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They weren't. Vanilla was complete trial and error, unrefined and all new to them. Didn't make sense until BC.


Dude lol that place is a joke at 110. Git gud.

they wanted to make the difficulty leap from aq to naxx giant. But this raid was a giant mish mash of ridiculous gear checks and game mechanic decisions

it was like that all of Vanilla

you needed a sum total of 8 tanks and/or warlocks for Garr in MC

What do you mean? It was 2 tanks and 2 caster off tanks

Sir Zeliek is an undead paladin.

8 is not that much. it was late enough to the point where druids could start tanking and innervate was becoming less useful because healers could just spam their lowest level heal because of max spell power and spirit.

iirc majordomo, razergore, and vaelastrasz required quite a lot of tanks as well.

why not just have 40 tanks rotate aggro, and bandage each other for heals

I remember People in naxx gear were literal gods in battlegrounds. I once got queued against a premade of a naxx guild and there was literally nothing we could do every character felt like a raid boss.

>8 is not that much

t. autism

yeah but it was hilarious on either side

one time in Warsong I saw a tank in full T3 basically /walk from one flag to the other with a pocket priest, shit was ridiculous

blizzard was p retarded with their items back then. i forget the exact numbers for lifegiving gem but it did something lke increase + heal your max health by 40%

fuck it felt bad seeing flat damage buffs on zg and toep while also having retarded shit like that and thistle tea

>tfw I was high warlord
>"Best" PvP gear in the game
>couldn't damage raid geared people

If you saw a warrior in T3 you basically should just afk becuase they would win everytime.

There was a guy on my server who was pretty notorious. He sucked the guildmasters dick as the MT and once he got Thunderfury and Full T3 he quit raiding and cold turkey and just shitposted in Orgimmar and queued BG's to fuck with the alliance.

Raid gear domination pvp is the thing i miss most from vanilla WoW. Yes, it was retarded and imbalanced but it sorted the haves and the have nots and was the source of the type of butthurt server communities are built upon.

>Vanilla Raids


I liked FFXI scaling more than WoW scaling. I don't know how WoW went from tactical raids that involved innervating, buffing, debuffing, etc. to just mashing out optimal damage combos like a fucking ape.

It's kinda funny watching old raid vods and seeing people hold back on attacking so that the tank could accumulate enough aggro. Mana conservation went out the window completely somewhere between vanilla and now and I don't know when it started.

the funniest part of Vanilla PVP for me was the brief time between the BC balance patch and the actual release of the expansion

Ihere has never been a more unbalanced class than Warlocks for those 2 weeks

Felguards could solo anything and if you got the full spread from an Affliction lock you would 100% die

Remember how wands used to be a thing? How it gave people who were OOM something to do?

Remember when that was a thing?

WoW is a joke. Most MMO's are a shell of their former selves because people aren't hardcore anymore. They want a social game that they can log on, talk to poeple, do some trivial thing and then go back to chatting and feel like they accomplished something.

If you ran into a HWL/GM or a T3 raid guy you knew they fucking earned it and they deserved to destroy people.

wanding was a joke though and uninteresting. If you were going OOM you had fucked up in some way anyways

not like anyone goes OOM today

The only time I remembered wanding was to level up. I got it to 300 and never used it again.

I disagree. WoW keeps innovating on boss and raid fights.

>If you ran into a HWL/GM or a T3 raid guy you knew they fucking earned it...
I'd agree. Accomplishments like that in MMOs should still be praised for teamwork/dedication.

>...and they deserved to destroy people.
You want to know how I know you helped kill the hardcore community? Shit like that is why MOBAs and Overwatch (of all things) has a 'Toxic Community'. Because your virtual dick in a game is bigger then someone else. Surprisingly MMOs have gotten away from that. I have seen all of two people in the past two years be vocally 'toxic' in FF14. No reason to report because it is so uncommon. Enforcing habits through negative reinforcement never did any good, dickweed.

>If you ran into a HWL/GM or a T3 raid guy you knew they fucking earned it and they deserved to destroy people.
You didn't have to be good to get GM though, it was just a straight grind. I got marshal even though I was like 14 and had no idea what I was doing just because I played all day.

Also players with full T3 virtually didn't exist. I don't know why people in vanilla threads act like guilds clearing more than a handful of bosses in Naxx was commonplace.




>dps going out of mana and having to autoattack
>a good mechanic
I bet you liked threat too

It wasn't commonplace, but there was usually one guild per server that had at least touched it, and were dominating the BG's because of it.

>WoW will never be hard again

t. lfraider

or us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/2794651519 if you really hate reddit links
It used to be fucking weeks before a raid boss was finally beaten. Now its a few days.

That's not because the encounters are harder, it's because everything wasn't datamined as soon as it started preloading on the test realm, and shit like wowhead and the like weren't as common.

Wanna know why? PTR.

Guilds had like tons of fucking prep time, thanks to raids being put in PTR.

Also Legion has Mythic Helya being too overtuned and less guilds downed her ass.

A way to stale progression. Nax had a lot of gearchecks.

>Remember how wands used to be a thing?
Only to DPS Onyxia very very slowly.

eleven. fucking. years. ago

>guilds can gear up 100x as fast because of increased drop rates, titanforging and split raids
>guilds get to practice for months on ptr
>blizzard is actually getting better at designing encounters so you dont need 8 bis tanks to clear an instance
>EN was supposed to be easy and ToV was supposed to be a small step up
Hopefully Nighthold takes longer to clear

>people actually play MMOs in the year of our lord 2017

I haven't played a single MMO all year.

I should probably be hopping into ESO to train my horse on alts, but... i'm so burnt out it seems pointless to train for something i wont see much use for due to lack of playing.

That raid was so fucking fun. MC was alright and AQ40 was shit but leading my guild through BWL/Naxx was the most fun I ever had in WoW. Sad to see the game is such a joke now.