Let's have a Final Fantasy XI thread.
Thread theme: youtube.com
FFXIV babies will be asked to leave.
Let's have a Final Fantasy XI thread.
Thread theme: youtube.com
FFXIV babies will be asked to leave.
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I just want another MMORPG where I can minmax various equipment sets to increase my optimization in a variety of specialized roles.
Is that so much to ask?
>>Is that so much to ask?
Because casuals won't have time to farm all that stuff. Can't go alienating potential subscribers can we?
FFXI was alway shit, remove those nostalgia goggles. XIV is a much better game.
>starting shit in the OP
>especially when xiv is much more relevant
You one of those faggots clinging to shit UI as "casual filters"?
Why do you fucks always shitpost in our XI threads? Bored because you ran out of daily quests to do, and weekly raid lockouts haven't reset yet? Butthurt because XIV will always be remembered as the inferior game?
It ain't gonna happen OP. As much as I'd love a XI thread, the fact it exists triggers XIV fans to death.
There will never be a civil FFXI thread on Sup Forums ever again because it will always degrade into shitflinging, only to then be saved by Mithraposting.
>supertanking all the Ark Angels at once as PLD/BLU
there will never be anything as hardcore in an MMO again
>Make an XI thread without mentioning XIV
>XIV shitposters come in and start shit
>Make an XI thread asking to please not talk about XIV
>XIV shitposters come in "WHY AREN'T I ALLOWED IN HERE"
Don't you have WoW threads to raid?
Mobile port WHEN
Believe it or not, ESO has horizontal progression.
>Nostalgic as fuck about FFXI
>Go back to play the game
>Playing entirely on my own
>End up meeting a really nice and polite Japanese duo
>Broken English but they're really nice guys
>Due to my NEET schedule I end up running into them enough times that they invite me into their linkshell.
>Spend tons of time talking about anime, manga with them and they talk to me about English-language stuff they enjoy.
It was lots of fun and I had no idea the Japanese could be such nice and lovable people.
I stopped playing but I still keep in touch with them through LINE and Twitter, of all things.
>enjoyed XI then
>enjoy XIV now
Does anyone here play Nasomi? Been thinking of getting into it.
That's not allowed faggot, XIV is a piece of shit game that is beyond saving. It's beyond casual and if you truly enjoyed XI you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
It doesn't go up to TOAU does it? That was the peak of the game for me. I can't live without my BLU and PUP
Elvaan girls are the best.
Quite hypocritical when FFXI was nothing more than a casual Everquest for retards (console owners)
>Me male irl
>Be Mithra
>I just want to be a cute girl and not make a big deal out of it.
>Always lumped in with faggot cat sluts who go around cybering and acting like whores
I think it's TOAU but not sure if it's live, last I saw the Darkstar emulator only had it partially implemented so Nasomi took it out until it could be finished. That was some time ago, no idea now.
Elezen are about the only thing I will say XIV did better. Elvaan were orangutan shaped freaks.
Never tried their server, played a few different ones a few years ago, and they were emulated fairly poorly.
FFXI was more casual than Everquest but the gear/macro system is deeper and better designed. Westerns can't into RPG mechanics as usual.
and community killing burn parties
>Casual pre-abyssea
XI and XIV share this problem.
Don't you fucking insult my sassy giraffe waifus.
Seems to be the best classic server, whenever I look it has 300-500 players online and Nasomi seems pretty on the ball about making things work as closely to vanilla as possible. Played it a year or so ago when it only had about 50 active players, it was playable but kinda buggy with certain monster AI. I'd like to see how it's going now.
Once burn parties were discovered people starting working them in the old areas too. ToAU made them slightly more effective but largely it was just because people hadn't discovered the tactic until ToAU, not that it wasn't viable until then.
I prefer FFXI to Everquest but you can't deny it was more casual. Everquest had shit like not being able to talk to players of other races if you didn't speak their language, and permanently losing your equipment if your corpse dropped down somewhere you couldn't get back to it.
The only reason i rag on burn parties is because it was the beginning of a trend that not only reduced player interaction substantially, but also put many people not playing LOLMELEEBURN out of parties. Who else here "loved" their blm solo.
I want to play more XIV and XI.
>Who else here "loved" their blm solo.
What up, gangstar.
Let's go duo Apollyon while the rest of the linkshell does Temenos so we can squeeze in more Ultimas and Omegas each month.
I can agree that it was "more casual". But just saying that it is casual is kind of a massive generalization. From 0-10, if 0 is wow, and 10 is EQ. FFXI is a solid 8.5-9 if not slightly higher.
Will Nasomi ever add Scholar? I know they said dancer was overpowered solo and didnt want that but scholar was kind of shit at the 75 cap. Like how to caved into giving blu
Its so weird not seeing blm in their Weskit. Its pretty much their AF to me.
I'm considering downloading it and just going full BST solo. I was always super jealous of them and their little community of outcasts. Is BST/WHM still how it's done?
Haha I knew a BST/WHM back in the day. Your description of "outcast" is pretty spot on. When we would talk about stuff, it was almost as if we were talking about different games.
You need the combination of AF1/2 Hat+Weskit+INT7 pants and whatever you can throw in for feet for the proper "old BLM" look.
To be honest, you they were playing a different game.
Pet linkshells and the way pet jobs played back then was just a weird thing that even the developers didn't quite understand.
I know it's not happening, but I hope they go back to major content creation.
Three times the budget
im installing Nasomi, this shit looks too fun to pass up, even if it is a bit buggy. See some of you in jueno
Tell us how it works out.
I keep hearing people saying "Yeah Nasomi exists" without really talking about it, what it's got, and how different it is from regular FFXI.
Will kind of be hard since you know, its going to take hours to patch the game, as always.
>literal wow tier UI that fills up 50% of the screen with shit, most of which you cant disable
ffxi UI was perfect, it stayed away until you needed it, and didnt clog up the sides of the screen with bullshit. it let you actually enjoy the atmosphere the game provided
I especially loved how the chat would stay completely hidden unless something new was posted. And combat text was completely optional. Made the screen very clean.
The main attraction is that it's FFXI from 2005 era, a totally vanilla classic private server. Whereas FFXI now is a completely different game.
The last time I tried to get that shit to work I spent 10 hours updating the game just to have it never be able to log in.
One private server i was playing on felt very vanilla until you got to sky, where they gave you 119 gear and shit. Completely KILLED it for me.
they haven't said shit about it lately.
i can't imagine how it would work out, or how big it would be.
would probably need to buy a tablet
is it possible to resub an do anything nowadays? i never finished promathia but i imagine the game is too dead to actually do old content now
hopefully i can hack it on my wii switch
Wait, do you mean xiv UI? You can kill the whole thing easy.
There is a new thing called Trust magic that lets you summon AI party members of famous NPCs. It's pretty much how you do all the old content until you get to the new endgame, which is actually pretty similar feeling to the old game.
The mobile port was a thing before Square tried to drop ps2 support, they stated way more players decided to move to pc to keep playing than they expected. The numbers convinced them to continue supporting ffxi for a as long as possible.
I think the mobile port was killed, for obvious reasons.
Yes, you can do a lot of things on your own.
The newer content (Adoulin/Rhapsody) is new enough that there are always people who need it or just want to help out.
The older content, however, is all "soloable" thanks to trust magic.
Did anyone ever figure out what PUP is for?
No, you either turn it all on or all off, there is no in between. You can hide a couple bars here and there, but the text box remains, all of the other shit remains.
Shit you can't even tell it what quests you want to show up on the UI, it just shows whatever it feels like or nothing at all
i'm pretty glad about that.
pc is where it should stay, i can't imagine playing any other way.
communication would be a bitch too
user you can literally turn off every individual piece of the UI, AND you can tell it what quests you want to show.
Please I love XI too but you don't have to make shit up about other games.
It's so everyone else can feel better about their job.
>wanting a repeat of last nights thread
Well, atleast it keeps the thread moving i guess
the designated shit job that every expansion with job additions had to have
RoZ had DRG, AU had PUP, and WotG had DNC/SCH, though SCH got out of its shit pile really really quickly and 180'd into on-par/better than BLM tier.
That said once SE actually gave a shit about the job and started fixing it it became a solid pet class that could tank, heal and DPS effectively though its nuke AI is still somewhat retarded
>darkness SC on crabs
>uses fucking Water V
Prove it, show me exactly where in the quest log it lets you show whether to display it or not.
And you seem to miss the point of 'show it when you need it' entirely, but I guess turning it off and on again is good enough for wow players
>PUPs taking usus from SAM/NIN/MNK
I will never get tired of the tears that generated. Blame SE for not putting the job on any fucking gear til Enkidu came out, seriously SE had no fucking idea what to do with that job
>C- h2h
>on fucking MAGE gear that has little accuracy
>mfw I had full Usukane
>have full Usu
>get mistaken for a mnk til you pull a puppet out of your ass.
>get excalibur and temper II
>finally become the melee rdm i always wanted to be back in high school circa 2004
I can't hate modern FFXI entirely, there's just too many fun things to goof around with now that I wouldn't have dreamed of back then.
it's just, gimme more folks to play with, man
>Die at high levels
>Have to accept a Raise 1
Really dotn get why they made that self-only, sounded like something that could have been useful to put RDM back in the buffer spot. Course now its pretty redundant with the amount of DA/TA/QA you can get on gear
I really want to resub. But even with all the quality of life improvements I know I just don't have the time any more
just wait til the next free login campaign, they happen often enough these days
>refresh/haste/temper all party-wide AoE by default
>improve natural duration by 1.5x
>player now has more time to squeeze in nukes/debuffs while meleeing by default for some bonus damage instead of awkwardly standing around like a dope
ui edit
right click duty list
bam, it's gone
you're retarded
>implying most RDMs would bother to keep a melee kit to actually hit anything. And instead bitch about how the party isnt doing its job fast enough
Laughing BLUs.jpg
I haven't played this game in 6 years and I still daydream about optimizing my macros
>main WHM whole time i play the game
>could unsub/resub at will and still have BiS gear, get into an LS and have fun
>now if i want to play i have to grind all this retarded shit and i have no friends to do it with + nobody needs WHM anymore because they all just dualbox their own
It was a fun kind of autism, specially for jobs like RDM or BLU where you could do a bunch of different things and needed specific gear for each
Forgot what the casting animation even looked like on my RDM. Every spell had different gear swap which cancelled the animation.
>not being able to talk to players of other races if you didn't speak their language
Not true
>permanently losing your equipment if your corpse dropped down somewhere you couldn't get back to it.
Not true
EQ devs have gone as far as saying that XI was even more autistic in grind than EQ was. Not that it had more "hardcore" mechanics but just how long it took to level.
That was XI in a nutshell though, if you werent a DNC, you never saw your animations if you were playing right
You just solo level like every post-WoW MMO now.
No player interaction at all. Cities beside the newest expac one are completely dead. If you happen to see someone while you're afk leveling with your trusts they'll probably tell you to fuck off from their camp.
The game is dead. The FFXI you want to play is dead.
fuck off turd eaters. you're part of the reasons mmos are terrible today
>RoZ had DRG
In all honesty, DRG was pretty broken early on.
If you don't recall, all multi-hit WS would give back full TP.
So if you'd earn 12 TP from an attack, and you landed all the hits on Penta Thrust, you'd get 60 TP back.
This made them really broken for a while, but then they fixed it by making it so that only the main hit gave you full TP, and the additional hits gave you a portion of that that usually worked out to 0.5 to 1.5 TP.
Pair this up with Wyvern being a 2hr ability, Jumps having high cool downs, and DRG not having access to some top tier endgame gear and this resulted with DRG being considered a bit of a joke until the 2-handed rework.
That said, it really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be and it was just a case of certain linkshells being elitist about it.
That was more the weapon than the job though. But no DRG was never as shit as people claim, but it was still the "joke" job of RoZ expansion, dont know why they thought call wyvenr shoulda been a 2hr when its the defining part of the job. Specially if you were using hybrid or heal vomit style wyvern. Spirit surge was probably the best thing to happen to that job in a long while directly, that and Angon.
Who was your server's drama whore?
I remember we had a chick called Poof? or something like that who would constantly harass people.
Didn't help that she used to send nudes to whoever got even within an inch of her.
Post more Mithra.
Dem legs
This is for nasomi btw but i suppose its the same with anyone updating fresh with the aldouin collection. I usually download from steam at 18 mb/s. In case anyone was wondering or interested in how long it would take.
>Grandma calls
haha, right? I remember doing this on dialup and ANY interruption restarted the whole download.
>tfw RDM main for years
>tfw re-sub to XIV just for RDM
If I don't get Refresh and Haste I'm calling the cops on SE and if RDM isn't fun I'm immediately uninstalling and resubbing to XI