Is anyone really getting this on Wii U?

Is anyone really getting this on Wii U?

what gam dis?

who makes these ridiculous pictures...

also kill yourself OP

dark souls I guess

nice fake


If the Switch isn't region-free then, yes

This. I'm still getting a switch for Splatoon 2 but I have zero interest in zelda.


which is which

I'll be getting it on the WiiU.

I've had that thing since release and total play time has only been 200 hours. I need to get my money's worth.


yeah, with loadiine tho

Up is the Remaster for PC
Down is the 3DS Version after the Wii U Version has been canceled

if you count pirating as getting it then Yes.

It is. It's pretty sad that Nintendo wasnt able to come up with a true classic this gen. Every WiiU release has pretty much been throwaway garbage that cant hold anyone's attention for more than a couple minutes because they're all made to cater to drivelling retards

You wish pcuck

I'm not going to get a switch the first year, so yes. Didn't fall for the next gen meme with MGSV, not going to fall for Zelda now.

So you are saying you love Nintendo because they cater to you?

We all know the outcome.

Are console-tards dyslectic as well?

I'll get for free :^)

Grand Theft Auto I think

do they have a working emulator for wii u?
if yes then yes I will get it on wii u.
otherwise I will forget about it like ff15

Cemu ; )

Will this be another empty and lifeless open world game, Sup Forums?


i kek'd


I was gonna pay for it till I learned how scummy Nintendo really was. I refuse to ever buy a Nintendo product ever again purely out of principle.

Why the fuck would you get it on the Wii U when it will be optimized for the Switch?

I wish I kek'd when I made it but I was serious.
If only Nintendo knew how important it is that they actually make a console that can handle at least current gen games.
Looking at the Switch, I can't help but notice that it's gonna be so CPU bottle necked that I just feel apathy for them for not realizing their recurring mistakes.

I think I'll pirate it on Wii U and see how the performance is and then buy it. I'm seriously concerned about the performance though.

>people hyped because it was capable of running skyrim
>skyrim was a fucking PS3/360 game

Yes, I've already wasted money on the Wii U and it has cfw now.

I suspect it will have a similar feel to MGSV. In a few ways.

this is actually how it's going to end up.

Holy shit, does it really look like that on the bottom?
I'm giving up on Nintendo. It's time for me to make the Switch.

no, both the top and the bottom pic are heavily shopped