Witcher 3 is nearly 2 years old

>Witcher 3 is nearly 2 years old

I bought it a couple days ago and love it already have like 30 hours

>and still the best rpg ever made

Holy fuck.


Finished heart of stone today. Holy shit, the main story was shit compared to this.

>Witcher 3

kys retard

>witcher 3
>not rpg

>FF7 is 20 years old

no, YOU kys

>Mass Effect is 10 years old

>be dunston
>check in

and people are still salty.
TW3 is the gift that keeps on giving.

>Skyrim came out 3 millenia ago

>skyrim is older today than morrowind was when skyrim was released

Bullshit, Skyrim is 6 y.o.

>super mario 64 is twice as old today as super mario bros. was when 64 was released

>Gears of War is 10 years old

i played it today actually

are the dlc's even worth playing?

because i've seen the plot for both being played no commentary on youtube

a two year old piece of shit

Just bought it not too long ago.
Playing through the witcher 2 to refresh on the story so that I'm not completely in the dark.


Both are better than the main game.


Hell yes.

Blood and Wine was nominated for best rpg


>be dunston
>check in

Go play your Ultima Underworld: Stygian Abyss, grandpa. Witcher 3 is the best rpg ever made.

Ikr makes me think Cyberpunk 2077 should just be a linear 10-15 hour storyline as opposed to an open world game

>I can play as battlemage or battlemage

Wow, my head is spinning from all these possibilities.

>classes are what makes an rpg
>kys retard

No, building a character makes an rpg. And you cant do that in Witcher 3.

Is it woth going through 1 and 2, or should I just jump straight into 3?

thank god no one cares about what you think.

Then why isn't it sexually attractive?

well you can if you want but you can also go straight into 3 no problem.

well the only diference is that in the Witcher 3 you already have a role to play. Rpg isnt only char creation, its also about choosing how to react to the world, which skills to use, weapon and armor, tactics etc. Witcher 3 only narrows where you can choose as a way to maker a better game. Anyway CP2077 ill be a full blow rpg for those who want it.

Why did Sup Forums not like W3 again?

Because of the "downgrade" meme and because it's overrated by reddit types.

A guy in a poetry course I took once wrote about Witcher 3. Everyone spent thirty minutes puzzling over what it was about and what it could mean, and I finally asked "Is it about the Witcher?"

Everyone was pissed when they found out.

Its less of a rpg than skyrim

only the contrarian Sup Forums i think

downgrade meme? the fuck

i dont think its overrated but if it is at least makes everyone try to catch up with the game.

some retards think the game was downgraded from some cg trailers.


lmao look at that fuckin monkey

Where's the fucking Enhanced Edition, you hacks.

>2031 is closer than 1999


>you already have a role to play
That is a definition of not being RPG

> about choosing how to react to the world
Literally any genre can do that, and actually have done that, and you could do it in videogames even before cRPGs even existed.

>which skills to use
And you cant in W3

>weapon and armor, tactics etc
Literally any action game.

>Witcher 3 only narrows
If only. It has terrible power creep, bloated and useless crafting system and unimmersive and unbalanced progression system.