I've put over 80 hours into and am two trophies away from Platinum.
I literally love this game, despite it's sometimes frustrating flaws.
Does anyone feel the same way?
I've put over 80 hours into and am two trophies away from Platinum.
I literally love this game, despite it's sometimes frustrating flaws.
Does anyone feel the same way?
Other urls found in this thread:
By the way, does anyone know exactly how to level up Gladiolus survival skills? I know grinding fishing and getting ingredients/RECIPEHs for Ignis levels him up, but I'm not exactly sure how you get Gladiolus.
I like it, but the combat lets it down in my opinion. I was hoping for an action RPG. Instead I got [hold square] [hold circle] [hold square]
Camp out a lot and try to do the events with him.
I really enjoy flying around in the regalia.
Thanks guys. yeah I've left the car behind and have undertaken trying to basically walk accross the entire map.
Do the events trigger randomly? I just read about the flowers for Iris and Cidney photo ones if you camp near Hammerhead, so I'm assuming a few are location based.
And yeah the combat is a let-down but it's still fun at times. It just gets fucking horrendous when in places like Costlemark's 2nd to last boss battle with 3 red giants, that snake cunt, and those ditto fuckers. Jesus.
It took me a while to stick the landings but I love it too. It feels really badass especially when you're taking off.
Post best boy, Noctis
Talcott. Such a qt
Nah noctis doesn't even come close.
wtf I`m looking at
Have you beat pitioss yet? I just did, almost broke my controller and tv. I doubt I'll even use the hood, I just wanted to do it for shits and gigs
Why is fishing so comfy? I just caught the fish from angler's nightmare ( i think it was the murk grouper) and it was the most satisfying thing I've done in this game yet.
i was planning on getting it but the combat in the demo was simply awful
i can't get how janky that jump animation is out of my head either
Which one? There were like 3.
How long is the story?
Short. Around 20ish hours, less than that if you're particularly quick. It's one of the things that the game has been hammered on.
Just running around level survival up.
You could just rubber band your controller and leave the game running for a while and it'll level up.
Not op, but it is really that difficult??
I really like the game. I have 90 hours in it
but is anyone else disappointed by the magic system in this game?
Why couldnt they have made it like Kingdom hearts? Even if they kept magic as expendable items, it still should have been just been able to be cast from like shortcut menu.
The tossing it grenade style feels so stupid.
and why do we only get fire, thunder, and blizzard?
and why does the ring have lame as fuck, completely useless magic?
the japanese one where you actually got to play the game instead of drive around in fucking toy cars
>and why do we only get fire, thunder, and blizzard?
One the the things that annoys me the most. I think meteor rain was in last demo rain? I mean, putting more than one element into a spell is already doable, why can't they create new magics that way, instead of unity spells we have?
I platinumed it for completionist sake but honestly by hour 50 I was bored out of my mind. I'll probably never touch it again in my life.
That ring did not work for me at all. I could be mashing square and maybe get one holy off if I was lucky. Is t supposed to be used like a parry against melee attacks?
>literally have normal modern cellphones
So why don't they just text or use the internet to communicate goddamn. Good job SE.
What level should I be when I take the ferry?
I'm level six but it seems like all the side hunts are level 12+ like for when I'd return.
But I don't want to leave and be underleveled since I can't travel back.
Don't even worry about levels until level 19 missions come up
You're good. Trust me
What level is it safe to take on the adamantoise at?
The trophies for the last 2 chapters didn't pop for me. Is new game + worth it? That's all I need for a platinum
at least 50, but I recommend 60+
I took it at level 50something
Picked my best daggers for maximum DPS, put on a podcast and went home. Lasted somewhere between 1 hour and a half and 2 hours.
>went home
Where were you playing it?
So everyone at 96 should be ok? I don't wanna spend 2 hours fighting it.
It's pretty much a dodge.
I platinumed it and I consider it a 7/10 at the most. It would be a 6 if it weren't for a few cool bosses.
I was level 63 and it took me an 1 and a half just to beat his ass. I recommend Ignis elemental boost and get ready to warp strike your way to victory.
all you have to do is hold square
You're 4 levels away from the cap so I don't see how that wouldn't be okay. It's a monotonous fight either way.
*1 and a half hour
90+ would be like 30 minutes if you know what your doing
Post photos
Same around 70 hours in and still playing. I love that they included post game stuff to do, right now I'm trying to get that mech to spawn that drops magitek suits. I fucking love the fighting system in this game
Whoops I didn't know you could block by holding square I thought you had to tap it guess I should've done the tutorial
You and I should not live on the same planet. I hate the fishing mini-game (and most mini-games in any game) with every tiny molecule and fiber of my being. I honestly think the people that conceive, spend development time on, and approve such utterly pointless, time-wasting horseshit should watch their dearest loved ones die horribly and slowly of degenerating diseases, and then themselves die in a fire.
The ring death spell actually works on most regular monsters. I used it for a lot of hunts.
platform dungeon was shit but this made it worth it
How do you really feel though?
AJ soprano
It wasn't shit it was the most fun I had in the entire game
Make sure you eat the dish that gives you 100% critical hit chance for 9999 damage on its eye, equip all strength boosting accessories you have and just warp strike continuously. Takes about 40 minutes, a boring fight. Level 99 Ayakashi is way more fun.
Best weapons in the game. Biggest pain in the ass monster to get them from.
>80 Hours
get the fuck out
The fact that levels mean so incredibly little in this game irks the living shit out of me.
Being level 99 or level 50 makes nearly zero effect on how you play the game.
Being 30 levels above something like a coeurl gives you zero defense against its insta-game-over move if you don't happen to see it coming, say if it's off camera (as most enemies vie to be).
Being over-leveled doesn't do anything against enemy super armor, and they can just willy-nilly walk straight through your attacks and chew up 50% of your HP in seconds if you dare let go of ye olde sacred square button.
Enemy HP is so inflated, and stats raise so insignificantly that anything above level 30 can still do massive damage to your idiot AI companions at level 99
etc. etc.
Then there's the fact that the only decent way to gain those useless levels is to hoard debased/rare currency items and just blast through levels in massive chunks all at once (I went from 43 to 99 in minutes, not that it did fuckall)
I honestly hate pretty much everything about this game except the visuals, and even those piss me off because of the modern Earth aesthetic to everything.
Can I play as Adult Noctis forever when I finish it?
its a dungeon near he rock of ravatogh. But you need the regalia type-f to reach it. Be prepared for a dungeon unlike any of the others
No. You'll get the costume though. The Kingsglaive outfits are the best looking ones in the game.
Play it in HDR. This game is mind blowing at points with that turned on. I agree about leveling but I'm ok with everything not being a one shot one kill. The aesthetic is GOTG to be honest. Less weeb trash and more medevil meets modern day fusion please.
Stay mad gay boi
Well thats shit, he looks so much better
>debased and rare currency
What does debased rare currency have to do with leveling, I thought you were supposed to sell that stuff for gil
Fuse it with magic to make expericast.
You need to check your enjoyment privilege, OP, or else Sup Forums will be triggered.
Ah thanks I remember that spell
Are those upgradeable weapons any good when you get them upgraded?
Camping. Again.
What? Don't like camping?
>site says its end game shit
>beating it at 50's
Wtf is this shit, since when did end game stuff in final fantasy not mean "be at 99"?
yeah, engine blade becomes ultima weapon at the end. getting sturdy helix horn is annoying though
im level 52 and still on chapter 3.... Leveling up is just too fucking easy with all these hunts and dungeons lying around..
End game stuff isn't adamantoise, it's the hidden dungeons.
I think I have a bug where cid doesn't do anything when I talk to him, even though I have the study hexil horn. Anyone else experienced this?
if it weren't for all the load times it would be my goat
hoping a patch fixes it or they release on pc so I can use my ssd
actually does ssd improve load performance for this game on ps4 significantly?
>30 minute+ fight at max level
>people will defend this
Is he already upgrading a weapon for you? He will only do one at a time, and you need to pass time for him to finish them.
I beat it in like 3 fucKing hours. Left the dungeon and didn't save and jumped into the regalia f. Iggy crashed new into a mountain and game over. Felt really bad. Luckily there was a 10 minute way to beat the dungeon, so I just did that instead
>im a casual bitch
>actually does ssd improve load performance for this game on ps4 significantly?
I platinumed it, I also have Type Zero Platinumed and all three final fantasy 13 games platinumed.
I've completed the Nova Crystalis games and I still don't know what the fuck is going on. Noctus dies and then the next scene shows he and Luna alive and well. Type Zero showed everyone one alive and then the next scene they were dead. None of this shit makes sense.
I am playing it in HDR, and yes, it's very pretty. That doesn't change the overall aesthetic and design choices.
Also, I'm not saying I want it to necessarily be medieval, I like tech/magic fusion as well, but there's something really hollow, or even lazy feeling about looking around at something that feels like it's just rural Murrika with monsters just kind of tossed in, and the only real visual difference it seems to have made in the world is a few street signs.
it's just incredibly unimaginative, and it just feels plain lazy.
I love the game too, OP. Despite its flaws, its a very charming game and I really do enjoy every moment I spend in the game world. I'm hoping SE continues to polish the game, it has the potential to be even better than it currently is.
yeah he has no job. It's been at least 20 hours since I first tried. I'm sure its bugged
You have to select the quest for the weapon you want to upgrade.
>He will only do one at a time
He can do 2 at once.
Are you sure you have the sturdy helixhorn, it only comes from the hunt, there's a more common variety called crooked helixhorn which comes from regular spiracorn's.
or is could be this
I feel the same.
He will do more than one at a time, but you have to hand them all in at once. If you've got one equipped that you want to upgrade while he's taking them, it'll tell you to unequip it, and then when you have a chance to, he will make you wait until the ones you turned in are done.
It's fucking stupid.
Like most of the design choices in this game.
>then the next scene shows he and Luna alive and well.
It was the afterlife. I'm getting the impression from the last couple of threads that people don't see that type of story/narrative a lot.
It's really frustrating in several parts, but I actually thought it was pretty cool. I was looking around trying to get every item, and it took me about 3 hours total. If you just want to get to the end for the Black Hood, you can do it faster I'm sure.
>Inflated time = hardcore
You're an idiot.
By 2 minutes into a fight, you've already settled into a routine that will take you through a fight to the end, unless you do something stupid.
Some bosses mix things up in a very minor way at certain HP threshholds or times, but either that takes you off guard and unprepared and kills you outright, or you settle into a slightly altered routine to take you to the end beyond that in seconds.
A fight in a single-player game therefore lasting past 5 minutes starts to drag on.
Past 10 minutes it just turns into a very nearly insulting chore.
30 minutes is just pure fucking stupidity, and begins to encroach into the domain of "I have to make sure before I start this fight it doesn't interfere with my schedule." which is 100% fucking dumb.
Taking hours is just the developer stroking his own dick while insisting you want it in your throat, and people like you agreeing.
>it was the afterlife
Was it? I thought Noctis's soul was ripped to shreds, like ardyns.
You get the adult costumes, but still play as the younger characters. I really hope they add the older models in an update
Does Japan actually consider instant ramen as a healthy meal?