They're gonna fuck this up somehow

They're gonna fuck this up somehow.

It's gonna be decent, get popular and mainstream, then Sup Forums will hate it

that's not final fantasy

It's going to sell at least 1.5 million copies and get a sequel after they make Sonic 3 Smartphone edition. Fans will love it but Sega overall will be indifferent to it because it sold similarly to other Sonic titles despite all the fan wankery.

I have a lot of faith in the devs, but in the end they're working for SEGA, and the higher-ups will inevitably tell them to make some stupid and assbackwards decision.

I'm already a bit bummed because the game is not gonna be only original levels.
>inb4 b-but they are remixed, and they're gonna have more content!!
I know that, but they're still gonna have the same setting, the same music and similar gimmicks. I have already seen remixed versions of older levels in Generations and other spin-offs, I would rather experience more brand new stuff like they showed in Studiopolis and that old west zone.

They already did fuck up. By pandering to the autistic classic sonic fans.

>only 3 stages leaked, one is a remodel of existing one
I think the game itself is gonna be all right, just concerned for the amount of content.

I'm just waiting for something awful to happen like Iizuka comes on during a demo to demonstrate the mandatory RTS stages he had them add for variety.

It's going to be one of those games where the fans rightfully hype it up to such levels that non-fans find it disappointing because they don't understand what the big deal is.

>no 3DS, Vita or Switch version

Geez, I'd kill to play this on the go.

They always fuck it up somehow. They always do...

It's going to be good, just not "BES FUCKING GAYM EVR" and that's fine,
games can just be good without having to be the best damn thing ever

Of course.
It's a 2D Sonic game, it's inherently shit.

They aren't "leaked" if they were officially shown.

I have faith. But it's only based on how good the Sonic CD re-release turned out.

I get the feeling that they'll announce a Switch version at or shortly after the upcoming presentation. At the time Mania was announced there was no clue what the name, release date and digital download platform of the console was, so Sega couldn't officially announce a Switch version.

But Sonic Generations: Electric Boogaloo was announced at the same event, and that included NX alongside the other consoles at the end.

I'd be surprised if Switch doesn't get a port considering it's getting the new 3D Sonic.

Yes, that's because 2017 is going to have a physical release at the end of the year, not a digital-only release in the spring.


they chose literally the best people for the job
the only way they can fuck this up is through overt executive meddling