>common sense
That isn't common sense. If somebody is trying to tie you up, then you want to be doing absolutely everything possible to avoid that situation and escape. The reason is that anything they might do to you if you resist, they are certainly capable of doing to you if you are restrained. Keeping calm and letting them tie up your wrists because you are scared they might hurt/kill you is incredibly naive, because once they have you tied up, they will certainly hurt/kill you if they are inclined to do so.
This is a bit different if you are part of a mass of people being held at gunpoint, but you don't want to just go passively with a kidnapper - anything they will do to you afterwards is going to be far worse than anything they would do to you during kidnapping. This isn't some Disney world where people get shut into their own room with ample food and water until they're eventually released.
hostage situation usually infers guns are involved
Or you know giant kappa/turtles with spiny black bracelets
>This isn't some Disney world where people get shut into their own room with ample food and water until they're eventually released.
But it's Mario.
Fucking retard.
Is this true? If being kidnapped go all out balls to the wall crazy on them?
What a well thought out rebuttal that showed your point of view
>I have no idea how to handle a hostage situation
Always funny to hear armchair theory.
>about to get kidnapped
>oh shit this nigga playin mario!
T. future dead fuck nobody will miss
>user proves he has no common sense.
most hostage takers haven't planned out the event in complete detail
if you panic your kidnapper may panic and conclude you are no longer worth the investment, kill you and make a run for it
Oh yes good luck being a frail young woman trying to escape the grasp from a giant fucking turtle dragon monster. Dumbass.
Is that true?
Is this a jojo reference?
ITT: [citation needed]
This post just SCREAMS Canadian.
>He thinks he knows more about kidnapping then the guy who does the webcomic
Dude is from Brazil, he knows what he is talking about
want to get a genuine experience of being kidnapped?
come to brazil,rio de janeiro.
I agree with user. You're probably dead either way but at least some people have escaped like this. I'd take my chances than 100% be dead, or worse things like torture and then being killed. Then again I'm not a gril so I don't ever have to worry about it.
In all fairness, if he's willing to point a gun at you, he's probably gonna kill you anyway even if he gets what he wants.
>legalize suicide
are you saying suicide is illegal? why, what will they do? kill me?
touch your body in bad places
Not true at all. In most situations where a criminal points a gun at someone, he'll either shoot right away or not shoot at all.
You'll probably be psychologically evaluated in a mental health facility until the doctors think you're no longer a danger to yourself. After that, you can go home and kill yourself without fucking it up.
It's the common law of gun ownership though. If you point a gun at a man, you better be ready to shoot him. That's what they teach law enforcement as well. You don't shoot to disable, you shoot to kill.
When someone breaks that cardinal rule, they're not to be trusted, and you should assume that they're crazy.
I always found this dumb as fuck, someone should only be charged with a crime if they do it a stupid way and survive.
Wow we got a fucking counter terrorist here oh wait it just some user who thinks he knows shit but acually doesn't know shit
>keeping calm is common sense in a hostage situation
Its not common sense to stay calm when getting kidnapped, thats correct. But a hostage situation isn't a kidnapping, it's what comes AFTER the kidnapping.
And yeah, being calm and not pissing the guy holding people prisoner off its some Grade A common sense.
>all those "yous"
you fags gave it exactly what he wanted!
Sorry those went away about 1 or 2 weeks ago Sup Forumstard
>all this reddit in a single post
>stop giving him yous!
>stfu Sup Forumstard
Isn't in more sensible to play along because if they're inclined to take you hostage it means they likely need you for some purpose.
I mean of course if there's no way of escaping anyways.
anal creampie
>nobody gives a shit about Sarasa Land
It all makes sense now...
Thanks for dem yous fuckers loling at your lives
Sarasaland is the Canada of the Mario universe,
A houdini approved tip for all my baby boys here:
If you're being bound, tense every muscle you can as hard as you can. When you relax your restraints will loosen
it's (You)'s you retarded redditor