JRPG has elemental magic

>JRPG has elemental magic
>"weakness to Wind"

What the fuck? How can something be weak to wind? JRPGs are filled with unintuitive trash

If its weak to wind it's probably an earth affinity.

That's just common sense really.

Look up "erosion".

I wanna fuck that...what were they again? Rabbits?

Most wind magic is HIGH VELOCITY WIND
Tornados tear shit up, erosion levels mountains


>blow a rock
>rock is still intact

Have you ever seen a tornado, fuck boy?

Wind element is usually swift, light, and can be non physical. It would probably be effective against an opponent that is grounded or uses slow strong attacks.

>traditional folk game
>"rock is weak to paper"


>wind element
>spells are strongest at point-blank range
>get weaker but larger AoEs the farther you go from the caster
>can make drafts that affect the whole battlefield and fuck up ranged attacks' accuracy
>nothing is particularly weak to wind as a damage type

How'd I do?


Sounds nice

>What the fuck? How can something be weak to wind?

Pocket sand is rendered ineffective if the wind is blowing in the direction you're facing.

If it's like a bird enemy and you use wind, it could blow it out of the sky and be a weakness. I think I played a game or two where flying enemies were weak to wind. Usually though, they are strong to wind and weak to lightning or something.

bureiburi default did it right: flying creatures are weak to wind

>blow at a rock harder
>l-look, it's being destroyed by erosion!

Every elemental spell has the potential to be destructive in large magnitudes, that doesn't make a tornado special. Water can also cause erosion and it's much more useful against other elements, also its heavier. Simple wind spells shouldn't do shit, they're basically heavy blows, literally replace Tornado for another Earth spell such as a small meteor, and the effects would be much more devastating

Are retarded?
Earth is strong against wind, wind is weak to fire.

In fire emblem PoR/RD most flying laguz are weak to wind magic. Hawks, crows, etc.

Excellent b8 nonny

>paper is weak to scissors

Honestly a bunch of bullshit. With every cut the paper grows in numbers


Go live in Montana and tell me wind can't be damaging.


Its for balance roturd.

How about

>water and ice are different elements

Too complicated for the RPG audience, that budget could be better spent on fanservice and cutscenes

>water monsters can use ice spells
>have less weaknesses than ice monsters and use their spells more effectively

>water resists fire and is strong against it
>fire resists ice and is strong against it

Fire is weak to water as it puts out the fire.
Ice is weak to fire as it melts the ice.
Water is weak to ice as it freezes the water.

Each main element is defeated while turning into another, but in the end still defeated.

rocks don't have hp

Ice is an amalgam element of Water and Earth

I see them as different abilities. Water based powers might utilize water in the air or other sources while ice would be more like taking heat out of an object(in this case water) causing it to freeze.


Show me your title screens

It's OK to say Pokemon, user. I'm mad too.

>earthquake spell
>ground just shakes
>this damages people

>Steel pokemon
Just call it metal, why being so specific
>fire and cold seperate elements
Just introduce thermal magery into the games already, make it like real life and boring

>why being so specific
Because Fire types can't melt Steel pokemon


Fucking palcomix.

>Throw a droplet on a camp fire
>Fire still intact
This is bullshit that fire is weak to water!


ice magic is not just frozen water, is the removal of latent energy from an area

The original DnD ice spell wasn't blizzard or ice cube toss ro whatever, it was Cone of Cold

Overwhelming should be an element then.

A better question is what the fuck are light and dark damage.

Retinal damage and Vitamin D deficiency

Not when palcomix charges like 70 bucks for each page.
Fucking idiots paying so much for mediocre porn.

Light damage is holy damage, Dark damage is corruption/fear damage

Light damage is when you stare at the sun for too long, look away and get the cool residual image burned into your retinae.

Dark damage is when you stub your toe on a table because you can't find the light switch.

Holy and unholy/hell by another name because christfags got butthurt about "muh non-canon depiction of God in videogames is blasphemy" or something like that
>inb4 *tips fedora*

>Sun related spells dishes out fire damage
Sigh...*pushes glasses back* It is thermonuclear fusion you dip.

gravity damage and black damage

>black damage
No, that's what happens when an African American punches you


What I'm saying is equality in elements shows weakness,
A bucket of water would put out a camp fire.

>the joke

> youre retard skull

How is a bucket of water equal to a camp fire?

That's why sunlight causes fusion reactions to start bush fires

>IEDs give holy damage
It's super halal! One more americunt infidel to worry about.

>Sun related spells deal nature damage
>So does at least one other pure energy spell

More importantly, what do they feel like?

I imagine that light damage feels like radiation sickness, while darkness feels like your body heat is being pulled away from the affected area (burning hot around the site but cold/numb at the center.)

A penny for your thoughts, fellow autists.

Because a 10 litre bucket is just enough to put iut a 10 litre camp fire. duh

>cast a tornado
>ground suffers erosion and multiple fissures

>cast a tsunami
>ground suffers erosion and multiple fissures

>cast a giant crushing rock
>a huge hole is left on the ground

Yeah, earth is totally weak to wind, it's not like another high-magnitude elemental spells could do the same thing with even more devastating results!

>wolf beats sponge

No, which one does it more effectively?
That's right, the tsunami


>Dark damage is when you stub your toe on a table because you can't find the light switch.
sounds op as fuck



I want Meguminfags to leave

Erosion is a stupid way to say something is weak to wind because one: rocks and dirt can be destroyed more quickly by almost anything and two: that's called weathering not erosion.
Wind damage should be strong against things with low weight and high surface area, plants, basically anything that flies, most insects, other wind and smoke/vapor based things, etc. Besides, wind is best suited for crowd control and debuffing.

>Fire elementals are immune to fire and weak to light and dark.
>Air elementals are immune to electricity and weak to light and dark.
>Water elementals are resistant to fire and ice and are weak to light, dark, and poison.
>Earth elementals are resistant to fire and ice and are weak to light, dark, and poison.
>Chaos elementals are immune to poison and weak to light and dark.
>Data elementals are immune to nothing, resistant to nothing, and weak against nothing.

>we took the forgotten realms elemental plane sphere and added a bunch of shitty extra ones
>and renamed salt to brine


What games do earth magic correctly? All I ever see is rock throwing and shitty earthquakes in vidya.

>Fire elementals are immune to fire
They just haven't met a fire big enough

Sounds quite accurate really, good job user.

A lit candle is weak to wind
A flying bug is weak to wind
A cloud of dust is weak to wind
An airborne virus is weak to wind
and so on

>Chinaboo setting
>Elements are Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind
>Not metal, fucking wind
>The wind-attuned direction is just cold tundra

This is why nobody fucking likes you, Exalted

>blow on rock, now rocks are everywhere

Rock win every time

What are your favorite exotic damage types, Sup Forums?

I like putrefaction.


>lightning and thunder are different elements


>weakness: fairy

That's a nice game. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone took that 25... and multiplied it by 4... and added 1... in an 4n+1 way?


Dehydration damage

>Crafting a pair of Silver Studded Corrosive Salt Handguards of Law in DDO


Is there an elemental plane of explosions?


There was, then it imploded

>level up dark magic and learn to cast legos

So is Wave o' Babies a Water spell because the babies act like particles of liquid for the duration of the spell, or some kind of fleshcrafting because it's a shitload of babies?

Nothing more nefarious than lego bricks, especially the cool ones. Bionicles is definitely a dark magic spell.

Aw man, a law wizard would be great.

>Eviction Notice: Targeted character is moved to the space indicated in three turns.
>Gag Order: Inflicts Silence.
>Throw the Book at Them: Throw a fucking legal tome at the enemy. Inflicts crushing damage and applies a random debuff.


>Silence is a light type debuff
>Cutting somebody's throat to silence them doesn't work on anything immune to light

Persona has a lot of weird as fuck damage types, my personal favorite being Nuclear

wind can turn things into giblets if it comes out fast enough.
that's true with anything though.