Name 1 (One) (eins) (ett) (en) (un) (uno) (unus) (yksi) (moja) (ekab) (wahed) (jeden) Reason why you haven't got a PS4...

Name 1 (One) (eins) (ett) (en) (un) (uno) (unus) (yksi) (moja) (ekab) (wahed) (jeden) Reason why you haven't got a PS4 or PS4 PRO yet?

Not worth it yet, the games I want are still not out. Like your pic, nigger. I'll get one later this year.

It's "une" and not "un", since " raison" is a feminine word.

No exclusives I want enough to purchase the system.

Same story as Xbone and Wii U

why does he look better than CGI leia ???
Is that the power of the Decima engine ???

its shit


*Also for PC

I got it around Christmas, but I wish I had waited until the Nintendo Switch direct, since none of the games I want on PS4 come out until late January at the earliest.

having two different words for different sexes is fucking retarded you frenchfag