Morrowind thread?

Which house is your favorite?

Mine's Redoran

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Wait, there are people who didn't go Telvanni? Holy shit. That's hilarious. Mages were literally the master race of Morrowind.

Telvanni were pretty cool, but I'm personally a fan of Redoran

At least you're not House Hlaalu

House Dres a cool

>hlaalu is least favorite house
>still love Balmora
why is this?

I lost my save and when I recovered it, I realised it's dependent on a shit load of mods that I don't remember. Is there a way to find out the mods a save is dependent on, or at least skip all of the error.messages at once when loading, I have well over 1000 of them

Thats only because Altmer are the master race and their magical influence by default knocks all other races mages class up one tier.

>elitist magefags

Not even once

I didn't join a house my first playthrough because I was a filthy outlander who felt like I didn't have any say in their politics.

I already felt uncomfortable enough at the Nerevarine party and I was the only one who wasn't Dunmer.

It's probably because its the first major town, and because it's very nice in it's location.

It's very comfy. You don't have to appreciate the dominating house in the area to enjoy it.

my character has a glow like theyre holding a torch, though theyre not. ive tried "remove item" console commands with a bunch of different torch and lantern IDs to no avail. is there a way to analyze the save for the offending object, or an umbrella remove_effect kind of thing?

there is something to skip the messages in script extender i think, at least it was bundled in MGE that has script extender, so thats where i figured itd be. hopefully the save isnt so dependant that it crashes afterward

>that dress

>Old ass fantasy game does sociopolitical commentary better than most current gen games that claim to do the same

Balmora is a pretty big town and has a ton of guilds in it and shit.

Also it's the first big town you come across.

Seyda Neen is basically just a shitty port for the imperials

is a womb job a real thing? googling it comes up with fucking scripture

House Hlaalu. The only great house to know how business is done

Will there ever be a game like Morrowind but with cloth physics ?

Redoran/Temple fag here.
If I could join the Ordinators I would.

Im still wondering what good will come from OpenMW, since idk of any mods specifically for it yet. though thats probably because it hasnt had a 1.0 release yet. but that would be your best bet

>people not liking House Hlaalu

Sure they're sneaky fucks but they're arguably the most accepting of the houses and treat you very well if you're a competent agent of theirs.

>b-but muh duty and honor

Redoran fags need not apply.

So Sotha Sil = Telvanni
Vivec = Hlaalu
and Almalexia = Redoran?

I don't think it works like that.

Argonians were a mistake.

Why is Morrowind so fucking QUALITY in comparison to the other stuff Bethesda has shit out?

The level of detail in this game is unheard of nowadays.

I don't mean that they're actually members of the Houses, but their traits seem to reflect those of the three main houses.

Are you supposed to be able to free these guys? Even when I kill the slaveowner and get the key, it doesn't give me the option. Made me feel bad.

Oh, fair enough.

what mods should i have for a first playthrough

I barely modded it at all and has a grand old time.

The one I absolutely recommend is the Morrowind Code Patch since it fixes the bugs.

That's about it really.

Also the official plug-ins.

Also disable Tribunal if you don't want to get attacked by the Dark Brotherhood fags at the beginning.

I recommend that too.

MCP, Balmora Expansion, Vivec Expansion 3.1, Dramatic Vivec and a comfy house mod of your choice. I recommend some slight weapon mesh mods/textures and creature texture packs, but that is all I would use in the graphics department

>Loses all power once the empire is blown the fuck out
>Become the weakest house after the Red Year

You can still join the other houses so long as you embody their ideals, House Hlaalu had that acceptance policy as a face since half the Councilors were in the Camona Tongs pockets, and were happy to partake in corrupt business practices

Whats the best house mod? Most of the Mods i've found are made up of people who don't know shit about interior decorating.

How easy is it to learn how to mod morrowind without any experience prior? I'm getting sick enough that I want to make my own home.

>weakest house
actually, Hlaalu is NO LONGER A GREAT HOUSE AT ALL


Hlaalus have beast orgies? maybe i should reconsider my telvanni loyalties...

>Hlaalu kisses the empire's balls
>empire fucks off and leaves them and the rest of morrowind to die
>200 years later, people actually think the Empire will do fuckall to protect Skyrim

>Whats the best house mod?
That is somewhat subjective and depends on wht you want. I prefer humble/modest and small houses with storage space:

The first one lacks screenshots(if you want I can take some for you)

>Hlaalu btfo
>Dres btfo
>Indoril is pretty much the Temple now
>Redoran is the guardian of the Morrowind
>Telvanni still fucking off in their mushroom towers
Everything is as it should be

>Also disable Tribunal if you don't want to get attacked by the Dark Brotherhood fags at the beginnin
theres a mod to fix this

also a mod for your pic

id recommend both

my nigger

Sotha Sil = Telvanni. Vivec = Redoran, Almalexia = Indoril, Morrowind's past = Dres, Morrowind's future = Hlaalu

Nord gets attacked in Morrowind and guards don't care.
"Tough titty snowman"

dumner gets attacked in Windhelm and guards don't care.
"Muh racism"

dumner once again shown to be the nigs of Tamriel.

One arch-mage is worth an army of master swordsmen.

at least what you should know for the first play through: dont hoarde a bunch of expensive loot to sell, and dont even use the hidden game-breaking merchants. you'll accumulate way too much gold to ever use way too quickly, and then the futility of questing sets in. i always hated that merchants carried aroun 2000 gold when an item was worth 12000 to sell, but the game is designed with that in mind

Isn't Hlaalu gone?
Wait I see what you did there.

Actually that's pretty much what Vivec himself says.

How to tell a virgin from an adult.

Step 1: This question.

That house boat might be neat.

How much space is there to lay down my own clutter and swords? I've been using my Redoran House to store and display shit, but not sure if I want to keep what little space I have and swap over to a mod.

How is the Ald'ruhn house? How 'customizable' can it be (Is there a few empty shelves to place books, to rearrange the plates on the tables?)

modding spaces is the easiest, use the construction set. you might have to google a few things, but you'll probably be satisfied with your work

No it's not.

> dont hoarde a bunch of expensive loot to sell
welp too late for me.
tfw got items worth tens of thousands of golds but no merchants that can actually buy them.

I don't even know why I hoard gold/valuables, I even check barrels for gold or take cheap ass magical items to sell later. It's not like I'm actually spending the gold tho.

>That Zaric Zhakaron head


House Dunmac is my favorite, friend.

I just pissed off Gaenor

How fucked am I?

Fucker is basically impossible to hit.

it wont be too bad if you just avoid the hidden merchants like i said. sell them to the normal merchants that have 2000g or less, and i f you end up with a shit-ton of money, blow it all on an enchantment or two

Help me out, I have leveled enough that I feel it's silly to keep wearing mismatching pieces of armor for the enchants

What suit of armor and clothing mix is the most fashionable? I know no one will see me, but I still want to adventure in the knowledge I look fantastic

Just took a few screens of the house. Also R8 my Nerevarine guys(picture seems a bit dark)

He must be part mudcrab.

>beaten to CHIM
>beaten to divinity
Altmer are literally the WE WUZ KANGS of TES.

Glass armor + robe of your choice + Masque of Clavicus Vile

I give it faggoty elf/10

If you are going to play a char that is going to screw over the dumner at least make it a Nord.

A Nord will at least enjoy his handiwork.

a mod to make it so the dark brotherhood assassins dont come until you are lvl 10+ or so (their gear sells too well and they are too easy to kill at lower levels its sort of game breaking)

a mod to remove the rumors related to pointing you in the direction of the expansions zones. (rumors are very important because some lead to very good loot but if you have the expansions installed all you will get is "oh hey ever heard of solsthiem outlander its up north! in case ya didnt know!")

>No shirt
Shit nigga, you're supposed to be the hero of Morrowind. Dress like it

>High fags think they're the master race
I laugh every time

Just don't install the expansions until you've completed the main game.

The house from the outside

The inside

>not joining Twin Lamps

If we're posting Nerevarines...

Here's Worried William. He uses some magic but mostly hits things with a fancy sword he found in a bandit hideout

The ebony mail is godtier, but it's hard to match it with anything, and you get the glowing sparkles all the time, so i'm thinking of swapping it out to something that would match better. I would be wearing the Skull Helmet of Obern Bearclaw or whats his name, but it looks a tad silly, hence why I took it off for the screenshot

The house has some nice decoration

>There isn't any tables to have a meal with

pretty nice m8
good old Worried Willy

I miss being able to wear cloaks over armor so fucking much. I miss gloves i miss pauldrons i miss boots

fuck current bethesda

Actually, now that I think about it, I kind of want to grab a Steel helmet, or a Nordic Steel helmet, just to complete the 'honorabu mage knight' look

>that feel when you have clocked countless hours into this game and have still never bothered to complete the main quest

If you look close in the first pic, you can see where my character has his lonely dinner when he is away from Ahnassi

If that is your thing try one of the Barbie games.

How's Morrowind Rebirth?

Looks Burt Reynolds in a Geralt wig.

>ever joining any other house but Redoran

Fucking plebs. Redoran is the only House that actually does shit for the Dunmer people as a whole.

which barbie game has pauldrons and cloaks?

>Not enjoying the act of cultivating your look for maximum fashion

Why wear mismatched armor that makes the game a cakewalk when you can look amazing and get a decent challenge?

i think redoran is the house that had that one quest that gave directions as if you were coming from the objective. drove me absolutely crazy. one of the only quests in morrowind i had trouble with and looked up online. in the city of suran i think.

I would totally play a Barbie game that lets me explore dungeons while making a fashion statement.

William looks good, but could use some anti aliasing though. Ebony Mail is one of the main reasons to pick medium armor. I would recommend Ordinator armor with it.

Shit, you right

Never realized that when I made my nord. But I guess that comes from having a Nord with a very un-nord like nickname from the Imperial city. Probably a skooma runner as a kid

Some friends teased me and joked he was probably raised by Shady Sam, hence the weird name

I thought Telvanni got destroyed by the Argonians.

I use a mix of heavy and medium armor. (And a single piece of Light armor in the boots of blinding speed)

What sort of mods would you recommend?

Morrowind apparently.


Until you git gud and get some agility and fortify attack.

Telvanni were a bunch of NEET wizards, and I know Neloth was able to simply move from Vvardenfell to Solsteim. They probably just picked up and moved.

House Dres definitely got fucked though, since their home base was on the Southern mainland

...We don't know what happened to Best Wizard though. I really hope we see Divath Fyr again, and maybe his Dwemer friend he keeps in the basement. Though, I think it's safe to say Yagrum probably has lost the rest of his mental faculties

If I played a Nord I would probably use full Nordic Mail(Bloodmoon). Since you seem to have the Fists of Randagulfyou could try pairing it with Her Hands armor from Tribunal. It seems to fit the color scheme and is heavy armor

Diviath lived for thousands of years, dimension-hopped and created clones of himself to fuck in a weird masturbatory-incest orgy. No way was he harmed during the Red Year.

Nothing bad could have happened to Fyr. If something bad was happening he could just walk the dinosaur to some plane of Oblivion.

The only reason Fyr wasn't in Skyrim is that the engine couldn't render all of his clone wives.

I jumped on one of the rocks and just tossed fireballs at him for like 20 mins. Mage is truly ez mode

Let me guess, Telvani. Right? I like the glow on the daedric armor btw.

The mystery is solved in my game.

Fucker had to know parading around in the only full set of Daedric armor wouldn't end well.