Does anybody actually plan on using this gimmicky neckbeard bullshit?

Does anybody actually plan on using this gimmicky neckbeard bullshit?

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Parents with kids will.

Yes, why not?

It's for when you want to be that weird kid in school

Not for adults

>product for kids
>kids will play it
i don't see a problem. kids have their nintendo, I have my xbox :v

Parents are lazy these days with their kids' gaming, thinking they can just give them some free to play apps on their phone and not bother with buying dedicated game systems.

It's disgusting. It's like all the casuals I grew up with ruined my hobby by imparting their casualness on their children instead of pushing them into other hobbies like karate or soccer.

>I have my EcksBawwcks

Kids don't like Nintendo because Nintendo is for kids.

Some kids still like Nintendo, but the majority of people that like Nintendo are probably in the 20s or older.

More kids want playstations and xboxes anymore.

Imagine being in a cafe or in a diner having a nice coffee and reading a book, then suddenly a group of autistic high schoolers wearing Naruto headbands and Kingdom Hearts shirts instantly come and ruin the chill vibe.

>*coin noise*
>*ruppee noise*

too bad people aren't having kids anymore then

Parents with kids will give them a smartphone with some shitty games, instead.

which is sad

I would assume you are among them, son.

If it is compatible with 3DS games and has a barely decent battery life, I would. Otherwise, no. There would be zero incentive to use it as a portable.

This, kids are the most edgy audience

>things that never happened and never will


parents buy their kids tablets so they can play shitty free mobile garbage

just need more immigration to bolster the slowing birth rates

Sure. Nintendo's console has been the only one worth owning for the past two generations. It's easy to guess the same will be true with the Switch.

God damn those Joycons look uncomfortable to use. They should have at least used people with baby hands in the pic so it doesn't look so jarring.

I'm also curious how games are supposed to translate to them. I can't think of a single current AAA game that would be playable on one.


I don't know if it's bait, if it's a idiot, or if it's a genius



>local multiplayer
nu-Sup Forums was a mistake

They didnt want to use kids in the ad, but thats likely who will be able to use the things without feeling terrible.

a good chunk of Nintendo games could be played like that.

no they won't they will get their kid a cheap $50 ds or tablet since kids break shit

Stop shilling your new tablet, raggie, fuck off

>I only play mature games for mature gaymers, like myself!

>a good chunk of Nintendo games could be played like that

I know, but I'm more concerned with third party devs. The Joycons are looking like the gimmick that scares them away this time, since I can't think of a single game from one in the last few years that doesn't at least require a second analogue stick.

They have 5 buttons, 2 sholder buttons and a analog stick. They also work as motion controls, going by the patents.
Most 3DS games could be played on it easely enough

>I know, but I'm more concerned with third party devs
For the most part they're not gonna come, best not be concerned with them.
Dont think they will be forced to use the joycons as such anyway.

Why is that scenario so impossible to believe? Did you ever leave your house at the height of the Pokémon Go craze? Annoying ass kids were running around everywhere

holy shit kill youself spic.

>I only play childish games for manchildern gamers like myself

I can do that too faggot

You could at least update your shitposts to something more current, considering DmC was three years ago.

Of course not, lol. It's just typical out of touch Nintendo not realizing that 90% of their customers are fat neckbeards who don't leave the house.
Are you serious? A parent will hand a child their smartphone with a game already loaded up.

Maybe parents don't want buy a $250 paperweight with 2 good games on it for their kids.

And they'll instantly regret it when one of their kids loses one of the fucking tiny controllers that will prob cost like $70 to replace

the switch is being marketed towards teens/young adults because Nintendo knows that it's a one-way ticket to a parenting nightmare

Sounds like they were having fun. How did you even continue on with your life you poor soul?

What's with all the Switch hate threads today, it's becoming really obvious that their made in a retarded attemp to shit on the direct.

I'm neither a fatass neckbeard permavirgin hot pocket stained still at his parents' basment dwelling autist nor am I 6 years anymore.

So no, I'm not going to buy a Switch-it-off.
Only clueless or retarded parents still buy their shitty kids Nintendo stuff or a certain kind of especially pathetic loser.
Normal parents buy their children tablets and smartphones. Intelligent parents buy their kids books and music instruments and board games.

This post will trigger a lot of those special kind of losers, so I look forward to all those (You)s.

>Neckbeard autist trying to convince Sup Forums that playing with your friend(s) is for neckbeards

This place never gets old. Don't forget to sage shitposts


I'm buying a Switch, but to be honest it'll mostly stay docked for me. I don't really plan on using the joy con halfsies for multiplayer

>implying the Direct won't get 2 stickies and endless praise anyway

Nintendo could announce Mario's Tax Return Filing Simulator as a Switch launch title and Sup Forums would call Nintendo "based" for it

Nintentoddlers have been aggressively $hilling this turd tablet every day since its rumors came out.
All the people on this board who are not unconditional Nintendicksuckers have had enough of this faggotry.
There is only so much faggotry you can stomach until you start fighting back.
Nintendownsyndromes being a special kind of autists who lack social awareness overstepped that line.

I'll be getting a car around the same time as Switch so I'll probably have the car sleeve installed, but only if Nintendo includes a media player so I can watch cartoons while sitting in traffic cause thats what people with cars do right?

I don't see why the joycons would scare devs. Two together have all the buttons an Xbox or PlayStation controller would have. Only using one joycon is for local multiplayer, and I'm sure you could technically still use one joycon in a game that requires two sticks, you just wouldn't have access to the second stick/triggers.

You are in for a surprise.
Once this turd tablet gets its final specs, price and launch games announced this place will rip Neoshitendo such a big one that the Nintendicksucker mods and most of Nintendrones on this board will collectively kill themselves over the mockery.
And no amount of bans or MUH NINTENDO stickies will make this go away. This will last for years.

>4h battery life when not docket for indie shit and low budget Neoshitendo trash like Animal Crossing Amiiboo Festival
>2h battery life for low budget "AAA" Neoshitendo rehashit like Breath of the Wild
>power supply sold seperately for $29.99

Please do

hilarious keep it up

Nice rebuttal

>Portable console with two controllers ready to go
Definitely. I love local multiplayer and this is a godsend compared to Wiimotes, nunchucks, Xbox 360 Charger packs, Elite Controllers and all that other fucking absolute garbage.

I mean Im sure some games will require different controllers, but Im banking on a few classics to just need the tiny ones.

Was I supposed to dignify your retarded shitposting with a serious response?

>Mario's Tax Return Filing Simulator
Wario is too op. Fucker gets deductibles on everything and earned income credit on four Toad spores he's "raising".

>I don't agree with this post
>it's shitpost haha
Every time.

why are you so furious about a console you don't plan to buy

meh, trying too hard

Pii U! Epic meme!

But kids don't like to share. With the 3ds most kids had their own instead of one for the whole family so I don't know how that is going to work.

My backseat is gonna be the place to be for me and my friends when this comes out. Local multiplayer is gonna be great. Watching whoever is in my car play smash or mario kart will be amazing.

Parents aren't going to pay for a $400 *bing bing* *wahoooo* machine when they can give each kid a tablet with mobile games, or a smartphone by spending way less.

Just Nintendo.

Videogames are a personal investment. Making them into a pissing contest or a measure of maturity shows who truly hasn't grown out of middle school.

Don't worry, I'll pray for you.