What are some video games that feature highy quality feet models and textures?

What are some video games that feature highy quality feet models and textures?

Those thighs and hips are meant hold on.

Ram has decent feet in Guilty Gear

Modded Skyrim

footfag plz leave

Would you let your girlfriend wear toerings ?

I would force her to.

I'd paint her toes as well.

If she's were as cute as Rin I don't care what she wears indoors.

Honey Select

really activates my penile almonds

I would let her do whatever she wants, it is easy to do that when she doesn't exist.

We need more high quality barefoot options in vidya, that's for sure

I agree with this statement.
There's a lack of feet in vidya, and I imagine fixing this would cause more people to play them.

I'm only here for the pictures that will be posted

Who here gets turned out by the sound of bare feet running on hard ground?
Hearing that shit in vidya gets me diamonds

>bare feet slapping on tile


Me too, but people are way too lazy to post them.

What did naturalton mean by this?


It may be just me, but I think he has a foot fetish

this guy is the fucking best

What makes you think that?

I don't know, there's something about his drawings

why are feet so sexy anons? i don't know what it is, I just love them

2D feet are pure and beautiful

3D feet are disgusting


Please leave my board and never come back

PLEASE delet footfags ty

I think we need more conclusive evidence.


What video games have footwear like these?

I never asked for this

Lucky for us, there's plenty of evidence



>tfw considering buying Fate Extella as my first fate game

is this a good idea? are there bare feet?


Needs more trap feet

When I don't like a thread I scroll past it, instead of whining like a fucking child.


>Needs more trap feet
>Wanting more trap shit

Someone call an exorcist to exorcise that slut out of my waifu please.

Tohsaka Rin was always a cheap whore

I wonder how real feet feel like

i am not a footfag but i think you guys have a refined fetish

High quality scans never

are you an amputee?

I never played this game, but baring your feet in front of everyone like that is pretty lewd

thanks user, glad you approve. maybe one day you'll end up joining us

A man with disgusting men feet. I use socks all the time because the look of them disgusts me.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here enjoying the quality art, but i still don't understand feet fags for a single bit

just take care of them and lather them in oil and give yourself a footjob

I used to fight jiu jitsu and muay thai so my feet are shaped like bricks. I can probably step on a nail and break it in half.

I like toerings, even if it is just designating jewelry to be a reservoir of toejam and feminine foot funk.



>mfw this thread

No one gave a shit about this boring character until she took her shoes off

didn't notice the dick

you cannot prove that is a man's penis

>that is a man's penis
That doesn't matter one fucking bit, and you know it user.

>No one cared who I was until I took off the shoes

mgs 5

she was just eating a sausage

Tekken, Uncharted

>Tfw you can feed of the foot fetish pictures as a leg fetishist

fuck off faggot


If I pull those socks off will you giggle?

I believe the image of a woman's foot is MUCH better when the legs are properly depicted, so you're not wrong in that.

Only reason I'm in these feet threads is because the legs look nice too

>It would be extremely hot

f-for you...

Why are feet threads so nice on Sup Forums? Is this the one thing we like and have good taste in?

I think in general the bottom half of the woman body is hot

desu us footfags and legfags gotta stick together

I don't know, it's always the anti footfags who sperg out desu, despite what they insist

When I was a bit younger bought my crush a cheap toering, I had no idea it was a toering though or that they even exist, I just thought it looked neat for the price and bought it.
She just wore it on her finger, looked good enough. I wish she tried it on as a toe ring and posted a pic but she probably knew footfags exist and I unintentionally came out as one. Fuck.

Come on guys at least keep it on topic

This artist sure loves feet.

Fuck you Japan for giving me this god damn fetish

Any feet pictures of Tamamo?



But Rin the whore is from videogames, so it counts. Did I mention that she pleases old men for money? Because she does.

This. My dick still hurts from last time.

>ywn be a cute girl wearing sandals in summer and act like you don't notice the staring nerds


What is that sock looking thing on her right-leg called? Asking for a friend.

It's most likely called a stocking

Fire Emblem Awakening

It would be real fucking nice if once, just once, this kind of thread sticks to posting VIDYA feet.

Seriously faggets, you've got not excuses as there is plenty of material.

If only SK would improve their in-game models

that artist is shit

pls yes

Dark Souls, Priscilla specifically.


Is Naturalton the GOAT?

Thank god I'm not the only one


How come deleted posts don't get archived anymore?