What else would you add?
What else would you add?
Fe10 isn't all that hard.
>hardest difficulty setting out of the box
>puts MGR in there
also you forgot bayonetta then
All you gotta do is enter the code, man.
la mulana under wiki tier, because its literally not difficult at all if you wiki it, whilst being mind numbing without. Actually still fairly difficult with the bosses but you get my point.
> The Last Remnant ....hard
I finish the game with all the side quest and I'm one of the idiot that farm the beginning mobs like hell.
>out of the box
>no unlockable difficulties
Did you kick some A?
>DMC1 and Furi hard
get fuck out of here with your facebook memes, casual
It has the reputation because Part 1 is such a big casual filter.
>Actually difficult
I love that game but at no point did I feel it was difficult because it actually challenged the player, it was difficult for the same reason shit like Simon's Quest is difficult.
>Casual Filter
The out of box difficulties are piss easy the second you learn to parry
You actually, geuinely, believe wiki will help with Aurora?
Wiki can't even help you install Aurora.
I'd nominate Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Yes I'm serious
I keep trying the play the Last Remnant but get like 20 hours in and stop....
How should I build Rush this time? Tired of the Standard Dual-wield swords setup.
My nigga but I'm not sure it really belongs. I haven't played it in a very long time and can only remember a few parts but I feel like going back if would be really easy.
Dual wield axes. Rush is the only character who can do that.
...There was a tower of druaga for the PS2?
If it's anything like the first one it definitely is "break out the wiki" tier.
Bad ass game had over 200 hours in it. Had to recruit every single possible hero unit. I loved it and played it on PC. God that game really raised the bar and then FF13 came out and I just ..... well meh is the best word for the linear game that FF13 is.
I would not consider any of these games hard. They are really easy and a hard game would be something like supa-plex or Intelligent Qube(Kurushi) for the PSone.
Arma is not such a hard game...
There should be a division between puzzle difficulty and mechanical difficulty.
Also theres no way FE conquest is harder than DS
Uprising is that hard? I'm about to a9lh my N3ds and replay it with a proper second stick
Hardest OTB difficulty in IWBTG is Impossible, where you have to play the entire game with one life.
That's way, way more than a "casual filter".
No death meme modes are pretty common in modern games.
That game should be put into casual filter, you can't do Furier first can you.
>whoever made this list thinks Dark Souls is one of those "artificial difficulty" games where you die in one hit like Super Meat Boy or I Wanna Be The Guy
Wow you suck
No it isn't
Pic related, lots of autism
>He thinks BB and DS are hard games
I bet you played Conquest on Casual
this list is pure bait
Why did you add The Witcher 2?
it never had a reputation for being a hard game.
>DMC 1
>Not Monster hunter 4 ultimate
>Solo G rank is already hard as balls, solo 140s is a living nightmare.
I guess because it forces you to make your own decisions and pay attention to dialogue.
Casual players don't like that.
>metal gear rising
>even on that list
List is shit.
yeah these games are not hard. i mean you can self-impose your own difficulty based on how you play but every from game has some sort of easy mode weapon/build/etc. and thats if you're shit at games. NOT HARD
Should've specified MGR as Revengeance mode.
>after 1998
what's the point of this arbitrary cutoff?
why 1998?
what was in 1997 that isn't allowed?
1998 was a good year for games, the dreamcast came out the next year, OP was born that year, etc etc
definitely a very robust game.
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation - 1999
Most modern games don't kill you in one hit tho
>The Last Remnant
Never a-fucking-gain.
Nigger what
Why is it that people forget nowadays that when you played Demon souls and Dark souls for the first time you for the most part got your shit kicked in?
Nobody that has played a Souls game thinks they are hard in the same sense anymore.
You don't get any coolkidz point for acting like a special snowflake faggot
They're not "hard games", they're games that don't hold your hand if you don't know what the fuck you're doing, but the second you get a feel for that the games are not that difficult. Once you're able to recognize how absolutely ridiculously telegraphed EVERYTHING is the series loses it's "le hardest game ever" status. For reference, I beat the base game of BB only dying a total of like 3 times, and around 6 times for DS3.
Soulsborne isn't tough like these other games, it just punishes ignorance. They don't belong anywhere except "Casual Filter" because all they do is encourage the player to not be braindead as they play, something that not a lot of big name games do nowadays.
Also forgot to mention that a vast majority of Soulsborne bosses can be beaten by simply dodging on reflex rather than actually taking the time to learn attacks. In bloodborne the ONLY thing being tested is the players ability to hit the dodge button on reflex, I got through the entire game like this, and for that reason I don't consider it a very hard game.