I will never understand why people like this bitch

I will never understand why people like this bitch.

Me neither. She's like a knock-off tomboy.

very feminine penis

Bideo jugos?

She is cute enough
Otherwise who cares

>Most annoying voice in the game
>Ugliest hairstyle
>Kanji is a way better party member AND character

Yukiko or Rise are the real waifus of P4.

She's utterly fucking useless though and doesn't even make up with it with a personality

There's literally nothing there

>he doesn't know the real best girl

they like chicks that look like dudes

I will never understand why people like any girl from P4. They're all trash.

>people just dont "get" Chie

>Most annoying voice in the game

Vitafag confirmed

Tomboys are fucking glorious thats why.

> Beautiful
> Caring
> Kind
> Great sense of humor
> Fun to be around
> A genuinely good person who loves you with all their heart and will never betray you like fucking emily you fucking cunt

All of these and more describe Chie Satonaka. My love. My wife. My soulmate. My everything and more.

She's not real.

Not him but I like her voice on vita


Golden Chie has a better voice than granny Chie in vanilla

Come on now, Chie isn't my thing, but you must be really dense if you can't understand why people would like any of these girls.

Let me guess. You're a Naotofag?

While her Golden VA isn't my favourite, she's a better character than Yukiko and Naoto.

She's the token tomboy in babbys first waifu game

shes real in his heart

She's a tomboy that is actually ok with being a girl still.
Unlike Naoto.

Oh just shut the fuck up about this. What is "REAL"? VR is here, and getting better by the day. In 10 years, I'll be able to see her sitting beside me with no dongles or headgear. A decade later, I'll be able to feel her touch, her warm breath, her soft lips. A decade from that, her AI will allow her to think for herself and, for the first time, truly express her love based on our years of wonderful experiences together.

And when that day comes, who the fuck are you to say that our love isn't "real"?

> Kind
not really



> tomboy
> energetic
> childhood friend
> fit as fuck
> will cheer you up whenever you're down
> always has your back

What is there not to like?

>childhood friend
How to spot someone who's never played the game and is only in it for the porn.

>Has down's syndrome
Gee I wonder

>childhood friend
What did he mean by this?

And I will never understand how people like Yukiko

I agree with everything but

>childhood friend

Have you played the game?

spoiler warning: best tomboy

This is b8

Watch yourself buddy

She has no real competition

Naoto gets over the girl thing.
>he didn't get her to dress up as a girl for christmas

>he believes fully inmersion VR will be a thing
Just because we can strap a monitor to our heads now doesn't mean we're making any progress towards brain manipulation systems. Your waifu will remain that, a painting.

She really really enjoys meat.

What's not to like about her?
>Enjoys martial arts movies
>Wants to protect all of her friends
>Fit as fuck
>Will do anything she can to make her friends happy

Maybe a little too much.

>doesn't mean we're making any progress towards brain manipulation systems
You can get immersed without sticking wires in your brain.

She burns it off tho

For now but her inevitable desk job will put and end to that.

>cute tomboy who likes steak and kung fu
>gets the shitty Phys skills before elemental moves

which makes Yukiko a better waifu

> her inevitable desk job will put and end to that

This and the vidya will end us all irl user...

Sure thing pal, this is the closest you'll get.

>worrying about viability in Persona fucking 4

That works for me

This reminds me do any p4 characters make an appearance in p5?

At least we'll have fun while it happens.

>who the Fuck are you to say our love isn't real?
A same man
>our love
She won't love you, she'll be a bunch of numbers and algorythims that act a certain way. You will die alone and that's funny.


Because the rest of the girls at P4 can't compare

>implying granny is any better

chiefags ladies and gentlemen

can you make this post longer so i can use it as pasta

>granny chie

Spats mostly.

The only P4 one I don't like is Yukiko. Boring design, boring personality, boring people like her.

She makes for a cute granny.

>just kidding, haha!

is this why she wears green

What do you think her meat smells like? haha

Hi i come from the future to tell you this
>Makotofags are the new Naoto/Mitsurufags
>Annefags are the new Risefags
>Harufags are the new fuuka/Yukikofags
>Futabafags are the new Chiefags

>>Harufags are the new fuuka/Yukikofags
fuukafags are nothing like yukikofags.


>She's utterly fucking useless though and doesn't even make up with it with a personality
At first I thought you were describing Nanako.

>>Futabafags are the new Chiefags

As if everyone won't go for sensei.

But Vita gave her a superior voice.

>But Vita gave her a superior voice.

smart people pick Mitsuru/Yukiko/Makoto