Name 5 better looking games

Name 5 better looking games.

I can't.
The ps4© is so much impressive.
I don't get why some nerds play on PCs and buy £500 gpu.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The WItcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Hearts of Stone
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Blood & Wine
Watch Dogs 2
Battlefield 1
Star Wars: Battlefront

that was easy

super mario galaxy
skyward sword
wind waker
jet set radio

m8, tw3 doesn't even have real time reflections.

>m-muh cell shading


>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
>The WItcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Hearts of Stone
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- Blood & Wine
Same game nigger, try again.

>Watch Dogs 2

yeah it does idiot

Uncharted 4 doesn't even have real lighting, it's all pre-baked and it's literally a linear corridor TPS

Battlefield 1 had more diverse environments and it's more open than UC4 yet it looks like a true next gen game.

>yeah it does idiot
No it doesn't. Show me one SSR in the game.
> it's all pre-baked and it's literally a linear corridor TPS
No shit, you thought they would have made a GI system for a linear corridor ?
Btw Tw3 doesn't have "real lighting" as well.
God damn cdrones.

Persona 5 despite shit textures
FFXII even though I haven't even played it
Metal Slug

I even picked mostly sony games so you couldn't accuse me of fanboy shit. Now, if you had asked which games are the most technically impressive in terms of graphics then Uncharted 4 would probably rank pretty high, I just don't personally think it looks that interesting.

Battlefield 1
Crysis games

60fps games.


I've just started playing Uncharted 4 today, and other than the framerate it would look REALLY good if it weren't for the fucking ludicrous amount of motion blur. It's genuinely sickening and hurts my head sometimes, even in just an indoor area turning the camera results in the screen being such a smeary mess.

Crysis 3 on Ultra looks a lot better than Uncharted 4 desu

more and more games tend to do that. Blur and chromatic aberration are the 2d fog of this gen : Its an easy way to hide the framerate and the lack of AA.




crysis 3 ultra looks absolutely gorgeous. i dont believe anything ever reached that stage so far.

witcher 3 also looks very pretty in some instances.


literally who cares about grafix

you don't play games to look at pretty scenes


I literally cannot do it


>literally who cares about grafix
They are called VIDEO games, video being a important part as it displays the game to us



graphics should always be secondary to gameplay


Woah... So THIS... is the power... of console gaming
#4theplayers this is the power of the PlayStation®4™,,.


What's this?


EVE online.

If they really need it just a smidge would do. Uncharted 4 packs it on so fucking heavy.

>Sonycucks will defend this


The Order 1886
Titanfall 2
Witcher 3

>twitch screencap
Why are PCucks so desperate?


Without graphics there is no gameplay to be seen

fox and grapes

I played the game recently and it looks more like top pic, letterboxing and framerate aside

Because it uses temporal res up scaling so it looks like blurry shit

Mostly why sonycucks rely on photo mode

gameplay takes precedent over graphics

Nice bait
Bottom pic was clearly taken with foggy weather

Super Mario sunshine
Mgs5 especially during cutscenes
Witcher 3
Pre downgrade dark souls 2



Battlefield 1
Crysis 3
Gta 5

> metal slug


well, those games DO look better
>muh realism

that honestly looks beautiful damn

As a long time PC gamer I can't. I wish I could list something but I just can't. Theres nothing that beats uncharted 4 in graphics.

Kys child

Does it have actual lighting though?

>me watching people in this thread

>its another thread of teenagers desperate to validate their 500$ toy

wew lads


Shit game, but still looks better than UC4 visually.



Alright. That's 5 OP.

Nah Uncharted has a lot more going for it. Not only are the characters models better in Uncharted 4 but the same fidelity is actually present in Uncharted 4 as you see in that pic you posted.
Especially if you are in doors.

^^^ it all looks like bunch of faggy cartoons

until photorealism, "realistic" art styles look like vomit

I can stand at Anor Londo just looking at the scenery for minutes at a time

Literally none of those look as good as Uncharted 4. Not even joking.

>People think any of those games look better than Uncharted 4


If you disagree, why would you post a screenshot that proves them right?

I was extremely impressed with console MGSV considering it runs perfectly at 60fps

Nice PS1 game you have there.

I think you can turn off motion blur

Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Witcher 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars: Battlefront
Assassin's Creed Unity

Nice foliage brah. Would be a shame if someone posted something that was better in 2013


The past 5 Assassin's Creed games look better.

looks nice and all but how are the textures up close? that foliage on the left looks pretty shitty


Stop posting this filtered bullshit


Depth of Field worse than cities skylines

get this hothead outta here

I don't get why people think this is meant to be special. This could be any AAA game from the last few years


fuck that games fps-drops and general ass-like handling

>back home for christmas
>brother got a home cinema and a ps4 and wants us to play a game together
>chooses UC4
>I play, he watches
>me no consolero, so fuck those controls
>get used to them
>game is pretty
>and pretty boring
>he fucking creams himself during all those action scenes
>I barely keep awake

still finish it, because it's time I spent together with my bro

On topic: why 5, one should be enough? Witcher 3, BF1, Crysis 3.

>check out this photoshoped "screenshot" of an unplayable cutscene from the bullshot story trailer of his video game
You are retarded


The Witcher 3
Crysis 1 2 and 3


The Division
Final Fantasy XV
The Witcher 3

still laughing




>I don't get why people think this is meant to be special. This could be any AAA game from the last few years

Metro: Last light
Arkham knight
Serious Sam 3

If you've only played them on ps4 then yes.

Battlefield one on my PC makes U4 look like dogshit.