What went wrong?

What went wrong?

The main quest

I thought it was a good game. The sequel bait is the only thing that pissed me off.


The name.

It shared the title with a fantastic game that had a fully fleshed out story, and despite the tremendous setting, hundreds of hours of content and expansion of gameplay, all that X offered was the first act of a new trilogy that didn't leave the primary plot fulfilling by the end of it.


Game is bloated as shit. There's a million things you can do but none of it really feels worth a damn. MC is OP as fuck compared to everyone else who is useless as shit. Mechs somehow made the game even more boring.




Tatsu is so annoying.


What went wrong? NothCENSORED for western audiences

Story got destroyed because they had to incorporate half-baked multiplayer. Also combat was unbalanced as fuck with skells trivializing almost everything and ground combat turning into infinite overdrive spam over time. Physical copies needing a 10gb install for the game not to run like shit because the wii u disc drive is garbage. Soundtrack and sound design in general was very questionable. Quest board sidequests were all shitty mmo crap but the story related ones from npcs were good and had better writing than the main story. Silly, inconsistent censorship.

Still a pretty good experience overall.


Released on a dead console


It's inferior to the original in almost every way.

>Physical copies needing a 10gb install for the game not to run like shit because the wii u disc drive is garbage.

This really blew because the Wii U doesn't have shit for space in the first place. Yeah, you can stuff a USB drive in there but it's still pretty lame.

characters outside of the mandatory two or three feel completely pointless

having to run to their designated spot every time just to add them to the party is the most baffling design choice i've seen in ages

>Having to run around the city to get folks in your party, despite everyone having a fucking communicator
>Main quest was lacking
>Characters weren't fleshed out as much as they should've been
>Grinding materials through FrontierNav was pretty tedious
>NLA barely changes over the course of the story
>Tatsu and related jokes got old really quickly
>Removal of the boob slider was actually a lot more problematic than just leaving it in
>Multiplayer was shit and the story suffered as a result

That's about all I can think of personally. Still a fantastic game with one of the best open worlds to this day. Very excited for the next game.