My pc keeps shutting down only in this boss fight, help?
My pc keeps shutting down only in this boss fight, help?
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works on my machine
have you tried not pirating it
I forgot just how hideous Dark Souls' hud is after playing Bloodborne for so long.
Stop pressing the power button when you're trying to heal, silly
I buy my games thank you very much.
The games wants you to see the alternate boss intro
Git gud
seriously it's driving me mad, i had the problem with fog walls in DS2 but was completely fixed by turning effects to medium but there's no such option in ds1 obviously
Even with DaS1 as my favorite I agree, the HUD is just not very good for the most part and its largery because of the size. It's kinda zoomed in and it's
Get a ps3
Are you sure it's not you subconsciously shutting your game down because you're too much of a casual to beat the boss?
It's giving you a time limit. Git gud.
That hacked soul spear and Elizabeth mushrooms. Fucking trash.
It's not just the size. It's just ugly in general. Even the healthbars are ugly. They came a long way.
Where the fuck did Sif get that gigantic blade anyway? Did some blacksmith go "Yeah, I'll create this greatsword for a fucking wolf."
All those advantages and he still cant hack it xD
the fuck do you want us to say?
ds1 is an unoptimized piece of shit, if you can't run it for some reason, don't play it
Not my pic bro.
Probably from the blacksmith who gives the key to the forest, I can't remember his name. Why else would he have the crest of artorias if he wasn't associated with him.
arterias asked some dude to forge it for his wolf, what else?
I just found I ran the game fine for 34 hours and now this shit happens
>hacked items
>1 Billion souls
jesus christ spend some of those souls
Giants were common in Lordran, Sif probably just found some dead giant's greatsword
something wrong with your toaster
What I tried to describe contributes a lot to the ugliness in general.
can pretty well run ds2 at 60fps and the ds3 at 50
nice bait thread
well anyway, don't pay shitty ports
Andre of Astora. Don't forget his name again, or I'll inform him myself.
But when Artorias got corrupted by the Abyss, Sif was just a normally sized wolf.
Well, at least it makes some sense. Although I'm now starting to think that perhaps, somehow, some sort of sorcery was used to permanently increase the size of the greatsword along with Sif.
Why is Sif so ugly? We're they unable to add any effects to his fur to make it look okay? The shit they pulled off with beasts in Bloodborne is miles above this.
>sonyggers at it again
Do u have dsfix?
Is it overheating? Try blowing all the dust out of the case. I have to do that with mine every so often or it will crash doing video encoding.
Of course
Hey Im just about to beat this game since the only boss I have left to fight is gwyn. This will be my first playthrough. Almost done then on to 2 and 3
>inb4 skip 2
>inb4 bloodborne
Already played and beat it. It was my first souls game.
Hey, nice blogpost, upvoted
no the game runs cooler than some others that I play flawlessly, the game too runs flawlessly everywhere except this boss, once the fight starts it takes approximately a minute for the pc to shutdown and restart
Did you find the secret areas? (Ash Lake, Painted World)
Also, Dark Souls 2 is not really canon, you could skip it if you want. But I would recommend playing it so you'll see how much better DS3 is.
We pirate shit here. You're part of the problem
>buying games after 1996
Literally kill yourself you inbred
whoever tell you to skip 2 don't know shit.
the game has many flaws, but you need to play it to see al the good stuff they actually removed from it for ds3.
just remember to get adaptability to 15 or so, you want not shit dodges.
and power wield maces for the sentinels, best feeling ever
>dark soul lore
>anything being actually canon
Oh it's not like I wanted to play online, get a fucking job pleb
Play a different game with a better everything instead of this fugly mess that crawled out of a fat guy's ass
the game is fun user, you don't have to hate to sound cool.
>speaking for Sup Forums
Get out of here you colossal faggot.
But why is Sif basically wielding the sword of Artorias just 20x bigger ?
If nobody bought games then why would people make more games?
>pirate the witcher 3
>feel a little bit bad about it
>at the part where I accompany some readhead slut to a wedding (not triss) and get possessed by a ghost
>the night is just ending, 11:58
>the ghost in geralt finishes the speech
>the cutscene starts up
>the entire application is instantly closed, i'm back to my desktop
>"IT'S MIDNIGHT" over the speakers at full volume after a few seconds of silence
legitimately thought someone was playing a prank on me and I downloaded one of those joke ROMs for pirates
If everyone bought games then why not just put way less effort into making them making them shittier
The great debate which one do you think is more apparent
I have only encountered dev anti piracy tricks
>you get turned into a bird at random times forcing you to replay the whole mission
>randomly start spinning uncontrollably
Nice shitpost, kys-voted.
I did the painting and decided to spare priscilla because she was cute af and doesn't auto agro. So i just jumped off the platform and left. I read about the great hollow and will consider it.
Sounds good thanks for the tip.
Run in window
tried it, didn't work, thanks anyway, nice seeing people trying to help rather than turning this into a shitty debate thread
>My pc keeps shutting down
Your CPU doesn't get enough cooling then and shuts down from being too hut, dumbfuck. Stop taxing your toaster too much before it burns down.
>CPU doesn't get over 50C
Maybe ask for temps before insulting people?
Mine doesnt shut down even if its 90 degrees the fan just turns into a jet engine
They usually turn off at 100 or so, so he's not wrong.
Anti-piracy tricks are fun.
>she was cute
Could you be a better goy if you tried?
your computer shouldnt be turning off at all if it's a problem with the game.
try using DSfix, if you are then try turning it off just for the fight. Sounds like something is messed up with your computer if anything though.