Banned for no reason

I got banned for no reason and this dude was the reason. Do what you want to his account i dont care i just want justice.

sent ;)

>banned for no reason

Nice try, kid.

lol fag


>got banned for no reason
>this dude was the reason


Sup Forums isn't your personal army.
sent ;)

I just became friends with this guy and we're laughing at you OP.

Why are you telling us to report someone who's better than you?

Where did he touched you?

>Liezerota Avatar.
Gonna befriend him instead.

This is what you get for being a console faggot

>9 25%

OP was ERPing and found out that his partner was male

>he's a disgaea fan

semms like a cool guy OP

Not your personal army, kid.

Don't worry bro i'll fuck this weeb faggot up. Sony ponies always watch each other's tails.

Hey, i know this guy!

He's a pretty chill dude, but he told me you have a bad case of autism. It's shows because Sup Forums isn't your personal army, kid

come back when you'll be eighteen

so let me guess you told him you were gonna gameshare or anything else that made him give you his account. you logged in with his account and it just so happend to be that he called sony, they console banned you, and now you're crying on Sup Forums like the autistic piece of shit you are

Holey sheet its me