Nintendo literally putting porn DVDs in games for children.
Nintendo literally putting porn DVDs in games for children.
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nintendo fags will defend this
They thought only nerbearded pedophiles would buy it anyways so they threw it in there for funsies
Turns out it was bought for an actual kid
Well, what porn was it?
Is she complaining?
this is the important question
Says it right there, "Sensual Seductions 2".
What a generic fucking title tho
Maybe it'll inspire her to get into the biz
>Sonyggers spreading fake-news
New year is 3 days old and Sonyggers already proving that they are the worst human beings possible
way to go!
>lesbian porn
pretty boring tbqh
Only a sick deprived Nintendo fan would do something like this thinking they're funny.
At least she might turn out pure. Shame it wasn't 2D, though.
Did she watch all of it?
Somebody not only bought porn but decided to swap it out for splatoon then repackaged it
There was a deliberate process that led to this
atleast she might learn from the experience and become a yuri artist
>it's porn of 7 year old girls
Better be Rocco Stiffredi.
How do you explain that Santa wasn't the penetrator?
I mean, the perpetrator. That he swapped the dick inside the box.
aw, thats actually sad. hope she got the game and is enjoying it in the end.
>porn dvds are still a thing when the internet exists almost solely to distribute pornography
santa's a pervert
If you watch the video, she's playing splatoon and faking having fun so she can look like a hollywood kid in front of the camera.
As long as it's not western artstyle shit, I'm all for that.
But Splatoon is genuinely fun
Could've done with a longer campaign though
I assure you I can still find VHS porn in quite a few places around my city
I see NoA has finally loosened up on the whole censorship thing.
>fury road
they gotta learn early
And if it is real then the family must be sonyggers and they put the blacked porno in the case. Those ponies will always stoop that low to defame the competition. Sad!
Backdoor sluts 9
>pretty boring
Yeah but the alternative was splatoon.
I can't seem to find it anywhere but one site with a bunch of missing icons and stuff that supposedly sells it.
She's gonna grow up just fine
Fucking casual you got to start with the first one to understand the lore
Doesn't mean she has seen it though.
>not being able to recognize babby's first incest artist
So there was a porn DVD in a sealed totally not from a used game store case? It's okay when Nintendo does it.
user you have major brain problems.
Don't fucking reply to me ever again.
why does google suck now?
Also, it's not "doujin".
the whole story stinks of made-up word of mouth shit. At best it's a silly prank from someone who bought a copy of Splatoon, swapped the disks, then re-shrinkwrapped it to return for a refund.
No reaction images here, but this legit made me laugh at work. Thank you.
Working as intended, you might need new clothes after covering all of them with your manjuice
i bet it was one of the certified pre-owned ones that they reseal
I'm serious. If you make me any more upset, I'll scream which will wake up my wife's son and then I'll have to sleep on the couch tonight.
Nintendo consumer purchases [product marketed outside of his demographic]. He returns [product marketed outside of his demographic] but fails to put the right disc inside.
Hilarity ensues.
The point is, this goes to show that 40 year old manchildren stuck in a perpetual cycle of arrested development tend to purchase [product marketed outside of his demographic].
Why are you pretending to be me you fucking autist
onizuka naoshi, fucking pleb. Get to know the artist styles.
Good thing the Wii U can't even play DVDs
delete this right now
Moot works there.
whatanime.ga friend.
>Mother is named Greider
>Daughter is named Blankenship
On your behalf
Moral of the story: Stop buying games for children you filthy pedos. This wouldn't have happened if a grown greasy man didn't decide to return this thing with a porn movie (and really dumb at that, paying for porn and all when it's free everywhere now, how disgusting)
wtf i hate nintendo now
>he doesn't recognize sonohana
Better gameplay than Splatoon
Bitch probably did it herself and is trying to get free shit by making a fuss over it. I highly doubt Nintendo did anything.
how would this even work though?
>girl opens the box, disc seems weird
>possibly tells her mother at this stage
>if not, pops it into her wii, nothing happens because its a dvd and not a game
>probably goes to tell her mother the game doesnt work at this point
>mother discovers what the disc is, puts it back in the box and calls up the store she bought it from
this might have worked with a playstation maybe
Don't DVDs still have cover art, or are they so deep in their extinction process the best they can hope for is some taiwanese sweatshop marking them with sharpies?
hopefully she'll come away with a valuable lesson out of all of this.
that lesson? gay people ruined christmas.
Ok which one of you faggots was it, shit taste in porn too
was it splatoon porn?
The funny thing is, if a guy had opened the box and claimed there was a porn dvd instead of a videogame nobody would believe him
Why is this news?
Yuri squids 3.
allegedly the girl asked why they were naked.
so either the disc had girls on the disc art, or its all bullshit.
The dude wouldn't even complain, he'd just blast his snake and move on with his life.
Luckily Wii Us don't support DVD playback.
>girl opened case
>inside was disc with image of naked women
>asks why this weird disc was in her splatoon game
>mother takes it and calls up store
that was the sequence of events
Should be an educational opportunity!
>video games are evil
>porn is evil
>a girl's christmas is "ruined"
click bait
>Still letting your child believe in Santa
No wonder a fake man in the sky and religion rules the world.
Only white people.
>wouldn't even complain
fuck I would. some porn shit I could just download for free when I wanted to play a game I bought.
No, the wiiu can't play dvds
>A Target manager did tell WLWT all games and DVDs come into the store packaged and the store cannot sell anything unsealed to a customer.
Couple steps up from Goystop teebeeaych
>Getting Splatoon for Christmas 2016 instead of 2015
>VHS porn
>lesbian porn
I'd sue them for shit taste.
>He never watched porn on a VHS tape
Is this real life?
Yes it is Grandpa
I am 27 and I didn't either. My first porn was internet porn.
Complain he would, the pricing is different. Fuck, even if it was the same, I would feel like shit for wasting 20 bucks on fucking porn when I can watch whatever online.
>Nothing but A to C cups
It's good there are no men, but the lack of variety in chest size is disheartening.
So outside of the Sonygger bait title. Who's to blame for this? The DVD came out 10 years ago so the odds that it was a manufacturer issue is low.
So was it a target employee or the parent herself?
aw yeah girl rewind that tape
gonna take that ass to Blockbuster
I'm 23 and I've seen a fair share of porn on VHS.
i find porn when i was 7 year old big deal you fucking amerifats that you have to media this
>obviously this isn't targets fault
Kek. This lady has never worked retail in her life. I can guarantee one of the employees took splatoon out and shrink wrapped it back up. Or even better, someone returned it after doing the same. Target doesn't fucking check returns. I knew someone that that abused this.
I'm 28 and I did never watch porn outside of a computer, but come the fuck on, it's VHS. We're talking about a format that was available for new releases still in the early 2000s on shitty european countries.
Hell I think more people forgot about the HD-DVD.