If Federation Force had done well, any upcoming Metroid games would have been made with the same childish chibi designs.
If Federation Force had done well, any upcoming Metroid games would have been made with the same childish chibi designs
Yes, but it'd also let them realize that Metroid in general is still alive and that other projects could be done as well.
After Other M and Federation Force the series is straight up dead. They won't even bother trying for anything now because of the poor receptions to both.
Metroid Prime did well and they still shifted the direction of the series.
>make a bad game
>double down and make another bad game
"I guess people just don't like metroid anymore"
That's the logic people use, yes. Its retarded, but that's how it goes. Look at Konami for instance. Nintendo makes some retarded fucking decisions.
Or hell look at F-Zero.
The devs probably think people not liking Federation Force is probably telling the devs that they don't like Metroid games.
Not defending Federation Force, just saying.
This artist gets more than 50k a month to draw fanart like this.
Just let it rest, Metroid ended with MP3 and it had a nice, even great, homage last year with AM2R so it ended with a bang.
ignore other m and faggot force and move on.
Depending on how much she does, it could be 100k. She gets 50k 1-2 times a month depending on how much she does.
Its ridiculous, I'm gonna make a patreon to draw stick figures for people's favorite characters, bet anything I could rake in 500 a month easily over something so simple.
I mean the art is nothing to scoff at. It's pretty good.
Not 'post in guggenheim' tier, but pretty good.
But still 50-100 for fanart? God damn maybe i should start practicing again and draw vidya fanart all day.
Do people still pretend that FedForce wasn't good?
Didn't it sell worse than Donkey Kong Jumgle Beat?
>tfw this is the only value Samus has left
Prime maybe but not the main series.
Metroid has two producers so it's more like main series has a bad game, Nintendo looking at ways to fix the damage from a poor experiment, and for the Prime series the other Producer making his ream game that he never got a chance to make.
Why is she such a fucking whore?
Nah, there's no Prime 4 because retro doesn't want to make it (or at least they didn't want at the time, dunno now).
>there's no Prime 4
Good, seeing where Tanabe was taking the franchise since Hunters, I rather not get a Prime 4. Even with Retro Tanabe would ruin the game. I'm looking more forward to when Sakamoto's Fusion/Zero Mission team returns to work on a 2D/2.5D sequel to Fusion.
>Fusion/Zero Mission
>wanting more of either of these, especially Fusion
>wanting more Prime when it when it started going to shit after the first game
I would love to see Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission formulas to combined together. You never getting a Metroid game like Metroid, Metroid II, or Super that team disbanded after Super Metroid and Gunpei Yokoi the head of that team is no longer living.
I want to knock up Sammy with a whole colony!!
It's amazing how low your standards are.
>FF is successful
>Lets make more FF!
>FF bombed
>People hate Metroid.
The thing I don't get is, FF was hated from it's first screenshots unlike Other M. Yet somehow they act surprised it didn't sell well.
Other M was hype from the first video they released which made the game all that more disappointing.
Prime got 2 sequels, a special edition collection and 3 spin-offs.
Nintendo said jack shit after Fed Force bombed, they were far more surprised when Other M bombed and decided to rethink the direction of the main series. Prime games are all Tanabe and he's probably the only one that was surprised it bombed.
A proper new metroid game would take real effort, hence why Nintendo will never make it.
>A proper new metroid game would take real effort
All they need to do is make a 2D/2.5D game, real effort my ass.
At least we had AM2R.
The problem is metroidvania style games have become far more ubiquitous since Nintendo abandoned them. At this point they'd struggle to produce anything that wouldn't be overshadowed by what's already on the market.
>metroidvania style games have become far more ubiquitous since Nintendo abandoned them
Who cares, experimentation is what killed the franchise in the first place. Prime ran out of ideas after the first game, the shitty experiment game (Other M) damaged the franchise. Just make a fucking 2D/2.5D game and continue the franchise, I'm tireed of all this BS and just want a real fucking Metroid game now. they gave me 2D Zelda, 2D Mario, 2D Kirby, 2D Yoshi, and 2D Donkey Kong, now give me fucking 2D Metroid god dammit.
*I'm tired of all this BS and I
The "chibi" style as you refer it, is a choice they made because the crappy resolution of the 3DS made it difficult to tell between friend and foe.
Video games are inherently childish, so what's the problem?
Am I the only one who doesn't think Samus is that hot?
I remember thinking she was hot when I was like 13
She's too barbie generic.
Your fetishes have probably gotten too specific from constant exposure to Sup Forums, Samus is an attractive woman, but that's it.
Maybe because you keep looking at shitty fan art instead of the real thing.
>50k a month
there's no possible way. if so, what the fuck am i doing with my life?
But she only wants you to enjoy her games
If Federation Force had done well, any upcoming Metroid games would have been made.
Be thankful your franchise isn't a cash cow zombie like Fire Emblem.
>is a choice they made because the crappy resolution of the 3DS made it difficult to tell between friend and foe.
At this point, let's just be happy that SOMETHING good came out for Metroid recently. As much as I hate Other M and Federation Force, AM2R completely restored my faith in the power of Metroidvanias. Yes, it had flaws. Yes, it could be better. But you know, it was not only a good game, but a game I'd gladly replay. Not many games can make that same claim.
Frankly, Nintendo can bite me if they think they can shut down the project because of their own corporate greed.
Good, it's bad enough seeing what happened to Fire Emblem. If it also happened to Metroid I don't think I could handle it.
Nothing, the same as everyone else here.
>Good, it's bad enough seeing what happened to Fire Emblem
Tell me about it. I don't even play Fire Emblem and shit looks fucked:
>corporate greed
Nintendo is fucking garbage these days but they were technically right, and if you're going to put so much work into making something based on an IP you don't own which can get pulled out from under you at any time just make your own fucking game like the Freedom Planet people did.
Yeah those types of games practically make themselves. I mean, look how well MN9 and 1/2 Genie Hero came out.
>just make your own fucking game like the Freedom Planet people did.
And because they became so focused on greed and getting as much money as possible, the game suffered constant delays, had money shoved into areas where it wasn't necessary (several million dollar voice acting budget, what the hell) and had the promises of future content delayed severely, to the point where people are doubting if it'll even come out.
So I say screw it. He doesn't want money from it, so he's free to use whatever IP he wants. Nintendo should've made another good Metroid game if they didn't want that happening. And now AM2R is across the internet and there's nthing they can do to take it down.
Oh I'm sorry I must have gotten 2D/2.5D Metroid confused with some half rate kick starter games.
Considering that they're on the same par of quality, I wouldn't blame you for getting mixed up.
If they wanted to blow a bunch of money on voice acting they were free to because it was their game and they could do whatever the fuck they wanted with it.
>He doesn't want money from it, so he's free to use whatever IP he wants.
That's not how it works.
I am not wrong.
>2D Zelda, Kirby, DK, Mario, Yoshi on par with the garbage on Kick Starters
Now I heard it all.
>If they wanted to blow a bunch of money on voice acting they were free to because it was their game and they could do whatever the fuck they wanted with it.
Not when they have an obligation to their backers. Unless they specifically want voice acting that goes on the backburner until everything else is working.
>That's not how it works.
So sad, too bad. If Nintendo wanted the project shut down, they should've shut it down sooner. I no longer have sympathy for these greedy corporates.
Is that wrong? Every single game you mention is basically a casual fest meant for being "comfy" or "appealing to a wider audience." Unless you can show me where I can alter the difficulty in Kirby or Donkey Kong, WITHOUT needing to beat the game first.
A game that emphasizes casuals and comfy settings is nothing more than a movie in disguise.
Echoes was better than Prime 1. I also love this meme that Corruption was a bad game. While it's obvious we aren't getting a Prime game anytime soon, to deny their quality and popularity is retarded. We'll probably get one a little later into the switch.
They may not be anywhere near as good as Nintendo's 2D outings in the past but you're going to have to troll a lot harder if you're going to compare them to trash found on Kick Starter.
>Not when they have an obligation to their backers.
Kickstarter backers are not investors, they have no control over what happens in a project. If the devs want to delay the game to add things there's dick the backers can do about it.
>So sad, too bad. If Nintendo wanted the project shut down, they should've shut it down sooner. I no longer have sympathy for these greedy corporates.
This is a legal issue, not a moral one. I don't give a shit about Nintendo or that the game is being distributed but what they did was 100% legal and if he didn't want his game taken down he shouldn't have slapped the name of a franchise he doesn't own on it.
Not if Tanabe has a team who can work on it, last time he stated that he doesn't have a team to work on one plus it's been on a downhill spiral since Prime 2 and chances are it will flop anyway.
>I don't give a shit about Nintendo or that the game is being distributed but what they did was 100% legal
I never said it wasn't legal, but the fangame wasn't in violation, and they weren't forced to DMCA it. They only did it because they're out of touch.
>b-but they have to protect their IP
Don't even try using this excuse. It's already been disproven as only being relevant for trademarks, NOT copyrights.
>there are nintendrones who actually supported that shit game
Prime killed real Metroid. That's all.
Zero Mission was the last real one.
>you're going to have to troll a lot harder if you're going to compare them to trash found on Kick Starter.
Why should I consider them any better? I have no nostalgia over them, so to me they're just casual platformers, nothing more.
Is 2017 the year of Metroid?
Prime is Tanabe not Sakamoto, Sakamoto has his own team to work on 2D Metroid.
>Implying that Prime 1 and 2 weren't some of the best games on the Gamecube.
It better be
hell fucking no
What team? Where? What 2D game?
You realize the last one came out thirteen years ago, right?
That's great, and sure, I played 2, it was cool. I never said they were bad. But they killed real Metroid.
>but the fangame wasn't in violation
He had no right slapping the Metroid name on his game if he didn't own it.
>and they weren't forced to DMCA it
Doesn't matter, someone used their IP without their permission so they tried to kill it, again this is not a moral issue.
>Don't even try using this excuse. It's already been disproven as only being relevant for trademarks, NOT copyrights.
Disproven how? Again they were 100% in the clear doing what they did, the only excuses you can make for AM2R are moral ones which mean jack shit in any legal situation.
EPD, if you actually kept up. Sakamoto's 2D Metroid is in there now and since the merging is bigger than it was when it was SPD. Other M was an experiment game to test to see if the new direction would work it failed so Nintendo is now looking at going back to the series roots with a traditional style game.
>He had no right slapping the Metroid name on his game if he didn't own it.
There's no violation if Nintendo didn't cry about it. It sucks that they did cry about it, but you're acting like he committed a felony offense when fangames are allowed all the time by other companies.
>Doesn't matter,
Oh, but it does matter. You're trying to rewrite the law by claiming that all fangames are bad regardless of if they get permission.
There're lots of Metroid-like games around.
Why keep crying to Nintendo instead of just playing those other games?
Samus has no character to speak of and the setting is just generic sci-fi alien-ripoff.
And as said, there're indie games that are better than what Nintendo does anyway
No they fucking aren't.
I hate this ``animation´´ with all my heart.
>Federation Force
>We don't want this!
>This looks dumb!
>Cancel this!
>You have the blueprints for successful Metroid games, make those instead!
>You still have time, this trailer was over a year before the release.
Nah guys we're still going to do it. Oh but we're shocked it failed. Also time to DMCA the good Metroid fan game that yall wanted and liked.
Yes they fucking are they're known as EPD Production Group No. 7
>Also time to DMCA the good Metroid fan game that yall wanted and liked.
I'm not angry that they DMCA'd it. Rather, I'm disturbed at how they thought Fed Force would be a smash hit, and then they released a video about how hard they worked and how "stupid and entitled the fans are" for not buying it en masse.
>but you're acting like he committed a felony offense when fangames are allowed all the time by other companies.
Other companies choose to allow people to make fan games. Sega publicly said they don't care about fan games.
>You're trying to rewrite the law by claiming that all fangames are bad regardless of if they get permission.
I haven't brought up any other fan games, we're specifically talking about AM2R. And you're the one completely disregarding the law trying to justify it with moral arguments.
You're fucking delusional.
You're retarded, read upon Production Groups junior.
>I haven't brought up any other fan games, we're specifically talking about AM2R. And you're the one completely disregarding the law trying to justify it with moral arguments.
i'm simply tired of Nintendo abusing the law for themselves while being sticklers about it themselves. it's hypocritical.
For example, how they sell roms that were downloaded from emulator sites, which is illegal by the way. Even if Nintendo owns the rights, they're committing a felony offense by giving ad revenue to pirate sites. But Nintendo clearly ignores those laws.
That's all I'm saying.
*up on
Best Suit.
>For example, how they sell roms that were downloaded from emulator sites
I never said Nintendo wasn't scummy trash but I'm sick of people acting like taking down fan games is the worst thing they're doing. Fucking years of 4kids tier censorship and bullying devs into their for the children bullshit but it's taking down some fan game that gets people up in arms. Also sauce on the rom thing.
My god I forgot about that. Does anyone have a link to that video?
Reminds me of when DmC flopped and the developers literally called fans of the old games faggots.
seeTheir virtual consoles all have INES headers.
>Fucking years of 4kids tier censorship and bullying devs into their for the children bullshit but it's taking down some fan game that gets people up in arms.
Look user, I'm frustrated at that too. This is just the cherry ontop of the fecal sundae.