Just bought Oblivion, what am I in for?

just bought Oblivion, what am I in for?
hope is AT LEAST better than Skyrim


>hope is AT LEAST better than Skyrim
It is, in pretty much every way, unless you're a cucked contrarian.

oblivion had some kind of stupid Simon Says conversation wheel and everything was green as fuck. also Captain Picard dies after saying like 10 lines, which was lame as fuck. if you're hiring Captain Picard to voice somebody then at least have him show up for more than just a 5 minute tutorial, FUCK YOU TODD

Can't stand the menus

good dlc
shivering isles top tier

the only people who think it's a superior entry in the Elder Scrolls series are the young little fags who had it as their only game on their original xbox 360 and lacked a proper income to buy other games or own a pc because they were 12 at the time

atmosphere is worse than morrowind and the gameplay is like a half-step to the 'streamlinging' of skyrim

literally a huge disappointment, kind of like the beta version of Skyrim, all the shit that annoyed you about skyrim started right here my man!


>horse armor

I'm with this guy . The menu system is fucking terrible and the conversation pie you have to feed people is just a massive waste of time.
Other than that it's gonna suck you right in. There's A LOT to do

Main quest is good and for once you're not THE SEMI-GOD CHOSEN ONE WITH DRAGON BLOOD, but his sidekick and friend. DLCs are even better, I love Shivering Isles
The whole map is aesthetic as fuck, this particular Elder Scrolls game just feels good and is a real time vacuum.

Unmodded Oblivion is one of the worst RPGs of all time.

Mage's guild is way better than Skyrim's, I actually felt like a student in the school of witchcraft and wizardry.

>not riding an animated bushel of bananas to the gates of oblivion.

You can kinda choose to not have your hand held throughout this game, though, unlike Skyrim.
I remember having removed the compass and fast travel somehow, probably through mods.

Great quests and an amazingly broken magic system that can make you a god.

The quests are better. Everything else is on the same level or worse.

Modded Oblivion is pretty good. Vanilla however is pretty awful.

>5 elder scrolls games of note
>OP managed to buy the worst one

I'm so sorry op. Maybe you'll get some fun out of the Mr Potato Head RPG, but I doubt it

>Worst one
>implying that isn't Arena

it is
go for morrowind if you are very patient and don't mind reading
the world is more interesting and the magic system has more variety

worst case of character progression i've ever encoutered.

it's an ok game besides that

>what am I in for?
the original flavor of "artificial difficulty", hp bloat
if you level up your main skills, ogre fights are gonna take like 2 fucking minutes of pressing mouse1 over and over, with oblivion's really unsatisfying and unengaging combat

skyrim is better but oblivion is less obtrusive in how offense it comes off

arena is better than daggerfall
machine gun archery, class selection that fucking matters, magic with so much power than you can destroy the floor or walls with it

good game

>everything was green as fuck
this made the game ultra comfy
i still remember long summers sitting on the ps3 with all the windows open strolling through the forests runnin into cool shit

level scaling
and it sucks

Download oblivion xp

And maybe do the first oblivion gate and just run untill you get to the stone on the rest of 'em

what I felt playing the early game was hitting mouse 1 and losing to every fire imp in the meele combat.

just make sure you keep yourself occupied with quests or adventuring wile looking for quests and you should have infinitely more fun than skyrim

God tier sidequests, guild questlines especially
>tfw you will never play the Whodunit? quest for the first time again

It's not. One series of side quests is impressive, you think customization is good but it's garbage compared to the previous game, the main story line is literally the worst

>One series of side quests is impressive
how to ensure no one takes you seriously 101

all the guild missions are plenty fun, but the oblivions gate is kinda boring

Good thing only three of them are mandatory

Better quests
Better dungeons (thats not saying much)
Better spell crafting and enchanting
Your characters end up different from one another skills wise endgame
More spells and effects

Worse character creation (cosmetic)
Repairing armor and weapons is fucking tedious
Cant upgrade weapons and armor you want to use ones you like
Cant craft weapons and armor you want

Theyre kinda equal in combat. Skyrim combat looks and feels better while Oblivion your weapons just come across as lightweight and empty. Skyrim also is missing a lot of the skills and stuff that oblivion has (unarmed skills and you can use spells while holding a sword and shield for example). Weapons and armor for both are on par with each other. Both have an equal amount of shit looking and badass armor sets.

Crusader Relics best armor set

Thats a funny way to say Madness Armor set

thieves guild and brotherhood are both top tier

Hope you like level scaling

When will you faggots realize that horse armor was basically an experiment on how they could implement and sell DLC's and was not actual content

nonetheless if you bought it you are retarded


Greatest game ever made, that's what you're in for. I've been on a real Oblivion kick lately, it's a game I go back to.

Let Jeremy Soule sooth your soul. I have the Oblivion ost for some long drives through the wilderness.

Oblivion is far and away the worst game in the entire Elder Scrolls series.

This guy has it right, though if you've got it on PC downloading Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and a mod to delete fast travel they go a long way towards fixing the games most glaring problems.

Only thing Oblivion really did better than Skyrim were the leveling system and faction questlines (Shivering Isles was great DLC as well).

How in the fuck is the Oblivion Main Quest good? Its bland as shit, rinse and repeat closing the same oblivion gate for all 9 towns in the game. Also that not being 'God' is bullshit since you become a Daedra in Shivering Isles.

Oblivion's environments were so bland that there was an entire series of mods, Unique Landscapes, dedicated to fixing the empty procedural generated forests.

Furthermore Beth took a massive shit on the lore and setting of Cyrodiil because Todd Howard had watched too much Lord of the Rings. The Imperial province was said to be a massive jungle by all pre-Oblivion sources, and the Imperials were meant to be culturally very Roman with some smatterings of asiatic (Akaviri) and eastern european (colovian) influence.

Instead we got a generic ass european setting because Todd had been busy wanking it to Tolkien during production.

So seriously, fuck off with your kiddie ass 12 year old love for Oblivion.

Madness armor was cool as fuck Ill give you that

Crusader shield looked like ass so I always used the Escutcheon of Chorrol or the one for madness actually

> rinse and repeat closing the same oblivion gate for all 9 towns in the game.
Dumbass, thats completely optional and only adds guards for the Bruma Great Gate Battle. You only need to close 3.

>that setting
>those quests
>those expansions
By far the best game in the series, Skyrim is a distant second even though Skyrim is still a great game. You made the right choice OP.


stay mad mwfag

>people who played this game at 11 are in their mid-twenties

Stop jumping at your own shadow, grandpa, we're not going to replace you yet.

>worse graphics
>(slightly) worse game play
>significantly worse lore

>all the shit that annoyed you about skyrim started right here
but Oblivion actually has good guilds

m e m e s

>skipping 2/3rds of the Main Quests dungeons are necessary to improve the Main Quest

Way to prove my point fuckwit.

>Morrowind, Skyrim, Daggerfall, Arena, >>>> Oblivion

You got that the other way around, friendo

>Way to prove my point fuckwit.
What the fuck? You said it was repetitive, then I pointed out you didn't even have to do them, what was your point?

Do you have even the most basic level of reading comprehension?

My point is that the Main Quest is shit, along with the most important dungeon type in the entire game.

>2/3rds of the main quest's dungeons
oh yeah I forgot that the oblivion gates were the only dungeons you ever explored in the main quest

You said it was shit, but you're only reason was it was bland and you didn't become a God at the end.

I then pointed out the one reasoning you gave behind it's blandness was optional, and thus not an issue.

Better quests than Skyrim but worse dungeons.
Better combat than Morrowind but worse art direction.

They all have equally good soundtracks and freedom of choice. Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood are the best parts of Oblivion aside from the comfy-ass towns. I don't think I even finished the main quest.

>muh pixels weren't big enough
>back in my day my character would equip one pauldron at a time

You probably think Arena is the greatest Elder Scrolls game

The crusty elitist shitlord here. Great job twirling your micropenis