Are there any other video game developers that made the leap to politics?

Are there any other video game developers that made the leap to politics?

Good thread.

>Sup Forumsirgins don't like things and want to change them
>shitpost anonymous memes

>transgender indie dev doesn't like things and wants to change them
>runs for elected office and will have very real avenues to enact change on a national level

I kinda hate her but she's doing a lot more than you'll ever do.

Fuck off to the kiwifarms if you want to discuss Rat Kings

That doesn't answer my question

Kill it with fire.

does she have downs or something?

It's a dude.

>putting mentally ill degenerates into positions of power
Wew lads

Simple answer is he's far too ugly to get elected, both physically and on the inside.

Plus no experience and people who've worked with him say he's a horrible co-worker.