Hey, thanks for coming to Gamestop, is there anything in particular that you're looking for?
Hey, thanks for coming to Gamestop, is there anything in particular that you're looking for?
that qt3.14's number
f-fine, thanks
>"yeah I'd like Earth Defense Force 4.1 please"
>"cool, cool"
>rings it up
>pay for game
>in and out of store in less than 2 minutes
I don't know where your gamestop is but every single one here is like
>Hey welcome to gamestop can I interest you in the new Batllefield?
>Okay cool was there anything you were looking for in particular?
>I want King of Fighters XIV.
>Awesome man, fighting games. Do you play Street Fighter?
>Aww that's too bad. Would you like to preorder Tekken 7 while you're here.
>Well how about our gamestop rewards program, I can set you up-
>Well what about a gift card? Know anybody that-
>Okay man your total is gonna be $65.48.
>finally get to pay and leave
its probably because here in Colorado everyone is more stoned than a gravel road and have no fucks to give when selling you shit.
SOmetimes they'll ask me a question or 2 about the game I'm buying if it's a bit obscure but other than that I am never pressured into pre-orders or anything.
is that how you actually talk user?
might want to get checked for autism.
When being pressured to buy a ton of games from a guy who is told to try to sell you shit, I would just say no as well.
I'd like to know where that guy got that Wayne's World tshirt
The workers never bother me and ring me up fast.
Only problem I had is the one time this one spaz was in front of me and was either trading in a ton of shit or buying a console and was very confused about things. Held me up for over 5 minutes
Hey, just thought I'd let you know a website called Amazon exists, it's pretty good
>Go to Gamestop to pick up a game as a Christmas gift for my sister
>Second in line, right in front of the register
>Standing there for almost half an hour while the two attendants play with their WiiU's (I think they were trying to set up an account for the guy in front of me)
>All the people in the mall made the store really hot and stuffy
>Guys finally realize they need to put their WiiU's down and help the ever increasing line of customers
> Answer No to every question that comes my way about Rewards cards and warranties yada yada
> Gf and I leave on the verge of smacking the fucking WiiU out of that guys hands
Fucking Gamestop
Do you really believe he said something inappropriate there?
You might want to get checked for autism.
*walks up to counter*
Hi, do you have (insert game title here)
I was wondering if you had (insert game title here)
>I dunno.
*employee slowly gets up from behind counter, shuffles to where the game would be*
Well. It just came out today' I preordered it and am here to pick up my copy
*employee shuffles back to counter*
>what's your name
>uhh. It doesn't look like you preordered it.
Yeah. *take out proof*
>ok...lemme see.
>I see you preordered it.
>we don't have it.
Do you know when you'll be getting it.
>I dunno. Not sure if we will be
Ok...can I get a refund for my preorder?
>preorder for what?
(Insert game title here)
>we don't have that game
I kno-
Thank you.
*leaves gamestop*
Woman behind the counter?
>finally get to pay and leave
You act like that makes them take longer. I've never seen them stop what they're doing, or stop the customer from paying or leaving, while asking these questions. They always ask them while doing other shit, like finding the game you want because you're too lazy to find it yourself apparently.
How'd you guess.
Looked like rebel Wilson .but fatter
>Well. It just came out today' I preordered it and am here to pick up my copy
Why wouldn't you open with this information?
me on the left
Because they're only there because they're fucking the manager or employees.
Same girl? Seems she is working for Nyko
>buying games in actual stores
>I've never seen them stop what they're doing, or stop the customer from paying or leaving, while asking these questions
Just buy from Amazon
Looking ready to shoot up a theatre.
isn't that chick the one that works at Lootcrate?
I fapped to one of her twitter pic one time
>went into FUCKING GAMESTOP today
>found a sealed copy of Anarchy Reigns for a buck
me in the middle
>lost my copy of Halo Combat Evolved
>decide to call up the local FUCKING GAMESTOP to see if they have it
>they claim to have a copy for like 15 bucks
>I head downtown, get to the store, there is a pink haired trashy looking SJW and this lanky omega male working there
>the lineup is almost out the door
>lanky cuck is flirting with pink haired SJW in the worst of ways
>this one really greasy looking guy is actually trying to help customers, poor sap
>I finally get to the front of the line
>they search through all their bins / shelves and can't find the fucking game I drove down to get
>NOW the SJW and cuck finally decide to get back to work, that is, trying to upsell me on shit when they didn't even have what I wanted to begin with
Needless to say I ordered the fucking game from Amazon
To the one guy that was actually trying to work there; cut your hair and get the fuck out of there. Leave those other two losers behind.
most retarded and untrue story i've read on here today
>pink haired trashy looking SJW and this lanky omega male
>the SJW and cuck
You must be 14 to post on this board.
There are still people using SJW and cuck in a nonironic way.
God damn
Post more.
>go to GameStop to put money on a game I laybuyed a week before
>same cashier who put the game on laybuy week before
>feel less socially awkward since I know this guy
>he doesn't remember me at all
>feel even worse than usual
Fucking gamestop
A girlfriend would be nice.
she tries really hard to hide her giant tits, that really gets me
Alright, what are the specs?
Yeah, she's trying her best.
I can't remember the last time I bought a physical game.
Lmao fuck off normalfag
well I'm not an expert of her skin exposure. Just that I was skimming through her twitter thinking she's cute, and then boom I realized she had great tits too
I'm looking for Senran Kagura : Peach Beach Splash. The anime water gun game. Thanks. And no, I don't want a powerup rewards card.
>that haircut
I'd bang her except for the part where I have to listen to how black people are oppressed and white men are evil for hours on end afterwards.
maybe it's for the cosplay
I feel you there family. I love when girls with big tits try to make them seem smaller/etc.
I'd join Black Lives Matter to bang her t b h
she actually looks like Jane Levy here, this keeps getting better
She wouldn't bang you, though.
I went to FUCKING GAMESTOP today to put in my preorder for the KH2.8 limited edition and the fucker seriously tried to sell me on disk protection for a game that isn't even out yet.
Also, when the fuck did half of Gamestop become random piles of non-video game shit? I know they've always sold that stuff, but there was a whole goddamn wall of Pop vinyls and other toys and shirts and shit.
This thread makes me want to kill myself. Or it could be that this thread just sucks and doesn't help distract me from the constant urge to do so.
But user, your sister...
Is she hot ?
Don't do it friend, we love you.
>supreme lord of butts and bisexuality
I think you misunderstand. I love big tits, and I find it attractive when girls try to make them seem smaller because it makes the girl come off as being shy about her large chest.
I feel like butts and pizza are two things everybody say they love on social media for some reason, as if it was quircky
If the shed fits.
How do you people have issues like this?
If they try to upsell, say no. Easy as pie. Unless you're the most socially awkward faggot, going through a simple sales transaction shouldn't be this much of a problem.
Hell, the only "issue" I've had in a Gamestop was another customer ahead of me being a complete dick to the cashier because the customer was told he couldn't trade in a broken PS3.
Are those soundtracks that are pre-order bonuses for the new digimon game physical CD's or is it download bullshit?
casual ___sex
Every gamestop i've been to has normies dressed like sales clerks at a phone store. I'd take what's in the pic over that any day.
Kys frogspammer
As long as there are still people who think we should give gender reassignment to kids, the labels still work.
I work part time in retail and the amount of times I hear this shit is ridiculous
>Hey, anything you're looking for in particular?
>F-fine t-thanks
>Hey, how's it going?
>J-just looking t-thanks
Have you ever stopped to consider maybe the customers don't wanna engage is useless small talk and just get what they came for and leave?
would you like to get game insurance on that??
Have you ever considered that the workers are just doing their job, they really don't want to do that shit but they have to. Besides, they just inconvenienced you for 30 seconds. They have to do it to every customer, do you know how mentally draining that is, to do something you know people will despise you for?
Don't do it fag. Just leave me alone.
Or get a real job you shitter
she has great taste in games desu
Ah yes, Would you happen to have any jews hiding in this establishment?
this is her
It even happens when you wave at people. They'll walk into the store and I'll just wave at them from behind the cash and they'll say "I'm just looking". I don't care if you're just looking, all I wanted to do was say hi.
>like finding the game you want because you're too lazy to find it yourself apparently.
well to be fair, most if not all gamestops keep every game behind the counter and only display empty cases. they do this so that 1) you cant steal that shit and 2) it forces the employees to engage with you.
>Or get a real job you shitter
Then who is going to sell you the products?
>Went into Gamestop to browse
>Heard the guy behind the counter flirting with the girl next to him
>Bragging about how he could beat up a lion...
>A goddamn lion
>He was saying that he'd kick it on the nose and it would submit because lions have sensitive noses
>I chuckle, can't help it
>The guy growls at me and I leave the shop while they say how rude I was
Ah, gamestop!
I'll take one Suicide Squad Joker action figure, please.
Don't lie to me, user. We all are on the left
In and out of the store in less than 3 minutes
Fucking Gamestop.
Man I loved Kenan&Kel
>they really don't want to do that shit but they have to
What kind of shitty job you work?
I wish one day he has to actually fight a lion and that chick is there looking at the whole ordeal
Retail, dumbass
Upselling is one of the first things they teach you