Kiefer Sutherland destroyed his Venom Snake action figure with booze and flames

>Before the toy was mass-produced, Hideo Kojima sent it to Sutherland for approval, and he decided to take his mini-me out on the town.

>“[A friend and I] went to a bar, and we got a little drunk, and we took pictures of Big Boss — the little Big Boss doll — drinking and stuff like that,” Sutherland says. “We got a little lit . . . and then we decided to light him on fire.”

>The two burned the figure until it had melted into a puddle in the parking lot. The next day, however, Sutherland got a call from Kojima to return the doll.

>“He said, ‘Yeah, no, it’s a prototype. We need it back. It took them eight months to do it.’ ”

>It was another year before the figure hit store shelves.

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>Sup Forums celebrity gossip

Have a (you)

Now fuck off cunt


What a fucking pathetic retard he is.

Nice source

Fake and gay they would never send it to Kiefer for approval because he doesn't care

What a has been. Wonder what its like to be an unwanted ex hollywood """star"""


Also, I wonder what's worse, setting it on fire or jerking off onto it until it's in no fit condition to return?

Kiefer was too serious and boring to play Snake.

>Google Kiefer sutherland big boss destroyed action figure
>No results

Welp. Nice thread op. Reminder to sage and not bump this dumb shit you retards


none of this text exists anywhere else on the internet but this thread

Hey Dante you wanna close the store to play roof hockey?

David Hayter would never do this.

Neither would Sutherland.

Hayter would have been a terrible Venon Snake. I can't picture Hayter saying half the dialogue of Phantom Pain without looking like an idiot.

Hayter had the passion. Sutherland was just your run of the mill Hollywood drone.

get this (You)
and also this 6

Hayter is just a drone without the talent.

He gave it a light and it took the short way down

Punished Kiefer, An Actor Without His Doll

I can't hear Kiefer saying half the dialog either

This actually happened, but it was a Jack Bauer figure. This story is mad old.

I need to get off this website.

>eight months to do it

What is this? 1890?

>and then we decided to light him on fire

>BB dying in flames

Nice try guy

The absolute MADMAN

There are like ten different Jack Bauer action figures.

I own two of them


and that's why Keef isn't in death stranding

>we took pictures of Big Boss — the little Big Boss doll
>not Bad Boss
missed opportunity

He did destroy his own action figure but not a Big Boss one

I'm glad the real voice of Snake was absent from the pile of rancid shit that was MGSV

MGSV was good though.

Stop shitposting, David