Perfect RTS games don't exi-
Perfect RTS games don't exi-
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It's not perfect, the cities are too comfy and pretty so it's easy to just spend some time making neat cities instead of actually playing the game.
> user tries to find flaw
> "too comfy"
my point was proved
That was the entire point. AoM is as good as it gets, perfectly placed on the spectrum of skill/fun.
Why is the steam version so bad?
It's so sad..
Cough Cough
Supreme Commander is garbage.
Better post this before AoE babies crawl out
Not him but Forged Alliance is probably the best RTS ever released.
No, it's shit.
I liked AoE2, WC3, and SC more. Now stop making these shit threads nigger.
You faggots need to finish your sentences and stop trying to force some shitty meme.
I had more fun just building the bases than I ever did with the combat. For a while I thought Banished was going to be the exactly like AoE but without the combat but it turned out to be its own thing. Pity.
Who here /Keeps on RIIISSSSIIIIING/?
Fuck off faggot, supcop is masterrace
Tale of the Dragon came out before he could finish his statement
Too bad it got turned into complete shit by the titans expansion.
>mfw i used to play AOM and AOE2 with no enemies just so i could build comfy cities
There's a few things that have always bothered me about RoN:
- You lose resources if your commerce level isn't high enough, maybe it's just my autism but I hate the feeling of waste in a strategy game.
- The units take up too much space on the map, this is a pathfinding issue more than anything though.
>make comfy cities for me and the computer in map editor
>the computer ruins it by clustering his buildings
God when is this shitty meme going to die.
Great game but the graphics aged so BADLY
The game supports widescreen resolutions natively you dunce.
I spent so much time being comfy in AoE2 I lost a recent game.
One complain I had was the low popcap. Good thing there are mods that raise it to 600 or even 2000. RoN had some great, but unpolished or unfinished, mods
Too close to the water to be comfy
Are you using mods? Those buildings look different.
tfw i play vs ai on ezmode just to be comfy and build a base
Only for the terrain, buildings no.
>AoE babies crawl out
>AoE came out earlier
What civ is that?
What the fuck man
Just the Franks.
>spending 8+hours building an impenetrable kingdom with three cities (military, economic, agricultural) each separated by three layers of walls
>take up 1/4 of large af map
>train and assemble a warmachine of highest ranking units numbering into the hundreds and unleash them to sweep the region in endless conquest
>enemy territories are barren and underdeveloped w/ only a few small battalions here and there because I drained the majority of map's resources to build empire
Why can't we have more star wars rts games?
between that and empire at war +mods, i'm personally good
anything modern devs tried to shit out would be abysmal, espeically EA, who has the rights
star wars is gay
Is Rise of the Rajas any good?
They're all almost the same game.
It's quite genuinely ok. I wouldn't say it's amazing or anything but definitely qualifies as good.
If it's so perfect then why haven't I even heard of it? FAGGOT.
might be because you are 12 years old champ
This is why RTS is dead. You guys are playing a REAL TIME STRATEGY game like a fucking city builder.
How is it bad you autist.
Its the same thing but with workshop so its even better
I bet you hate stuff cause its new
Go play some anime shit you faggot
Still my favorite RTS, wish more games had persistent units that carried over at the end of campaigns.
No it disconnects from online games all the time and the chinese are extremely buggy.
Have you played the game at all?
>46 /105 pop in Castle Age
>Actually lost a relic victory
Eh, just tell me the name.
Civilization III my good chum.
that's probably because there isn't a single half-decent comfy medieval city building game
It's Stronghold
>that's probably because there isn't a single half-decent comfy medieval city building game
I actually play that tho.
Doesn't make it better. I was more talking about the mental age of people of lower taste
What RTS game had the best single player campaign and why is it Battle for Middle Earth?
Age of Mythology
age of mythology my man
I like the idea but holy shit at some point it becomes TOO MUCH when you need to manage three separate units plus the optional ones you actually WANT and aren't just shitters tied to the story that die in two hits.
That game is PTSD incarnate.
>read the entire AoM encyclopedia
>get assigned a project on greek mythology in 8th grade
I still remember this one mission vs some minotaur assassin hero that had maxed speed that you needed to get past and had to keep some unit alive that died in 1 hit if his assassinate procced. You couldn't even kite him around either because he was the fastest unit in the game, it was all just down to luck.
The first campaign I actually completed. I'll never forget bugged troll in Dol Guldur.
Your hero is under attack!
>real time strategy
>can pause
uh oh
>no rts game with balanced city-building and military actions
Supcom is really fun to play!
Thanks for being frank with me.
Looks neat, thanks.