>he didn't marry the tsundere queen
dragon age thread
>he didn't marry the tsundere queen
dragon age thread
>Not siding with the werewolves
>Can't fuck Witherfang
Rogue, they're really not that great. Didn't stop me from making the Warden one.
>Thread ends with Wardens being exposed as the shits they are
We've come full circle
I married the redhead instead. Why she ditched me and join Inquisition later?
>DAII has bad OST they say
>dragon age thread hits the bump limit
Wew lad, you don't see that everyday.
Tsundere is THE worst meme in character writing..
Why do bioware characters look like their faces were modeled with a hammer?
Everything about Wardens in Inquisition reeked of desperation and rushing to me. Literally every single action they made was because the script demanded it and not because it was what would've made sense. I understand the concept behind it (Wardens are outdated and their secrecy and "justifies the means" attitude backfires on them) but all of them act the way they do because the shitty story and the shitty set pieces wouldn't make sense if they didn't. It all seemed really rush and really amateur, especially the dumb old bitch blowing the bridge when she didn't have to (and being alive when she shouldn't have).
I don't recall anyone saying that, although I think it's difficult to find praise for the soundtrack because everyone was busy being infuriated by every other aspect of the game to notice it.
The Warden ditched her actually, to cure the taint.
It was a dumbass post to counter the other thread and attract interest, bud. I wouldn't even call Anora tsundere, she's outright cold.
So your love for them isn't superficial.
>can't romance Morrigan in DAI
>can't romance Hawke in DAI
>can't romance Leliana in DAI
shit game indeed
I always found DA2's OST strangely... eclectic and urban, I guess? It's not exactly classical fantasy fare. Which already made it better than utterly uninspired orchestrations of Inquisition.
That would be understandable if their characters and dialogues were good. Alas.
>Just got DA:I on sale
>Play as Qunari
>Character is so tall that my head hits the bottoms of lanterns that are dangling from roofs
This game is okay
They can all be taken, why would they write a romance for a character they don't need to?
>Reducing yourself to be the Consort of the Fereldan monarch
Why not just give yourself the title of Court Cuck?
also it really doesn't make sense to go with a "wardens are outdated" plotline barely a few years after they stopped a god damn blight for the 5th time
their job is to stop blights, by every metric they're still god damn good at their job
Why get it on sale when you can pirate it?
You're the king, bud, and becoming king in the Landsmeet quest almost requires you saying shit the fuck up to Anore. You potentially have a mistress as well, which is basically a fuck you to Anora. You can not get more alpha than that.
ayo hol' up
It sounds gypsy as fuck and I love it
Yes, that, too. None of it made any sense. They had this shitty story they wanted to tell but bumbled and rushed their way through it and it all felt disingenuous and amateur.
Because I'm not a nigger
Open in new tab if it's too small.
Kirkwall as supposed to be a mix of cultures, no? No Ferelden.
Too bad they failed. It'd have been interesting to have a living city and the passage of time as setting. I wish they'd (or another RPG dev team) try again.
>I understand the concept behind it (Wardens are outdated and their secrecy and "justifies the means" attitude backfires on them) but all of them act the way they do because the shitty story and the shitty set pieces wouldn't make sense if they didn't.
This. They basically turned all the Wardens into morons in DAI. Hell, if ANYONE would be the first to see through Corypheus' shit, no matter how he presented it through that mage proxy he sent to them, it would be the Wardens. Doubly so because their Warden-Commander is an experienced mage herself.
That's a dumb justification.
>shit, a new blight. alright people, what do we have?
>two warden rookies and a dog
>Open in new tab if it's too small.
this isn't my first internet retard
Fereldens don't fuck around, user.
You're the king and the guy who saved the world. So you've got the title, and the loyalty of the people.
I don't think you're going to be taking orders.
Isn't the first time the GW are irresponsible and desperate to the point of foolishness, though. We saw this in DAO, DA2 and DAI. It's not new.
I never got into dragon age
the first one seemed alright but it'd crash at some point and I'd just get bored and forget about it for a while
then I'd remember I had it and would reinstall and start again (only to have another crash)
such fun!
>they didn't go and find the Warden from Origins to save the day again in Inquisition
Why are you here, then? Finish the damn game.
>they call us dog lords 'cuz we make anyone our bitch
Morrigan wouldn't really sit well with me if she was a romance option in DAI. On of the Warden Commander's greatest achievement was taming the swamp witch.
As for the other two I wouldn't really care providing that they are single and eligible. Though the whole Desire demon seducing you under the guise of Leliana would have been interesting if the writers didn't pussy out. But what can you expect from modern day Bioware.
in Origins they were desperate because they're always desperate
they know there's 2 ways to stop a blight: nip it in the bud or else watch it eat up half a continent before it spreads itself thin enough they can strike at the archdemon
they really do not want to go for option 2
Who is that
thats what i did. elves are scum anyway.
>mfw tell them having an army of werewolfs sounds more fun than elves before killing them all.
>bioware literally said they didn't have the warden directly in inquisition because they are too important a character and couldn't do them justice
Isn't Morrigan molesting Kieran canon?
>Desire demon seducing you under the guise of Leliana
First time I read about this.
Nobody ever said that. It's just that it's overshadowed by the shallow gameplay, crappy graphics,lack of content and story that is literally just a setup for another game.
I'm talking about Sophie. You can count the griffins as well.
>DA will never be good again
It hurts, lads.
I understand that. But their on-screen actions in Inquisition are just completely pointless and retarded and they come off as buffoons instead of being gripped by desperation and paranoia due to the fake Calling. I presume that's because this plotline is dropped on the player's lap without a warning and it's resolved in less than two hours (Assuming you don't faff around with pointless sidequest bullshit).
It's really rushed and really amateur. I think Bioware wanted to cash in on the players' love of the Wardens since the first game and try to tell a really easy "tragic" story, but all they did was vomit a shitty story with shitty characters and call it a day.
DAI's one particular dragon theme sounds baller until you realize combat takes about five times longer then it really should because of how dragon fights work.
>fucked his girlfriend then promptly told him how good his future wife's pussy was
>he cries about it and the entire camp hates me now
>come back with an army of werewolves and fuck their shit up
Felt good.
It's telling how the first DA had so much soul in it's story and lovable characters that it inspired so much fanart. DA2 and Inquistion can't compete.
>The Warden ditched her actually, to cure the taint.
Doesn't she tell you in DAI how she followed the Divine's call for her and "ditched" him in the process (I mean they still are together and get back after the events in DAI, even when she is the new Divine)
griffin fuckup was added retroactively
during origins nothing indicates losing them was any fault of their own
EA bought Bioware like 9 years ago.
The pain should be just a memory by now.
Some people don't like DAO/II soundtrack and celebrated when Zur was replaced.
best grey warden in inquisition wasn't even a grey warden
top kekkles
>We'll never pull a Gears of War and just nuke the Deep Roads
Some people are retarded, I guess, because Circumcision's soundtrack was worse in every way. Most of the time I didn't even notice music was playing.
They were a sacrifice. That shit is code work for we fucked up.
Reminder to not take any of Bioware's pre-release "gameplay" videos, trailers and press reveals seriously.
This shitty fucking artstyle they had for Inquisition was the first red flag I saw. It reeks of tumblr and it's wholly inferior to Origins'. I'm sick and tired of this fucking generic "comic book-like" shit with it's fucking ruddy noses and inhuman proportions.
>You'll never be a girl kidnapped by darkspawn and forced to suck their cocks until you become a breeding abomination
That's because they don't play music while you are wandering the world. A retard decision by their sound design team (?). Morons
>the only good companions in inquisition were male
Really makes u think
Weird decision, considering 90% of the game is wandering the world (Muh 400 hours of content).
I still can't believe they released Inquisition on last-gen consoles. Even they realized their mistake by the end and stopped supporting them.
They used so many conflicting art styles for DAI and I have no idea. Art they used for all the cards in the game was amazing and someone clearly put in some effort to come up with them.
King Loghain did literally nothing wrong.
If not it should be.
>you'll never attend your sisters wedding to a noble who recently reclaimed his birthright
>you'll never watch how they have genuine love and affection and blush at the littlest things with each other
>you'll never get to congratulate yourself for getting your family lineage set with your sister marrying a good man while you go run around partying with the best dwarf this side of the forgotten thaig
Bethany/Sebastian OTP
I thought the female goblin was okay
>good companions in inquisition
Orzammar and deeproads was the shit
Nothing in DAI comes close to the Grey Warden theme. Though it seems like the writers actively hate the Grey Wardens now. That and pretty much the entire world in game hates the Wardens too.
He got Duncan killed,also not king
>No romance with the lady dwarf
Bioware sucks donkey dick
I usually just took Solas, Cole and Sera or Cass with me.
I personally don't think there were any good companions in Inquisition. I found some bearable, but all of them had some really cringe-inducing lines of dialogue and conversations that made me lose any endearment real fast.
They don't hate the Wardens. DA4 is confirmed to have Weisshaupt Fortress.
Cole, Blackwall, Dorian (at times) and Varric are actually interesting.
>Though it seems like the writers actively hate the Grey Wardens now.
It makes sense not to overuse them when no one else in the setting even knows what to do with them where's no Blight around and Bioware made it clear Dragon Age wouldn't be JUST about Blights.
Why is this sideboob without nipples thing so popular?
I just get annoyed by the teasing. It's like going trough foreplay for sex and then not doing the full thing.
Yeah because the game were you played one of them was actually good.
I wonder if we'll get to see the first of the griffons.
Foreplay is the best part of sex though senpai
In the afterlife, you mean? Because no way I'm letting Carver Hawke die on my watch.
yeah, amazing shit. and then bioware locked them all up in the codex where you'll never see them.
I liked Cassandra,Blackwall,Dorian and Iron Bull.The nigress was really terrible
>DA4 is confirmed to have Weisshaupt Fortress.
Oh joy. I can't wait for everyone to be brown skinned and brown eyed because "muh southern hemisphere".
>tfw abandoned DAI just before Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts
>tfw still don't have the stomach to return to that abomination
The fact that I got exactly what I expected from Inquisition doesn't make it better. Ultimately, I think it was the uninspired combat system (and the game's general offline MMO vibe) that made me stop like 18 months ago. I still plan to finish it one day, just to see how things turned out.
>a fortress full of Duncans
sign me up, senpai
>The multiplayer classes would actually be more interesting companions than the ones in DAI
How can Bioware fuck up so badly in every respect?
>Genlocks are supposed to be the most common type of Darkspawn because Darkspawn fight most with Dwarves
>All the Darkspawn you fight after Origins are Hurlocks
Always pissed me off.
They would have to dig him up from his grave in Weißhaupt.
Not sure how that would work.
>Carver over Bethany
both are good, but one is clearly superior to the other. still bummed that you can't run two(2) hawke mages. magic two quinari/templars at once