wtf this is actually decent
Wtf this is actually decent
I like it a lot, especially considering it's not a full-priced game.
I pirated it and I feel bad
Its pretty good but runs like shit
I tried it upon release and it ran like shit, but launched it again a week ago with the latest updates and it runs silky smooth. They must've patched it.
Worth noting that I have a 8-year old toaster
Yea it's cool but the Barry/Natalia sections are utter garbage to play (at least alone)
You ain't my sleuce master.
>The monsters are coming!
>to the right
>to the left
>to the right
>there, shoot!
>to the left
Fuck those ugly fly-things. Going fast through those sections is the only way.
do you think after all the niggas claire lusted after turned into either a) monsters or b) assholes or c) both, she just settled down with moira
Compared to Rev 1, yes. That's not saying much at all though.
so is natalia going to be a future antagonist?
wesker gave up on being a psychotic genocidal maniac and decided to just be the little girl
Personally I loved this game
I just nail them with explosive bottles or switch to Natalya and throw bricks at them.
Once you find out where they are just blast them with a high powered weapon
Is there a retail version with all the parts? Not gonna support episodic shit.
They're fragile as all fuck. Their only difficulty is finding them. A couple shots from a handgun is enough to drop them.
I really enjoyed it too OP.
A decent story in its own right, and infinitely better story than the trainwreck that was RE1.
Natalia and Barry best chemistry.
It started dropping frames in a really annoying jittery way after I updated something, so I uninstalled. Typical Japanese PC port.
I liked the raid mode thing though.
Been a while since I played, but I was doing some fancy weapon switching shit to efficiently kill them.
Also you can stand directly over/behind Natalia and use her outstretched arm to aim
Yes. I own it on disc with all the content for PS4.
>le Rev 1 was shitty maymay
Fuck off kid
I'm amused by how divisive it is.
>Try Raid mode
>It's awesome
>Reach end game
>RNG drops are absolute ass
>Try to do those special missions
>You need to finish a level 90 at level 1 to get the best reward
Anyone else marathoning the games to prepare for 7? I decided instead of playing them in release order I was going to play them in chronological order this time. Currently have finished 0 > Umbrella Chronicles > 1 > 2 > Outbreak 1 and 2 > 3 > Survivor, and am now working on Code Veronica X. It has been interesting seeing the changes without long gaps between games
The raid mode is really fun. Most of the maps and music are really comfy, too.
I didn't bother with it in Rev1 because of the shitty awards for no damage and killing all enemies (since you have no way of knowing how many enemies are left until you finish the level). Now it's no herbs instead of no damage, and there's an enemy counter.
With fire ammo and the skill that make enemies kill each other. I don't like a lot of the bullshit at end game raid mode. Getting a level 20 part for example is a ridiculous ordeal.
Original base game had frame drops around fire in the first level with Claire/Moira and when turning the camera too fast.
A patch fixed it, but a later patch that came out, seemed to re-introduce the problem. Might want to double back to the first patch and see if that fixes it.
Fun game though despite the problems, it had really fun co-op differences between the characters and actually felt like you had to co-op instead of just "shoot everything like mad men". Wish they had kept the Rev 2 design going forward with 7, but alas, they didn't.
>Skill that make enemies kill each other
That would make things so much easier
Tried with fire bullet but I run out of bullet way before the end of the game.
You need to do daily missions to collect revival crystals. If you run out of ammo in a mission you kill yourself and revive to replenish your ammo.
I bought it during the sale and enjoyed alot.
Haven't played Rev1 though. Why do people say it's shit?
I'd end up spending 10-20 crystal if I'd do that
>not enjoying the stress of trying to find out where it is in time
The only shitty thing about Revelations was that bald guy's voice.
Awaken my Cerebrate, and embrace the glory that is your birthright.
On sale now on the store I believe.
I'm guessing you did weekend survivor? You need a fair amount of preparation to finish those. Don't really like how it's a situation where you need good weapons to get good weapons. In contrast the Rev1 events gives good rewards to anyone as long as they put some time into it. I always manage weekend survivor on my first try now fortunately.
Feels weird with RE7 being released this month.
Seemed like it would take a lot longer.
I've never heard anyone say Rev1 is shit but it has problems.
>peaks early-mid game running around the boat
>enemies are bullet sponges
>reused levels
>flashback levels that take all your stuff away
>having to stop and scan for shit constantly
>final boss is shit
Overall I'd say it's decent.
I eventually dropped the game so I can't remember what it was. Ended playing some EDF instead.
I'll try farming for crystals and get the Bewilder skill next time I play it
Can't wait for everyone to see it's shit and move on to the RE2 remake.
>flashback levels that take all your stuff away
That's the only thing you mentioned that I really hate. Especially that mission with Parker where you start with almost no ammo and have to fight a bunch of hunters.
Rev1 really fucking tired me out on Hunters. Jesus fucking Christ did they go overboard with them. Even more so in Raid mode for the consoles versions.
>enemies are bullet sponges
How? Aim for the weak points, retard.
>scan for shit constantly
There's only like 2 times you are forced to do it.
>final boss is shit
Kill yourself.
>tfw played it on Vita
WTF? I thought only the Vita version ran like shit.
i didn't hate it, but something about it made the game tedious to me.
claire still had a nice ass.
gina was nice to look at too
Same here. ORC had a neat variant of them.
Realized it can't have been weekend survivor because that event doesn't make you play at level 1. If it's just the normal low level challenges then bewilder makes a huge difference
poor man's last of us
I was annoyed that we couldn't fight an infected Gina and play as her in Raid Mode. Including Lady HUNK but not Ooze Rachel was a kick in the balls, too.
>How? Aim for the weak points, retard.
Whether or not you stun them is RNG, the only viable strategies are stunlocking with assault rifle or shotgun.
>There's only like 2 times you are forced to do it.
If you want to play the game completely item starved sure.
>Kill yourself.
Wait for boss to vanish, quick turn, shoot purple one in chest, repeat forever.
I played Rev2 first and hunters are a joke in that one. So when I first encountered them in Rev1 I underestimated them and ate shit.
>wtf this is actually decent
Tried to tell you.
Rev 2 is the best RE game released since RE4 on Gamecube.
God forbid a boss fight be repetitive.
So is she related to Rachel or what?
At least I managed to unlock Bloody Gina and calm my autism.
More like The Last of Us: The Game.
It's long as fuck and he telegraphs all his attacks an hour in advance, it's not fun or challenging.
>hey i don't even like video games
>Bloody Gina
Is that a costume for her in Raid Mode? Was it added through an update or something?
sounds like a mod.
Not challenging, sure. I found it moderately fun the first time.
The ooze design is top tier but they're dull to fight.
>At least I managed to unlock Bloody Gina and calm my autism.
Bloody Gina is one of the stupidest unlockable items I've ever seen in any game. The unlock condition is almost completely random since you have to log into the game during the one picosecond window when the bosses are killable but not dead yet.
You have to play the event "Invasion of the giant creature" and watch the creature die. Tons of hoops and bullshit to go through if you want somewhat favorable odds.
cousins i believe.
>another family member will get offed when there's a rev 3
pls no
Bloody Gina is a skin that's only available by doing a recurring online event and getting absurdly lucky.
i might get around to finishing revelations 1 at some point
>The unlock condition is almost completely random since you have to log into the game during the one picosecond window when the bosses are killable but not dead yet.
Not entirely true. There are some things you can do to improve your odds significantly because the health doesn't update second by second.
Think I could get it on PS3?[
I recently did an RE6 EX3 event and the goal wasn't reached.
it's not even a good skin
you have to do what to unlock her?
I love this game. Wish I had more time to play it again. Also wish I could get my GF to play it as the weak characters, she is not into games otherwise and even less horror, but then again, I don't really count any of the Revelations-games as scary...
...even though the Mayday-scene in Rev1 and the Glasps in Rev2 are a bit jarring
Not really. Used it once or twice, but I'm a completionist so it feels good to have it.
Don't know what the PS3 version of Rev2 is like. Kind of funny how I was rushing to get all the RE6 cotumes back in 2013 because I was worried the events were going to stop and they're still going.
Why didn't they ever add in RE6 costumes for Leon and Chris? Having Samurai Chris with the katana skill would've been amazing.
>gina gets like 4 different characters as costumes
>characters who already had alt costumes get nothing
>Replaying REmake
>Doing a lazy infinite rocket launcher run to unlock Chris's last costume
>Don't decap/burn the zombies outside of the lab projector room because "lol the lab only takes like five minutes they won't turn into Crimson Heads that fast and i've got rockets"
>Come back during the trip to the heliport.
>They're fucking Crimson Heads.
>"whatever, rockets"
>Rocket whiffs and they stunlock me to death
>Did not save that entire playthrough because I haven't died in REmake in years even in non-rocket runs.
Fuck me.
Bricks are best weapon.
I really need to update the game, pirated it when it first came out since I didn't have much hope for it after the first Rev. One of the patches refused to take and I never went back to it.
I know a lot of shit happened over the course of awhile, should probably just buy it since the game turned out really fun and I wouldn't have to worry about dumb shit not working for whatever weird reason.
The issue with Gina isn't that the monsters don't get killed, it's that they get killed so hard and fast that you literally have to log in at the exact right _second_ (which you have to guess) to get the skin.
The way the Gina event goes, there's a huge "boss" that does nothing and has an absurd amount of HP, something like 60 billion or whateever. Damage from all the players that shoot at it is added together over a couple weeks. And once the creature dies, people get prizes based on how much damage they contributed, and if you happen to SEE the creature die (as in, it was so close to death that the damage you did yourself was sufficient to kill it), you get the skin. Problem: the boss's HP updates ONLY when you START THE GAME. So you have to wait until the online thing shows it's at 0% HP, log in, hope it's not dead yet but close enough to dead that you can personally do the damage needed to kill it, and if you guessed wrong, you're not going to get a second chance because by the time you can do a second login it'll be dead.
Oh, and you'll need Level 100 gear to have a realistic chance at killing the fucker, because you need to be able to at least a few million damage yourself to have a shot.
I think I'll pass.
My only level 100 character is Moira.
the fuck?
What health the creature is going to have for you is set when you enter the vestibule, so here's what you do.
Starts up raid mode and enter the event. Don't damage the creature, just hit the medal.This will let you see the health of the creature and if you don't do any damage you can enter the event again. If the creature has more health than your damage,quit out of raid mode and enter again with the hopes that it's health will be reduced. Is the health lower than your damage? Enter the event again and kill it, the health won't have changed if you didn't quit raid mode-
You still need some luck though. If you deal 3 million damage and the boss has 4 million there's always the chance it will die when you restart raid mode. You need to get lucky where the current health from the server is lower than your damage when you enter the vestibule. Doing more damage will widen your window and improve your chances obviously.
How is Revelations 1? I've had it for a while but haven't bothered installing it. I'm not expecting to be as good as RE4, but how does it compare to say, RE5?
I'd say it's a little better than RE5.
How does Invisible Hunters sound to you?
>You still need some luck though. If you deal 3 million damage and the boss has 4 million there's always the chance it will die when you restart raid mode.
In my experience that chance is 100%. I have seen the boss go from 80 million to 0 in the span of one login attempt.
You literally need to get lucky. You have to guess the one split-second instant where the boss will be within your personal damage range, but not dead yet. And it's a d100000 roll no matter how hard you try to set it up. It's stupid.
None of this would be a problem if the boss's HP updated in real time, because people could just enter the event when the boss is at 1% HP and just wait there for a few hours. I actually bet the event was designed that way at the start, and they changed it to the current version due to technical difficulties in updating the HP.
That's the thing though, it's not about logging in at the right second. It's hoping that the last update before its death will have the boss at a health where you can kill it. Sometimes I've done 6 continuous logins where the health didn't change at all.
is there an alternative to this?
>That's the thing though, it's not about logging in at the right second. It's hoping that the last update before its death will have the boss at a health where you can kill it.
The moment where the boss has killable health is literally a fraction of a second. You have to log in during that less-than-one-second window, and if you missed your mark, there's fuck all you can do. Attempting the login again will take so long that the creature's dead by the time your second refresh triggers. It will go from "you have no chance to kill this" to "it's already killed, go home" in a fucking eyeblink and there's just nothing you can do to control it.
Alternative is that you give up on the Bloody Gina skin. Which is the recommended course of action, since unlocking it is not remotely worth fighting the RNG of the event for.
Speaking of bullshit unlocks, have you guys seen that "Log in every day without missing a day, 365 days in a row" online cheevo at Thank fuck that isn't in an actual game.
Who would do that?
>The moment where the boss has killable health is literally a fraction of a second.
It doesn't update that often though. When I've tried doing this I've relogged over and over and the health never change from relog to relog. It always took at least something like 4 relogs before it changed. The server only update's the health every couple of minutes. Timing isn't as important as one might think. At least on PS4.
I could imagine somebody writing a bot that automatically logs him in that site. Other than that, fucking nobody. Even NEETs can't be available every single day of the year.
i think they make some of these things for japanese neets.
Yes, I know that one. Fucking ridiculous.
>can't play as Natalia in Raid Mode
Fucking lame.