Whatever happened to this guy? Did he die? He used to post like rainman every single day...

Whatever happened to this guy? Did he die? He used to post like rainman every single day, but he has been silent on everything for a year.

ulillillia thread

Other urls found in this thread:


He got a job and is trying to be self-sufficient.

Nigger, he's living his life. He made it

He got a job at wallmart as the retarded guy who makes you feel better about your pathetic life as you walk through the door

He's a published author, user. What have you done with your life.


Click "look inside" on the amazon page, shit is glorious.


He got a job a walmart, started selling off his vidya, and is saving up to move to Florida.

>Why play games when I can just throw myself into the ocean? - ulillillia 2016

Or I can share my copy

I kind of want to buy a copy of it just so that I can tuck it away in a box, and then find it years later and laugh.

Another pic

Wow. It's poetry.

Holy shit

>laughing at number porn
You can fuck right off

>not degreasing your pizzas



>all those paper towels used

degreasing is literally the worst thing you can do. paper towels aren't made to be used on food so they're filled with chemical residues that were used to create the paper towel from recycled materials.

>Accel = (((1-sin(Θ))-1)*-1)

This is the most retarded thing I have seen

>uli is balding

Say it aint so

Thats bullshit but I believe it.


It's a shame. He could probably make bank with his mathematical ability but probably lack any ability to apply it outside of his obsessions.

Is the source code to his game available anywhere? I kind of what to see just how horrible/glorious it is.

He's written it like a hybrid thesis/screenplay.

It's unironically a thing of beauty.

he isn't dead he just moved off youtube because of autism

who would win in a battle of wits, uli or pannen

I doubt there's much to it. He spent all his time making backgrounds and didn't even make any levels. It's probably mostly just parallax background code.

This is fucking spectacular.

Didn't he bone a porn star?

I want to ask if you're even sure who the thread is about but for Uli anything is possible.


Also, he has a more recent book, The Secret in the Basement.


I'm pretty sure there was this video of him being nice (possibly even flirting) with this porn star that crashed at his sister's flat a while back.

Whats even the point of degreasing pizzas, if you want something healthier why are you eating a pizza

Pikes peak



Yes he did bitches
Uli get more pussy than you lol

this is some umberto eco post-modernist shit

>"I only eat pizzas"

Is he for real?

Says right there in the comments it's not him, even tells you what video to search. Why the fuck would he be hanging out with Nikki Sims?

What else would he eat?

Though he did diversify and started eating hamburger helper mac and cheese without the meat.

I met a guy who literally only eats double cheeseburgers... and only from McDonalds. For Christmas dinner someone had to get him McDonalds the day before so they could bring it during Christmas.

does he supplement like literally everything? how does your body not shut down from that shit

I don't know, he was someones weird cousin or something. I've only seen him once. He's probably dead.

He doesn't look very healthy in most of the pictures/videos we see of him. Plus he's balding, not receding hairline straight balding.

I degrease my pizza, but I do it because I don't like the excessive grease, not because it's healthier.

>He could probably make bank with his mathematical ability



Go to ulillillia.us/imagecollection.html and bring back something.

Who the fuck cares