These games have been 90% on Playstation since they started, why would anyone expect differently, and if you actually like these then you have played them, which means you have played PlayStation. So fucking what?

>These games have been 90% on Playstation since they started, why would anyone expect differently

So where the tons of other playstation only games now being released on PC. Interestingly I would have bet my house that i'd see persona on PC before the atelier series. Guess life is full of surprises.

Persona on PC is imminent, there's no way Sega will let that weeb money go to some cheap copy cat series for too long. It's just a matter of when and how(Will they port P3 FES and build from there or start with the then latest release).


>So where the tons of other playstation only games now being released on PC

And yet this whole thread. Again, if you like these LATE games, surley you have played them before, and on a PlayStation?

>Weeb games
And nothing of value was lost.



For it to be on PC either.... Or do you think so? Because thats where YOU put your money?

>Again, if you like these LATE games, surley you have played them before, and on a PlayStation

Cause there's no possible way a single console owner with a PS4 could EVER LIKE HALOOOOOO, MURIO BRAS AND TUTAL UUUERRR.


Kek, I seriously swear you sonybros crack me up.


I sincerely hope you're the OP, because you have the most severe autism I've ever witnessed if not

>see this
>see Crash HD
>Bloodborne carrot
>Ace Combat 7

Fuck it, that's enough reason at this point to jump on the PS4 wagon.

Is Pro worth it or is it just a meme?

>boring movies won't make it to other platforms

No? It makes sense. Historically PS games that i played on PS will continue to be released on PS so i will continue to play them there. If you are suprised you are a retard.

And you being mad does not make this point autistic.

>inb4 muh weeb shit

The Pro is alright. Just wait a month or two for games and so any potential hardware issues can be discovered and worked out.

I certainly didn't expect them to change their ways,
but at the end of the day, they, as in sega/atlus, are a company that wants to make money.

So why not make a decent pc port when that is the easiest way to make money, especially in the long run.

Like holy fuck, they only need to look at valkyria chronicles and how well that sold.

Bloodborne and P5 won't be optimized for Pro, not sure about the others.

>Sony always wins baby

Did you think Chad daddy was lying?

A bunch of people expect third parties to start sucking nintendo's dick every time they release a new system, but never seem to understand why it doesn't happen.

>Cause there's no possible way a single console owner with a PS4 could EVER LIKE HALOOOOOO, MURIO BRAS AND TUTAL UUUERRR

Probably true yeah. What is your point though? That people can have more than one platform? Cool, so this issue is not an issue then.

>Two games that aren't coming to a platform, are not coming to a platform.

I don't know, opshitter, but the only bad thing would be if they announced a port to another platform and then scrapped it afterwards.

Polite sage.

I could see arguing Persona is a movie, since it's loop is just buff-debuff-attack with Visual Novel scenes (this is coming from an SMT/Persona fag).

But Yakuza has legit decent brawler gameplay that changes up with each new version.

Might as well call Devil May Cry and Metal Gear Rising a movie at that point.

Jesus christ you're retarded, lmao

How do you people fall for these blatantly obvious flase-flag threads, it's like you're 10 years old

Whoa just chill my neffew and take a step back and just ease it. Feel? You keep running like this full dig you're gonna burn out. Just keep it low low

it's more than decent, it's probably the best brawler out there

but didnt you see the list of all the 3rd party devs who are QUARANTEED to make games for Switch

>How do you people fall for these blatantly obvious fla-

They got you too user. Damn.

>Just wait a month or two for games
You mean bundles? And okay, I'll probably be more patient with it and work through my Steam games until they get worked out.

Thanks for the info, I'll go and research this a bit more.

They aren't guaranteed to make games for the switch.

Nobody is.

If things worked that way we would have got that bioshock vita game and raymen legends would have been wii u exclusive.

So this console/PS4 bullshit in new vid doesn't make any sense.

Yes, PC games like Five Nights At Freddies and Please Bang My Wife aren't movie games at all.

And Yakuza which is a beat em up/rpg thing is totally a movie. Poorfag system war shitposters are a joke, this is why I'm an idort

new games will run/look better on Pro
but old games run the same

I find it funny that people think PC is some default platform that everything should be on because they payed more than a console for.

I notice you are not calling for its release on xbone or nintendo.

Why do I only hear the drama from Atlus/Sega USA? Not Capcom, Square Enix, Koei Tecmo or other Japanese studios.

Does pointing out a false flag mean you fell for it? Is that how you believe that works?

I see you still have not escaped yet either. Good luck user, i hope we all make it out.

They've been getting bombarded with people demanding they do switch and pc ports of the games.

That's why they answered.

Atelier and Neptunia are both incredibly niche series. Persona is a lot more popular. PC is where JRPGs go to die.

>Persona on PC is imminent, there's no way Sega will let that weeb money go to some cheap copy cat series for too long.
What copycat series are you talking about? I'd like a Perona-like on PC

I'm sure so are others.

I will just tell you this, as a PS4 only game (LOL who is going to play it on PS3) I will buy P5 on release date for freaking 72u$s (thanks to custom taxes) if the game came out on PC I would pirate it on day one.

Quite ironical that after Valkyria went to PC, it resurrected.
Though with VAR it might become dead again, without PC even.

There was a huge twitter shitstorm over the games being ported recently, which drew atlus' community manager out.

There's always demands for stuff like this, and it typically only gets addressed when the volume gets too high/annoying.

>72u$s (thanks to custom taxes)
Whats it like living in a non-free country. What the fuck

You will buy a console for Anne.

Meh we get universal healthcare, tuition free college, etc etc. It is a good trade off if you ask me.

not gonna lie it's the same for me.
if it was on pc i just wouldn't buy it

>Meh we get universal healthcare
If you're aren't poor you end up paying more into this system than you get out of it.
>tuition free college
Which removes the value of college education and makes getting a job even harder.

College is free in America too if you just don't open the collections letters. Debters prison doesn't exist.

>Games with no market on PC or Switch don't release on PC or Switch because no one wants them


That is only true about meme degrees. I took civil engineering and have been working just fine also I am thinking in getting another engineering degree just because I have to much free time after work.

I do agree that I ended up paying far more into the system that I got once I died, but I see no problem with it my life so far has been great and the government only made it possible for the options to be easily available for me while I took the decision of what to do with my life.

I will never understand americans and their almost religious nature against "big government" or "taxes".

Sega's entire existence is based on stirring up console wars. Sega not stirring up platform wars would be like Arab countries not blowing eachother up every 5 minutes.

>no one wants them
i guess that's why people have been constantly begging atlus to port them

Is Yakuza a series people genuinely like or are sonyfriends just pulling people's leg with this one? I tried 3 recently and it's a massive timewaster with more cutscenes than gameplay and combat so choppy it would feel at home on PS1.

>i didnt want it
>they are movies anyway
>it's weebshit who cares

The grapes are real

in the grand scheme of things, it's not very many begging people

Atelier moved to PC because they shit the bed so many times in a row that they now need to make up for their losses. Shallie, sophie and now firis all suck ass compared to the previous games, fans simply stopped supporting them.

If it were enough begging they would, they have in the past for games have they not?

Your community of choice did not support you.

show me the petitions to port Yakuza 0 to PC or the Switch

This is 100% accurate.

>They've been getting bombarded with people demanding they do switch and pc ports of the games.
[citation needed]

I want P5 on PC because I'm not willing to buy a PS4 for it, but anyone who thinks it would actually come to PC is completely delusional.

The drama is coming from John Hardin. He also said Persona 5 wouldn't have dual audio.

He's an idiot who talks big and definitive without the authority to do so. He's a PR guy for the western branch, he doesn't actually make any decisions.

Not that I actually think either are coming to PC, just that John Hardin is an idiot.

>Sega's entire existence is based on stirring up console wars
Sega didn't stop existing after 2001 dude

weeb shit
like i care

>not having a pc/ps4 for maximum efficiency

I'm PCfag that just recently bought a PS4 for Yakuza 0 in mind. I have yet to buy a game for it. I would say it's this good (to me). Yakuza is my favourite series I had to play on PS3.
I would be rad as fuck if they announced PC version even a day after PS4 release, I would buy it once again.

It's on PS3 as well, if you dont have a PS3 by now given how cheap they have become your a lost cause

played persona games on a friends console, its shit. yakuza is neat but not worth buying a ps4 for 1 game.

there you go, nobody cares OP

No? Because the games suck ass?
Why would I give a shit about Yakuza or Persona?

Fuck man, Sony shills are desperate. I'm not sitting here making threads to beg you to get some fucking taste and play Warhammer or something.

Enjoy your weeb cinematic bullshit, though.

Just look at neofag thread of Persona 5, even a a spokesman of Atlus US laugh at the notion of Persona 5 ever been released on PC.

I can see that heck from space user.


It's literally mentioned right in the article that the tweet is referencing.

>Atlus has been getting bombarded and overwhelmed with people demanding they do switch and pc ports of the game because some fags on neogaf said they wanted to play it on PC

also like user said, Hardin is a fucking moron.


>I-I-I-I didn't want it!
>tells others to get taste
>recommends Warhammer games

You're saltier than all the oceans combined


Even worse than weeb shit

yes people genuinely love the yakuza games.
3 is generally considered the worse one. not that it's bad, but it's a bit slower and more subdued than the others in its story and progression. the combat has always been a bit stiff, though in recent entries it's improved a lot in this regard. also, more cutscenes than gameplay? i can only imagine that if you're actively avoiding the gameplay.
for me, i like the games because they're big, extremely dense, and genuine japanese experiences with a ton of shit to do and a ton of detail.

Except it literally isn't. Why are you lying?

But he was right, the notion of Persona 5 ever been released on PC is fucking hilarious that is like not knowing Atlus at all.

>2 shit games


I'm not giving credential to illiterate toddlers

You have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old.

It mentions what caused people to think ports were coming, the labels, and then forwards you to twitter, where you can see people asking about it by looking at tweets at atlus prior to this.

That sort of thinking is why Atlus went bankrupt

>But he was right,

So Persona 5 doesn't have Dual Audio then?

>we won't make games for PC because there's no demand for them
>apparently such a high volume of people are port begging, they have to make a statement
>we won't make games for PC at all

Persona is immensely inferior to SMT
As for Yakuza, Wii U got Yakuza, but only in Japan
I haven't played Yakuza but I hear a lot of people like it, so I'd like to see it on more platforms than Playstation
Why would anyone be smug over games not having the broadest audience possible?
Are the fucking cancer of the industry
You should support companies and push for them to release on as many platforms as possible
Don't try and justify a purchase of a console by shitting on other consoles
Idort master race

Hey OP I found a pic of your girlfriend online, while you were bitching about PCuck having no games, she was having fun!

>Because the games suck ass?
>Persona 5 is Japan GOTY
>Yazuka has always been a decent series
Wow user you sure showed me
>Fuck man, Sony shills are desperate. I'm not sitting here making threads to beg you to get some fucking taste and play Warhammer or something.
pfft, you can't be fucking serious this is satire right?

It obviously was added at last minute because most likely the localization suck fucking ass.

Nowhere in the Gematsu article does is state anywhere even remotely close to "They've been getting bombarded with people demanding they do switch and pc ports of the games"

Some people thought the games weren't PS4 exclusive because of the labels and asked about it on twitter. That's not the same as being bombarded with demands. Stop being a fuckass.


Kek so much for PCfags complaining about "Sony only has 1 game XD"

You can follow through directly to twitter, and the article does mention where the confusion came from people were coming at atlus over.

Stop taking a screenshot of a tweet as the only primary source for things. People used to know that you were supposed to click through things for further information and actual sources.

Atlus was actually the only profitable thing that Index had.

>>Persona 5 is Japan GOTY
Literally WHO gives a fuck other than you obsessive weebs.

Why do Sony plebs want me on their platform so bad?

1. I'm not a low IQ nigger with no standards, so Sony games don't appeal to me
2. I'm not a shit eating dudebro, so Sony games don't appeal to me.
3. I'm not a fat autistic weeaboo with a penchant for trashy turn based Japanese Press Attack Button simulators
4. Since I'm not any of these things, I don't want to be around people that are any of these things

I wouldn't want you on my system, and I wouldn't want to be on yours.

So no.

Fuck off.

Such bullshit.

Her cock is bigger than those.

>why Atlus went bankrupt
That was Index not Atlus.