This is commonly cited as the worst in the series, but honestly, I think it's great, only behind SR1 and 2.
ITT: Games only you like
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Seriously? BO2>BO?
Also, i liked it, so your threat is invalid.
BO2 was crap. BO1 was better.
BO2 was way too slow and generic. Fighting system was terrible. Bosses weren't memorable. Did you even ever played the first BO? THAT was good.
Don't play BO1 on ps1 though. Loading times are terrible. Play the PC version. Best version out there.
I played BO1, but I didn't find it as engaging as a lot of other people.
I played no SR or previous or sequential BO games and had a pissed off fun time with BO2
Blood Omen 2 was glitchy as fuck with jank ass gameplay. Still had great acting and atmosphere though.
BO2 acting was an embarrassment, it felt like Invisible War or some BioWare shit
worst LOK game
I still love it though
the first game objectively had the best gameplay
Name something in BO2 that's as cringy as Bioware vomit.
BO1 was the only one that had a proper fleshed out world, the others were just series of dungeons on rails that regularly were interrupted by cutscenes. I like the whole series bar BO2, but damn did it get downgraded in all aspects except VAing
This is one of those games where I know it's objectively bad, but I still enjoyed playing it.
I played BO1 recently and thought that it was kind of a piece of shit game. I played SR1 and 2 after and they were much better.
Yeah, that hits the nail on the head. BO2 is absolutely the worst in the series, yet I can't help but like it. If nothing else, it had pretty stellar music and atmosphere. I loved the parts in the slums, straight out of Victorian London.
The entire notion of a vampire resistance is cringey af tbqh
How so?
Because it's not really consistent with the nature of any of the vampires in any of the other games. Like could you imagine Vorador hiding out as some sort of resistance fighter?
yeah, and it's fucking horrible, as shown by BO2.
the game was ok, but it wasn't on par with the rest of the series in term of anything
>Because it's not really consistent with the nature of any of the vampires in any of the other games
That's what I liked about it. It's rare in all of fiction to see vampires being put on the back foot and overwhelmed by humans. Besides, it was a technology and numbers advantage more than anything.
The only thing I didn't like about it was the leather-clad sluts in the sanctuary. Fucking cheese overload.
Story was a mess, but the game was pretty fun. Shame it couldn't have been a little more open-world, feels like it would have given more life if you could wander around Meridian freely and terrorize the populace.
Character design in the entire game was pretty meh. Kain looked alright, but nowhere near as cool as his original BO self, or his later SR incarnation.
Outside of the weird graphics, I think Kain actually looked better than in the original BO. But yeah, it doesn't hold a candle to his design in the SR games.
i still think sr1 was the best video game intro to this day
It was pretty amazing. Damn, I wish he had a modern SR1 remake.
The PC version kind of ruins it though
Pretty sure LoK is one of the things all of Sup Forums agrees is good, if only for the storytelling and acting. Can't think of anyone who genuinely hates the games.
Yeah, but considering the day and age it was, they probably did the best with what they could.
They could have made the world somewhat open. At least so that you could explore more than just the straight path each level had.
That would have been nice, I'd have liked exploring buildings more, but most doors were locked.
>played it when it came out (didn't finish it) thought the outfits were cool as fuck
>played it two years ago (finished it) thought the outfits were cool as fuck
great atmosphere and comfy graphics, i'm a sucker for early 2000s graphics. enclave is another game the makes me feel the same.
Eh, I would have loved just having rooftops to jump around and laugh as the sarafan couldn't do shit as I leapt down to eat some people and then flee again like a psychotic Ass creed character.
Would be pretty cool desu.
One thing I did like about the game was how they fleshed out the world through NPC interactions. I remember hearing two NPC's talking to each other, one of them talked about a play he went to; he basically described the protagonist of the play having a moral dilemma over whether he would sacrifice himself to save everyone else, or stay alive and let everyone die.
It was a clear reference to BO1. I like little details like that. They're not important but they are nice.
It was nice having some NPCs after SR1 barely had any unless you went to the human town, which just either was a hostile nest or a place with almost no enemies, while SR2 only had some minor enemy chatter that was easy to miss.
Well you're wrong.
SR2 lacked a lot of things, really. The world was much more linear, there were no boss fights, no glyph magic or temples. It was kind of barebones in comparison to the original. Still, stellar story and voice acting.
As for NPC's, yeah, the Soul Reaver games are sorely deficient in that department. That's one of the few things I think BO2 did better at.
How so? If you mean it being something only he played, sure.
If you mean it being ahead of either SR, he's still right.
This series taught me a lot of big words.
But he's not the only one who played it, nor is the game better than either Soul Reaver.
For Honor.
I said you were calling it better than the Soul Reavers.
Ah, I guess I'm retarded then. Never mind.
it's true that it's the worst in the series, but i rather say it's just not as good as the others, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game. It's actually pretty damn good
for me it would be:
SR2>Defiance>BO/SR> BO2
Speaking of Vorador, how the fuck is he alive in BO2?
After Nosgoth, it's certainly not the worst game in the franchise.
A vast majority of the plotholes in the series originated in BO2
Oh yeah, I totally forgot that game exists... oh god.
It's assumed that Kain's fuckery in SR2 changed what happened. While Defiance still implies that Vorador is executed end the era of vampires, BO Kain was then going to presumably revive him somehow.
The game they were planning to make after Defiance probably would have revealed what happened, as well as setting up things shown in BO2 (like the vampire leaders in Kain's army)
What other plotholes are there?
>The game they were planning to make after Defiance probably would have revealed what happened, as well as setting up things shown in BO2 (like the vampire leaders in Kain's army)
Damn, it's a shame that never came to fruition. Wasn't it supposed to let the player switch between old Kain and young Kain?
Not that I know. There's so little detail about some of the shit that was shown in pictures. Such as Raziel apparently running around despite him now being shoved into the reaver blade forevermore.
>Such as Raziel apparently running around despite him now being shoved into the reaver blade forevermore.
I have no idea how that would have worked. Sounds like a cop-out to me.
I think I heard something like maybe it was just a playtest to show him in the engine and nothing else. But when you have dev teams split apart, it's impossible to know what the full idea is when you have only one or two people to go by.
All of the Kain pov games were better, mostly because no voiceover has ever been as good as Simon Templeman.
>All of the Kain pov games were better
Well, let's calm down. I agree that Templeman was amazing, but BO2 is the black sheep of the series for a reason, and the original Soul Reaver is by far the most revered game out of them all. On average, the SR games are better.
Just to put it in perspective how hard Square Enix dropped the ball on this series, read this:
I know it's GAF, but there's some genuinely enlightening information here.
Did you make that?
It's alright, but it is totally the crappest of the whole series.
I'm counting Defiance as a Kain game.
In order of awesome.
It's both a Kain and Raziel game, user.
BO2 properly introduced the Hylden, aside from BO1 it's probably the most relevant it terms of universe building.
>more awesome than sr
>sr lower than 2
you have some kind of fucked up tastes user.
and defiance is a game that's about kain and raziel user.
Nothing wrong with GAF.
And really, there's more to it than just Square, they weren't even involved with the earlier games.
For whatever reason, the series just seemed doomed to never have all of its idea come to fruition.
Hell, as I recall from a magazine ages ago, there was something about the series not always being about Kain, but his being just one of many stories, sort of like the Oddworld series. And as we know, that's probably never going to fucking finish as well.
>the most relevant it terms of universe building.
I'd say that was SR2. It introduces the Ancients, it delves into Nosgoth's history and what the Elder God really is, it let us see the Sarafan for the first time and witness their crusade first hand etc.
I love these. Do you have more?
I had fun
That's an entirely new one to me. Kek.
Been around for a while.
Keep going, user.
Wish someone could something like this, but with Kain running from the Pillars as they fall.
Megaman X6
hard mode on by default
It still boggles my mind that Raziel is technically much older than Kain.
How's that? Seems pretty simple. Raziel was born long before Kain, and died before even Kain's great grandfather was born.
It's not like it's hard to figure out, it's just how they interact with each other. Kain is like a mentor and Raziel is like a child. Even when they were enemies, Kain was teaching Raziel lessons. It just feels weird when the reality is that Raziel is Kain's senior by 500 years.
Well, Raziel was dead for nearly a millennium before coming back as a vampire. So it's hardly that strange for him to be treated as the kid by the guy who's been an undead monster for much longer.
I loved both games and it sucks there will never be a sequel
Seems kind of overly complicated when the series makes it clear that they aren't going into new timelines, just altering the one they all exist in.
Doesn't really work with that. I see that "Kill the Joker" Batman comic working with this though.
>Kill Kain, come on, do it! Fucking kill him! JUST FUCKING KILL HIM, YOU MELTED SMURF FETUS, I FUCKING HATE YOU!