Is this puzzle the biggest bullshit in the whole Layton series?
Is this puzzle the biggest bullshit in the whole Layton series?
The rabbit only?
No, the lion eats the rabbit.
>Implying the rabbit wouldn't burrow under the walls
The rabbit will die to the lion,
The giraffe should survive, it has a head start and can outrun a lion.
What about the Giraffe?
literally do each maze for every animal
only the giraffe survives
Giraffe out speeds the fuck out of the lion while he is busy eating the rabbit.
I don't think male lions even bother with rabbits.
It's still this one
Pfft that one was fucking easy
What's the top text user?
Fuck me.
It appears that I'm stupid.
I don't even know where to begin deciphering it.
the explorer is the ayy lmao, the others are natives
1, right?
Oh fuck no
I know where this is going
It's one isn't it
This user is half correct
text me
Hint 1: Try reading the question caefully
Hint 2: You should know this
Hint 3: Professor Layton is a tremendous faget.
The way it's actually done is if you look at where the letters are on the keyboard and where the bite marks are
Alagators are mad climbers, so it'd climb out, and thus not reach the exit, but still leave.
Giraffe would just step over the wall.
Panda would sleep and then die because it's retarded.
Lion would fuck the leopard to death.
Leopard would be fucked to death.
Rabbit would stroll out.
>text me
That's pretty neat.
I doubt I'd ever get it myself though.
What about the tiger and croc?
They're blocked in.
Only the rabbit and lion can escape, if you go through their mazes.
My first thought was that it was the giraffe because it can see over the walls.
This answer is complete horseshit.
Cool cool
I suppose we're not taking into consideration how quickly the escapees reach the exit, and how far away the rabbit would be by the time the lion gets out
also jokes on you the lion was actually suffering from a heart condition and didn't make it through the maze
But what about the fucking giraffe?
Blocked in.
its not blocked in am I retarded?
No it's not? Follow its maze, it's connected to the lion and rabbit
It's not blocked in.
Draw the path for me, will you?
Dude, the geraffe doesnt need to out speed no fucking lion, watch this
you were all tricked this puzzle was modified
the wall connecting the giraffe's path to rabbits doesn't exist
giraffe can see over the walls
Presumably eaten by the lion too. She goes for the shortest route to the exit, only to find it blocked. The giraffe goes back, only for the lion to have caught up with her since his maze is easier.
>video ends with giraffe being eaten by lions
I see what you did there, you cheeky cunt.
A calf*
that was her baby, presumably
Am I blind or do the panda and the croc have no path out?
Point taken. It was a youngling, tho. As a rule of matters, giraffes are stronger than lions.(i mean, it's almost a fucking dinosaur, how could it be otherwise?) Here's another case:
no, just retarded
i guess the important part of the puzzle is
>no food for 3 days
I guess you could say this games a cheetah
>animal shows its true colors in the wild
>they're in a zoo
Really busts the old DS hinge...
How is that bullshit?
>Just remember, an animal shows its true colors in the wild.
Of course it'd only be the lion