucking bad for him.

>his mother was a super cunt
Yes, his mother was a woman.

If only he found a better publisher.

I assume it's a IP rights thing.

>all those anti-GG cunts that spammed his Facebook messages with shit like "I hope she's dead." "She deserves it." and "This is what you get for being pro-GG."
>some even claimed that they were the ones responsible for her disappearance
>some posted her home address, phone number, and the school her kids went to online

And all of anti-GG predicated on the "harassment of women" being wrong and terrible. Fuck me what awful people.

>all those anti-GG cunts that spammed his Facebook messages with shit like "I hope she's dead." "She deserves it." and "This is what you get for being pro-GG."
>some even claimed that they were the ones responsible for her disappearance
>some posted her home address, phone number, and the school her kids went to online

Jesus, the internet was a mistake.

That's part of the problem.

Well, it looks like a good thing finally happened to him. At least until She eventually divorces him and takes all his money.

I'm HUGE fan of first Alice, but honestly its his only good game. Literally one-hit-wonder.

I would also add to this
>Finally gets a chance to make sequel to Alice
>EA JUSTs it up the ass so much all the potential got lost

>Jesus, his mother was a super cunt.

Having personally grown up with a flakey as fuck bipolar eccentric mother cutting ties as early as possible is literally the best thing you can do.

She honestly did him a huge favour, he got an accelerated introduction into manhood, learned the value of independence and with all the bullshit of learning to fend for yourself sorted at 16....the world is yours.


>Someone asked him a few months ago why he hasn't posted anything about his sister and any updates
>his response was there are no updates and the police assume she is dead at this point.

I just want him to catch a break

She's a
>le based asian girl
She would never do something like that!

ITT fags

He's got a point there. Asian girls are all about the family unit. He could beat her every day and night and she'd still stay with him. and hide it from her family

t. roast

>his tweets get a grand total of 6 likes and MAYBE 1 retweet, if he's lucky

Don't worry, American. I'll like all your tweets.

That makes sense. It still just baffles me what kind of selfish cunt can just pack up everything they own and leave their own child homeless with no fucking money without warning. And not because of an emergency or anything, just because your weirdo lover needs gender reassignment.

>Asian girls are all about the family unit.
>he actually believes it

t. beef

The real tragedy is the name his parents gave him. I wonder what nickname he prefers to go by?

>He makes all the money
>still losses the kids
That's not how divorce works.

I imagine it'd just be "McGee." That's the one I'd use anyway.


Vietnamese or Thai ones perhaps. But not Chinks. They are literally Russians-tier.

I bet he's bullied a lot in school.

>Checking into Asian Hotel

>May I have name sir


>Sorry sir, first name?


t. sandwich

> pretend to be abused in front of the kids for half a year
> always cry in front of them and ask them for help
> wear down the husband with bullshit, so he actually becomes mean
> file for the divorce
> kids are on your side, because they don't know the whole story
> father loses half his money and child custody


True, he has a kind of Jude Law look going on

>McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a transgender woman
Western """""""""""""""""""""civilization"""""""""""""""""""""

It's not a west thing, it's a woman thing.
The only thing west contributes here is giving women freedom.

>>>all those anti-GG cunts that spammed his Facebook messages with shit like "I hope she's dead." "She deserves it." and "This is what you get for being pro-GG."
It was banter you fucking numale

that sucks man the guy has some hard luck

i hope his life is brighter in the future :(


No, it's when you give woman freedom to do as they please. Shit wasn't like that before.

>I'm HUGE fan of first Alice, but honestly its his only good game.
You do realize he worked on Doom 1 and 2 and Quake 1 and 2 as map designer?

Chris Seavor is another old school god tier dev that is lucky to crack double digits on shit like that.

I don't get how awesome devs with decades of experience sharing their wisdom and insight into games their currently developing gets zero interest but people sperging out on youtube playing the 10435345345th Five Nights game gets millions of views.

We need to reset the internet and purge an entire generation.

Fuck i'm old.

You have no idea what "banter" is, do you?

>it's not a western thing
Can't see a lot of middle easterners marrying with transgenders tbqh.

What the fuck, are there screenshots of this shit?
I thought the first Alice game was his dream alice game.

>middle easterners
That's because they're still stuck at the "women can't do this and this and this and this" phase.

read his post again and think about how it applies to what you said

No seriously. No matter how you try to spin this "poor men" narrative, divorce doesn't work like that in the real world. hell in some states being adulterous can throw alimony out of the window or seriously reduce it. and if the father can objectively take better care of the kids than the mother than he would easily win in divorce court. that's why divorce court exists.

> pretend to be abused in front of the kids for half a year
That's not how it works. domestic violence is a serious issue, you need proof when accusing someone of it. From personal experience it's such a process that women who actually are abused don't even go all the way the through with it. also you can't just "pretend in front of the kids" how would that even work? "I've never seen daddy abuse mom but she tells me what he does" do you think that'll hold up in a court case with a competent lawyer on the husbands end?
>file for the divorce
fault based divorce, if it's discovered that she's an adulterer or that she's lying guess what happens to the alimony? She'd be better off just divorcing him "because the love ran out" than this bullshit about fake abuse. Also if the kids are on her side she's the objectively better parent.

Alice games weren't very good

Not to mention Steve Grand aka the dude who made thinking creatures in video games. Look forward to where Grandroids goes.

Just google something like "anti-GG harrasses American McGee"

Some people actually wrote articles about it, and you can actually dig up more fucked up shit that was happening at the time.

Yes only first one was good.

>implying it isn't false flagging GG'ers

Sure bud.

>we dindu nuffin

lmgtfy.com/?q=American Mcgee's Sister

>this tumblrina doing damage control
Absolutely disgusting

You've never seen a divorce go down in court.

The point is that while women are gaining ground constantly in the workforce, men are still treated as primary breadwinners in divorce court.

When my folks split my dad had to pay alimony even though my mom made more money than he did, and she kept my littler brother, so got child support as well.

Divorce court is great!

>can throw alimony out of the window or seriously reduce it
I'm honestly dumbfounded by the fact alimony even exists in your country

Actually, they do it quite often.
In muslim countries, homosexuality is treated like a mental illness and a sin. But some of them allow post-op transsexuals to count as women, so it stops being gay and becomes halal.

Religion - not even once

At least she won't take his Wii-U, as he isn't Anthony Birch.

every fucked up family story I've heard about is from asians. Parents who disown kids, children who run away because of oppressive home environments, etc.

turkey doesnt count you cuck