This game is going to suck ass

This game is going to suck ass.


And take you back to the past.

why do you think that, OP?

>game for children
>children like minecraft

>member Banjo Kazooie?

furrys please go


sick rhymes bro

Don't think it's going to be a masterpiece but I imagine it'll be pretty solid.

He'd rather have...

I don't think it'll be terrible, but all the hype is 100% nostalgia driven. Collectathons weren't really amazing or anything and I doubt anybody who masturbates over Banjo games now have actually played a Banjo game in the last 15 years.

Well duh, it's a collectathon, it's supposed to suck ass.

Not an argument.

I want to suck laylee's ass!

is that the lizard or the bat?

I never played the Banjo games when I was a child, but I played the xbox live versions and was amazed how good they are.

As for Yooka Laylee, I think it will be an okay game, but it won't be anywhere near Banjo Kazooie and it'll be short as fuck.

Kickstarter games just don't have the budget to be great, which is probably the reason why 1/2 Genie Hero sucked.

i want to be hyped but yeah i agree

level design is going to get worse in a game like this when you dont have low graphics to restrict what you can do.

A rotten asshole.

yep it looks fucking terrible
also yes

The levels look too big. Banjo 1 and Mario 64 had pretty small levels for the most part that were packed with interesting design

It'll be a 6/10 at worst I think. Can't imagine it being terrible or anything.