Was this the peak of the series?

was this the peak of the series?

Other urls found in this thread:


Absolutely not

Why are her tits so big?

Because people get horny.

Milktank hormones

34567hours on ms paint

She has to pay with milk if she loses to trainers.

(best reason imo)

Need to be bigger desu

Isn't that already too big for a 12 year old girl?

big tit sm mod when


I get it! Peak because of her tits right? Haha PEAK-ACHU!

Yeah I want to fck that busty trainer too.

Sex mode?
It's unrealistic


It's the peak of my dick, that's for sure.

Just share good examples, smart user


If my tits were big enough, I'd give you a tit job

I don't understand why everyone draws may with giant tits. She's fucking flat.
>inb4 the anime
The anime is inconsistent as shit.

My fetish.

But I don't have tits big enough, user

Focus on the legs instead.

>Roxanne's stall team
>that Bug Catcher with a 6 mon team including Mega Beedrill
>Wallace opening with a Lv 100 Kyogre

Sinking Sapphire was a wild ride. SunMoon hacks when?

May is the peak of Pokegirls, and that's the only thing Pokemon related that I care about these days, so yes.

It's being worked, Rising Sun or something like that, check GBATemp

May is stacked as fuck.

Posted more boobie May.

I want to impregnate May

its a mod. op posted a screen of it. search busty may on gbatemp if you dont believe me.

I only visit GBATemp for Gay awakening/fates so I can lesbianize the best girls

You were always a constant disappointment user.

I just want you to love me, user..

>Worst gen in the entire franchise

OP Stop eating glue.

I don't have any love for flat chests like you. Out of my sight!

If you won't love me, then I'll kill you before you can love anyone else with bigger tits

are you at least female

Yes, shitskin though

>brownie with flat chest
How do you even live?

>brown AND flat

Thru ass and being borderline shortstack

Having never played R/S/E, should I play ORAS or just go for classic Emerald? Don't let lewd mods decide anything in this decision because I haven't cared enough to hack my 3DS, not matter how big May's tits are.

You may kill me but my love for big tits is undying.

You can stop posting any time now, Spo.

Sure thing, I got work anyways

pls be single

Good shit

Hack that shit and enlarge the bosom, you lazy fag.

Did someone say May tits?

I did.
But those are so fucking small for her. We need huge!

Ok, it's a bit bigger now, is it enough?

But I'm lazy and don't care enough, user. I've barely used my 3DS besides recently playing Sun, what incentives are there to convince me to bother hacking it?


Is no one here who loves chicken-chan? Seriously???

Can she give a messy, aggressive top-tier tittyfuck?
Then no.

chicken-chan is a chicken shit

>that feel when no brown shortstack gf to fuck while she cosplays as the girl in pink from X/Y

Superior big-tiddy-may artist. It looks like May, unlike anything by the guy who named himself after her.

I do. but not the default one. also give her tits


Because you can get a whole slew of other games on it, like Pokemon prism or the entire 3ds library. I bet you haven't even played picross 3d 2, faggot.

I love Chicken-chan plenty, and a lot of Pokegirls for that matter. She's super cute and stole my heart immediately.

I want to impregnate her



I'm pretty sure chicken-chan has big boobs but they're hidden in that big shirt

Negative peak? of curse, still even if I hate it I can admit that it did some pretty rad things that SM took away worst first entries since fucking R/S

I dunno, user, that sounds kind of borderline illegal, and it would surely breach the terms of service and usage agreements!
But more seriously now, how long does it take to hack a 3DS? I know there's guides for it and all, but I don't really use my 3DS much outside of a few games and this really just comes down to a matter of time invested for hacking it vs time spent playing hacked games, and the likes.
Plus, if I'm not mistaken, don't you have to stay offline for good once you've hacked your 3DS?

Maybe if it had a Battle Frontier.

>gamefreak made a small replica basically saying "fuck you" to anyone that wanted them to return
Anyone who likes ORAS does not like pokemon

May is still better.

how is she so ridiculously perfect?

the fuckers at gamefreak have perfected the waifu formula

pokegirls are pure cock magic

and yet most Pokemon porn involves the monsters

there is no justice

This thread is why /vp/exists as a containment board for people to stop making threads that devolve into shitty arguments about pokeporn and waifus.

Elesa is best girl you fucking faggots

>busty may on gbatemp
It says this only works on Star Sapphire (Alpha Sapphire hack) and not the vanilla game. That's lame.

Nigga the thread started as waifus.

Nintendo in general has an eldergod level waifu game

Only one who comes close is capcom


That's a good size for her. At least as a minimum.

*clears throat*

I only ever emulated the DS version of V and only made it to right after you escape from slavery before the computer died

Should I start it up again

In terms of design sure, but any waifu worth their salt has a good personality to boot. Nintendo girls are good sluts because all they're good for is their looks, even if they're excellent for their looks.

I wish she looked like this by default

Not black, that's cool that she has unique colors

But there ought to seriously be a playable milk tank poke girl. Bigger than every other NPC titty monster ever.

Make the next pokegirl a huge milky cow, game freak!

I want to impregnate Hex Maniac in her own bed after convincing her it's something friends do


I hope they never add it back in. You guys have become fucking worse than genwunners.

Nope, Emerald was

now gtfo to your containment board

Both of these, all of these!

moar may tits

Hex Maniac is just a thicc, hypnotized Lucina

which is why I love her

I want to make her mine in every sense of the word

>tfw we don't have a super cowtits mod
The fuck?

You can alternate universe Lucina, I'm good with the original

Lucina's just an alternate universe Hex Maniac

The insane physics just aren't there, not any that could handle May.
Besides I wonder if you could even add polygons to the model to get such a mod. it is a mystery

So is the busty May mod only usable in Star Sapphire?

Are there any boob mods in X and Y?

>Hex Maniac is just a thicc
But she's flat?

Where did the May has big tits maymay originate from?

There's not enough good May doujins.

Her anime adaptation was pretty stacked, especially for a 10yo

Anime had her stacked until they redid her design in Gen 4