Is vidya merchandise like this acceptable?
Is vidya merchandise like this acceptable?
ecks dee
i wonder how many people would recognize Selim
>A Deal is a Deal
What is this from? I realize this is all anime. but this is a really common quote and I am a newfag.
lurk moar
Only if you're attractive, but then again nothing is if you're not so do what you want either way
It's a forced Sup Forums meme.
who is the cute girl on the top right
Only people who would have no reason to actually say they do.
Unless you get an autist that just screams "YO BRO WE FAPPED TO THE SAME GAY PORN HIGH FIVE"
Nice Deal or No Deal reference!
One time last year a mod accidentally stickied a shitpost thread with some girl saying A DEAL'S A DEAL user, NOW YOUVE GOTTA SUCK MY NIPPLES
Depends. If some normal guy was wearing it ironically it would look decent. Some fat weeb wearing it at his local FNM would look pathetic as fuck.
>Unless you get an autist that just screams "YO BRO WE FAPPED TO THE SAME GAY PORN HIGH FIVE"
>this will never happen
why live
it's not gay porn
Few months ago someone made a thread here with a nsfw op image and posted "A deal is a deal user, now you have to suck my nipples!" and mods accidentally stickied it
there are two males having sex, how is it not gay
Which of you meme loving fucks made these?
then what is it
>first shirt
May as well have the monster crest on a shirt with the word "UNDERTALE" underneath it.
just wear whatever the fuck you want I've been wearing this mortal kombat shirt for the past 2 weeks
it's not gay though
I would wear this if it wasn't made with the line tool, but still equally shitty looking
>line tool
you wot m8?
go back to mtfg
I love hentai logic like this. It's so fucking silly.
>If I'm wearing a skirt then it's okay to get violently fucked in the ass by the entire high school soccer team because I'll be a girl.
would you wear this
dont girls like doing that?
girls are degenerates
I legit want this
i would
but id assume you're a totally sissy for actually wearing it
Called some dude out for a hirame steam avatar once
had a nice slightly awkward bonding moment
I want the succubus(male) one
I'm gonna get ripped just so I can wear this shirt without such an accusation being levelled at me. The fact that I actually am hard gay is irrelevant.
>Ugly, obscure graphics that make references only you and other losers will understand
Here we go again.
I'd buy a sticker of it and put it on my weebmobile
not a shirt though
That's the only way you could get away with the shirt looking cool.
all memes are forced
now bend over like a good fucktoy while I force my dick up your butthole
it's not gay porn though, i'm not gay and it's one of my favorite doujins ever
shut up fag
Why do trapfags deny being gay so hard? I guess it really is a fetish for closet faggots.
i don't like to stand out so i don't use lewd
>tfw missing out on meeting pervs online
I'm pretty sure this is the majority of what Sup Forums wears considering it's entirely narcissistic underage b&.
*lewd avatars desu
>someone spent their free time doing this
Is there a online store where they sell these shirts at?
seriously it's a four square graph
I do want that succubus (male)shirt
I really want that top right t-shirt. Where can I order it?
here's the rest of your chart
Where do I get that ahegao shirt?
What the fuck.
Selim is best girl
>no spider option
when will the oppression stop
The only one i dont get is the moonrunes on bottom left
What is it?
Why not just have a blank space for people to write in their gender?
>sissy white boy thread #23667
Anyone have the graphic for top-right?
>Art on front of shirt instead of back
Fucking pleb bullshit.
>tfw I actually have the top right shirt
>I've walked around in college with it
>some faggot girlyboy talked to me about it
>I fucked his ass later that day
The shirt got my a qt trap to fuck so I can't complain.
your poor naive soul
because then you wouldn't feel included
and feeling included is the most important thing in the universe
It's obviously a joke you retard.
>When he starts sharing her
Dropped.Why would you even do that?
post the shirt then
and the ""qt trap""
i dont believe you
post it
You have to train your toys, user. That's the only way they can service you better. You're not actually considering having feelings for a toy, are you? It will leave you the moment it catches a whiff of them.
>comic about a masochist demon boy getting fucked in the ass
>complains about polygamy
Sissy pinoi thread?
Come on man...
Ic youre good looking you can wear any kind of merch.
Just dont wear a zelda tee with baggy jeans and new balance and youre golden.
I wear a jacket 80% of the tine i leave yhe house so just wear band/vidya/comic tees underneath because my friends/family get me them for xmas etc.
im not good looking though
I want that succubus(male) shirt
>It will leave you the moment it catches a whiff of them.
She didn't though in the story at least. He had her,no need to share that boylady.
as an asexual i find that double binary sexual orientation definition offensive
I'd unironically wear the Selim shirt. Come at me faggots.
>stone femme
i dont see the shirt in the picture, bitch
So where's the shirt? And where's her feminine penis?
I apologize, now. POST MOAR
>wear whatever the fuck I want cause huge, muscled brotha
Step it up.
>He'll never come back ;__;
m i rite Sup Forums?
I posted the succubus (male) shirt once in a thread and now people are shilling my redbubble for some reason