Worst ult in the game

Worst ult in the game

>let me roll clearly visible in a straight line towards the enemy, dammit

nice one, OP

It's another "Oh fuck I'm soo bad that I need to whine on Sup Forums" thread

It's the easiest ult to counter, Reinhardt's fire strike can take out the tire and any high level players will focus it no matter what route you take, Junkrat isnt used in high level competitive play and the fags above me must be gold or lower to be able to use the tire against anybody.


The only way the tire ever gets any kills is in QP garbage games that and play.

Even silvershitters should be able to deal with the rip tire without any issues.

I just like it for the good 1 in a million moments where it does stuff

Like dropping it from the balcony at point B of Numbani and getting a a potg

It's very satisfying when you get that one in a million moment like when you push people off the point to their death with Winston's ult.

Everybody uses it wrong trying to be sneaky with it, your best bet is often to bomb jump yourself into the air and use it while soaring upwards to get a surprise rain down bomb, best on king of the hill. Even then not great at all

Why are you assuming OP meant that the Rip-Tire is broken because he thinks it's too powerful?
Rip-Tire objectively is one of the worst ultimates in the game.

Guaranteed to get a kill or two with no effort.
Not bad considering he'd be overpowered even with literally no ult at all.

You autistic b8er, they said the rip tire is very easy to counter, meaning it's weak as fuck like your ability to read.

>Guaranteed to get a kill or two with no effort.
Sounds like Junkrat alright.


>guaranteed to get a kill

Only against retards who play with no sound

Excuse me, I should have added "unless you're an utter retard"
Forgot I was on Sup Forums for a sec there

did you forget widowmaker?

WHY does Overwatch keep ripping off Overwatch? Literally Bomb Kings ult.

they should have made the game without ultimates. They're not fun to use, they're not fun to play against, they win games that didn't deserve to be won

>WHY does Overwatch keep ripping off Overwatch?

It got self-referential. Overwatch saw the shit Overwatch was pulling and decided to copy it.

Spot the dirt league shitter

You can only use it when you're on the ground.

actually it can be the most fun ult in the game
because if you kill more than 1 person in 2017 they react really well.