ITT. Jokes that went too far

ITT. Jokes that went too far

>put 400 hours in
>last night there was a obvious cheating widowmaker
>today a genji was able to dash attack for 200 damage without throwing or melee

I'm done, the game is infested with hacking now. I even fucking went as far as to remove battlenet.


Shame the game died so early.


wew 10 minutes? Its like 5 minutes average for me

>sharing the same board with normies who bought into the Overwatch meme

...oh, i get it

Full retard

>implying you can hack yourself to do 200 damage with a dash

what a dumbass

Fucking retard that just redirects here... :/

Your life.

Serously, this game got boring after a month. How people still play it to this day, COMPETITIVELY, boggles my mind

Stop acting like a fucking nigger in the game and quit leaving so often.

I find the game fun and quite addictive, but I literally never play competitive, only quick match and arcade with random hero swap.

I find a game in like 1 minute for comp
30 seconds for qp

Because most people still find the game fun, and you're the outlier.

Not our fault you have the attention span of a rock

People still play competitive Pokemon.


Maybe because I'm not some shallow surface level casual player

Even League of Legends leave's this game in the dust when it comes to competitive nature

And if you want a real shooter, Rainbow Six Seige is 10 times better.

>I'm not some shallow surface level casual player
>League of Legends
> Rainbow Six Seige
I get it! You're the joke that went to far. How very meta of you.

I'm sorry you felt threatened with my suggestions, I didn't realize you were such a faggot

>he actually plays LoL and R6S
>Calls other people "shallow surface level casual player"

I actually got bored of R6 in like a week, speaking of shallow/ casual games.

Also the fact that you even mentioned LoL leads me to believe you're a sperg

Was almost ready to quit it for good when I found out the 50/50 theory is true. Like holy fucking shit, IT IS FUCKING REAL. How could Blizzard fuck up that bad?

Regardless, is wrong. The game is still alive and will be for some time. It's just a matter of how long it takes for people to get tired of Blizzard's bullshit. Personally I still enjoy it despite this revelation, but I'd be lying if I said that there isn't gonna come a day where I just say, "Fuck off Blizzard", and move on

2017 and the ice cancer queen Mei STILL isn't nerfed

>blizzshills invade another unrelated thread

Nigga, did you even read my post or are you trying that hard to fit in?

>if I blend in with the cool kids then they'll accept me and my advertising into the community!

You project any hard and you'll need to start selling popcorn

Nice joke friend! It's like you're one of us. Tell me more about Overwatch(tm) and how it's not dead.

PC gaming masterrace
Seriously stop its not funny anymore it barely was in 2010

Please provide the stats showing it has decreased in players

>inb4 Twitch views
Viewing and playing are 2 different things. A million people may watch Markiplier or Pewdiepie play some shitty indie game, but maybe a quarter of them will actually download it.

I'll be waiting. And when you can't find anything, I will wait for your response where you say you were just being an "ebin maymay troll XDXD"

Seriously, do not respond unless you can provide solid facts

9 minute queue times are unacceptable. Even this guy has an average queue time of 5 minutes, which is way WAY too long for a casual shooter. It needs to me 2 minutes max, nothing higher.

So? A single screen shot does not prove shit. I have waited 15 seconds, I have waited 5 minutes.

As I said, give me hard stats that show the game is dying and not cherry picked bullshit.

Supringly pokemon is more complex then overwatch
Not harder, but it has more factors to deal with

Dude, it literally took me 20 seconds to get a game of Mei's Winter Bullshit mode.

This is the only game I want to get besides maybe Quake Champions, which looks like it's going to be a complete shitshow.

game has no depth so i dropped it

Screencap and timestamp in webm format with your monitor visible. Oh wait you can't because the blizzard marketing firm can't forge false queue times. Stop derailing.

I imagine i didnt spend money in this game because its so awfully empty in content

everyone in this thread is mad cuz bad

share your bnet and discord for 3's if you think you've all mastered the game

Quake? Yeah I feel the same too. Especially after how disappointing D44M was

>Spent like $400 on it before dropping it entirely
God I hate myself.


>being this mad at being outted as the casual you are

Dont games need to load up all avalible game servers so it can choose a suitable on for you?

Since theres 12 people playing that game, it wont be hard to find all the servers and put you in one

It's simple, they don't know any better. They haven't played a proper shooter so their limited frame of reference gives them a "better than nothing" reaction. The same reason people listen to the shit on the radio before they discover real music.


I just lost like 10 matches for every win last night trying to get Arcade crates. You 50% meme is bogus.

>being this upset that someone is defending a game
>being this upset that someone is attacking a game

Thanks for the laughs, user. But I'd genuinely suggest learning to chill out a bit more, you're probably causing more stress to yourselves than necessary.

>fucking love the game
>have 300+ hours and am not even close to done
>haven't spent a penny beyond the base price of the game
I will never understand people who can spend hundreds on microtransactions, even for a game I fucking love.

Don't worry, you'll go through puberty soon.

I feel like Overwatch could have gone further.

And become a more responsible person financially than 90% of the online gaming community as a whole. I'm fucking 29 and agree with 100%, I have had a shitton of fun with some games over the last 10 years that had microtransactions of one form or another, and I think I may have spent a total of $50 between all of them, usually while drunk.

Non-meme answer right here. Pandas were obviously a joke and then they made an entire expansion around it.

couldn't get any skins so i stopped playing

I meant you'll outgrow considering trash that appeals solely to the lowest common denominator as "fantastic".

Just like the Linkin Park fan who grows up and discovers the classics, soon you will outgrow Overwatch and discover the real shooters of old that have stood the test of time.

overwatch is fun though desu.
I have more fun with it than I have with TF2 recently.


>People can hack so numbers change

Just stop.

I don't get it.

why the random queen cd

I don't get it. How is Cammy related to the rest of those images?

Watch out for this badass, he has immaculate taste in everything

overwatch is unplayable garbage, the very day ana was released the game died, if they reverted back to the patch right after the first McCree nerf it'd be balanced

Cammy is gay for Juni in sf5...

3-5 minutes for me, west coast on ps4
If you're levelling a new guy to 25 for Comp, you're in for a long, bumpy road.


>forced 50 meme
>Mei needs to be nerfed
Shitters are not entitled to their own opinions.

>calling someone shitting on blizzard a blizzshill
Anti-blizzfags are so retarded holy shit.

Gal Gun Double Peace

I don't get it.

Where do you think you are, faggot? Take your plebian tastes vack to Reddit; Sup Forums is a place for real gaming enthusiasts.

Putting in gay people with the subtlety of a sledgehammer and for no other reason other than to appear "progressive".


But Lara Croft is straight, though? And SF5 is Japanese so how can it be pandering?

Hold up, They made Lara Croft a lesbian? What the hell? I liked how they handled making Tracer a lesbian, but how the fuck are they going to make LARA CROFT a lesbian? And didn't she like some guy in the first TR reboot?

I've never had a queue longer than 3 minutes, EU East. The longest has probably been around 5 minutes, and that was a 6 stack at 3am

50/50 is real. Check your W/L now and see what it is. Mine, 3 of my friends, and plenty of other players are experiencing this as well to the point it can't be coincidence

Mei is broken and you know it. Let me guess, you think Roadie's hook is OP too?

>lara croft is lesbian


Where do you live? My longest wait was 1.15 and that was at 3am. My average is probably 25 seconds with the estimated time sitting around 45 seconds. I play all modes.

>50% meme
>Mei needs a nerf
Kill yourself

>no fun allowed!

>EU east
Even fucking Slavs can find games in no time at all. Maybe if Sup Forums wasn't so autistic and didn't quit out of games constantly it wouldn't put them at the bottom priority for finding a match.

This. Sup Forums has terrible people and communication skills and I honestly believe that it is a major reason why so many anons hate this game

Since when is Lara Croft a lesbian?

>tfw routinely find a game before two seconds have even passed

No nu-lara, she's gay too...., any yuri is pandering, there are lesbo weebs too

>muh anecdotes
That's cool man but if you actually took the time to look at a stats website you'd see there's win percentages of all sorts ranging from sub 20% to over 90%.

Both Mei and Roadhog are fine. The most busted hero in the game is Ana, bar none.

Since nu lara

>Mei is broken and you know it.
gold shitter detected

Stop pushing Mei without your team and stop trying to fight her in tight spaces

She's fucking useless right now, anyone with half a brain will deal with a Mei as soon as one shows up

Ana is not broken. She is a healer and a sniper. Her arsenal makes perfect sense and she can definitely be a bitch to kill when everyone is busy protecting her

Platinum but w/e you say, bud

lesbo in a garbage game

>The sole reason for the triple tank meta
>not broken
TOP meme, friend

Mei is unstoppable in terms right hands. All it takes is the right player to exploit her problems to cause utter hell

Not him but Mei's existence ruins 2CP. Wall yourself to the corner then become an ice cube once the wall breaks. It'll give your team enough time to full respawn on point.

Meme harder, fuccboi. Triple tank isn't bad and is piss easy to counter. But way to dodge the point, sport

>implying plat is good or relevenat

if plat players opinion on the game were reality we would all be playing rockem sockem robots

plat is: be good on a few heroes, don't really understand the game but personal skill carries me through games

And you and everyone else on Sup Forums, even the people who stopped playing and hate the game, are diamonds and above, right?

>Ana is not broken
>I'm plat
Kek dude believe whatever you want. She totally hasn't been a driving force in every meta ever since discord orb was nerfed.