>Literally doing R* job for them
Why are they so based?
>Literally doing R* job for them
Why are they so based?
Don't tell me this is a mod for gta5?!
It is. Puts liberty city right next to los santos.
>GTA online is kill
>GTAVmp will triumph
That's some shit. Noice.
i hope so, gta online is so trash
link a video or something? this looks interestan
i thought they already did this.
heres hoping its not lifeless ametuer shit.
Didn't R* say that they would add more areas to GTAV?
How many years ago was that?
didnt they get hit with a cease and desist ?
>Didn't R* say that they would add more areas to GTAV?
no? they said they're done with story DLC back in RDR
Grand theft Auto V is such a piece of shit game.
GTA IV > San Andreas > Vice City = GTA 3 > GTA V
Why does anyone like GTAIV
>fun dynamic physics engine
>cars top speeds were better designed
>better protagonist/story
>more mini-games and RPGesque playstyle (granted the mini games were pretty shite, its better than V which says a lot)
>you could actually enter most if not all interiors even some random buildings were enterable
>better mod support
>better gun play (shooting people staggers them, making them really seem wounded, this effect is less present in V)
>cars take realistic collision damage
>helicopters were better designed, they dont instantly explode from minor collisions
>better online, not pay to win
>more realistic police response, not swarmed and shot to death for 1 star
this was all off the top of my head but you get the idea.
V was a big change from IV, its a lot more arcady
>you could actually enter most if not all interiors
Fuck off could you, it was just fast food chains, bars and the like and the odd random building with absolutely nothing in it, there really wasn't that many
The rest I can agree with, though
I had fun jumping on civilians and shooting their legs for a while but the rest of the game is mind-numbingly boring and repetitive, it was like the story never started.
It tried too hard to be realistic, it was just a tech demo.
Worst GTA by far.
Being able to enter even minor buildings like that are pretty important to building a believable game world.
Think about it. Youre in a city of millions of people and you can only enter a few stores. Its not game breaking but its important at least for me. Hell some of these places have modeled interiors that you go into on missions BUT YOU CANT EVER GO BACK IN WITHOUT MODS.
>Literally no gameplay shown
Its been awhile since I've been able to use this image.
GTA: Underground is already better than this pile of trash
>all maps from the 3d era games ported to san andreas
>all cars
>all peds
>all weapons
I don't remember the GTA 3 map having a huge green tumor.
I really, really missed being able to chuck bricks and coffee cups at people's heads, why the fuck did they remove it?
I mean it was never practical outside of the one mission where you have to, but it was already there and it was fucking fun
I always used coffee cups to make people fall down staircases
That's the huge inaccessible hill in Shoreside Vale.
You mean that city or the green zone, because it actually had a huge hill in the map, you can't see it in the game without mods or mastering the dodo, there's also the names of some devs written on it.
huh, never heard this till now, hows performance?
Probably identical to SA, you run into gameplay issues when it's not locked to 25FPS
It still crashes a lot but it got really better with time, now you can actually save and reload the game without problems
Storyline missions are disabled though
Because it isnt the newest one, so you can say you like it without looking like a normie.
GTAIV was FUCKING GARBAGE. GTA is supposed to be fun and whacky. Niko the depressed slav can't hold a candle to Cokelord vercetti or even busta CJ.
I dont even want to go into all the gameplay issues that people clammor on about because theyre "more realistic"
>fun dynamic physics engine
Still present in V, just less exaggerated. Also on-foot controls in IV are ass.
>cars top speeds were better designed
They were slower than GTA V but the city was smaller and more cramped. Also car controls in IV are ass.
>better protagonist/story
Story is shit in both games.
>more mini-games and RPGesque playstyle (granted the mini games were pretty shite, its better than V which says a lot)
Pretty sure V has more minigames and some, like tennis, are actually fun. What the fuck do you even mean by RPGesque playstyle, IV was barebones as hell.
>you could actually enter most if not all interiors even some random buildings were enterable
No you fucking couldn't.
>better mod support
What? Seriously, what? Both games had no official mod support and had to be datamined by Russians first.
>better gun play (shooting people staggers them, making them really seem wounded, this effect is less present in V)
Yes, because physics are less exaggerated in V. That part of IV's tech demo was actually fun, though, I'll agree.
>cars take realistic collision damage
Exaggerated doesn't mean realistic.
I didn't care about it at all, it seemed like a pointless tech demo like the whole damn game but it seems people enjoyed it.
>helicopters were better designed, they dont instantly explode from minor collisions
And they also controlled like ass with tail breaking off after a smallest hit and landing skids collapsing easily.
>better online, not pay to win
>more realistic police response, not swarmed and shot to death for 1 star
Not more realistic but definitely less aggressive.
The problem with GTA IV is that it has pretty much nothing to do once you fuck around with wobbly animations and terrible car physics. GTA V has many issues but it doesn't control like shit, it has fun missions and it has more room for fucking around. IV contrarians are worse than footfags.
Why would they care if modders wanted to add the old map?
It's not like it would affect their sales or anything, if anything it's a nice bonus to have that much work done for free
>Think about it. Youre in a city of millions of people and you can only enter a few stores. Its not game breaking but its important at least for me. Hell some of these places have modeled interiors that you go into on missions BUT YOU CANT EVER GO BACK IN WITHOUT MODS.
Are you talking about IV or V here? Because while I really understand you since my biggest wish for any sandbox game is being able to enter every single building, both of them fucked that up.
>It's not like it would affect their sales or anything,
You clearly have not experienced the GTA Online business model.
These asshats charge you $10 to get the in-game cash in order to buy their 5 new "car packs". They absolutely would stop people from modding in huge content like this because then THEY can't do it and charge you $100
Yeah I actually liked the citizens of IV a lot more for that. They weren't total fucking bitchs that died in one hit. Made it feel more significant when you put one down. Probably a little more traumatic for anyone who has actually seen shit hit the fan though. People will keep trying to live even though they've sustained tremendous amounts of physical damage - I genuinely felt bad about some of the shit I did in IV and went out of my way to not hurt people unnecessarily, it felt pretty brutal sometimes.
thats my point
thats my point
it was still better
well if you didnt like tennis you can do yoga or thats about it, which is my point
yes you could
GTA 4 had incredible mod support, check out some websites
thats my point
if you hit a wall doing 120 you only get a scratch in GTA 5, your looks fucked in 4
who cares what you didnt care about dont remove features from the game to save time
thats my point better than exploding instantly
My point is GTA 5 has even less to do than play with wobbely physics besides give money to R* for sharkey cardys or grind heists.
What a fun game....
referring to 5. The lifeinvader and Tequila places and a few others are enterable but need mods.
I would pirate GTAV again if I could go to liberty city
I remember holding up in a hospital once in the game and holy shit.
>Accidentally shoot someone in the leg that was trying to run out
>Person falls against a wall
>Attempts to crawl away
>Police car runs them over
But still, they responded realistically to damage, people actually bled out and could take 2-4 shots depending on where you hit them.
It was great, better than 5 where a single shot would instal-kill any non-police.
the vast majority of Interiors in missions in 5 are closed after it for some reason, even the O'Neil house which is literally just a basic house is closed
A new car is like $50 real dollars dude.
>Pretty sure V has more minigames and some, like tennis, are actually fun.
5 does not have taxi, ambulance, fire, police, pay phone missions, or BOWLING. It has fewer mini games than GTA3 IIRC.
dat tennis tho so worth it
it has BORING minigames
back in gta 2 a minigame was roasting the mentally ill with a flamethrower for the yakuza
in gta v a minigame is going for a fucking jog
fuck sakes you could go on a tank rampage as a minigame without having to go through a 30 min process of aquiring the tank from an army base
5 sort of has that with trevor's rampages which I liked. unfortunately they half ass it, only giving him like 4 or 5 of these missions and they all play the same... in favor of yoga.
content/fun needs to be time walled so they can sell credit cards
I'm actually so annoyed that they, for the first time, didn't include money cheats for singleplayer
Fuck off, I want to just be able to jump in and fuck around with a tank or Lamborghini or whatever without having to beat the story first to get the money
EA sure gets a lot of shit, but are there any bigger kikes in the business than Rockstar?
I like the yoga minigame
there, I said it
Why the FUCK would anyone want to be back to gtaiv?
That's a multiplayer thing, fuckwit. Try playing the games you shit on. I don't even think the cards make you grind faster anyway.
its upstate new york
It was better in some ways
>Driving physics
>Real firearms
>Throwing stuff
>Fucking with pedestrians
But really it had much less to do overall
You can just download mods for that
But I have it on console
vice city didnt have a money cheat as far as I'm aware
because I have a toaster that won't run V?
Try playing the games you talk about.
GTAIV had a few elements that were better but it's still a dull grey mess that comes off more as a tech demo than a game actually designed to be fun in comparison to V.
Terrible response. Like I said the microtransactions are only in multiplayer and they don't help with the grinding.
To me, it was great in terms of missions and progressing through the story
But as soon as the missions were done there was nothing to do
Do you have a Video to that?
Console for online
PC for single player and mods
You should know this
I thought the shark cards applied to singleplayer too?
I never bought them because fuck spending real money on that, so I could be mistaken
Like when they gave away a bunch of money to everybody
>Sick, free 500K
>Split so half is for singleplayer where I already have 40 million dollars
Fuck off R* I paid $60 for this game already, you don't have to use everything as an opportunity to try and dip in my pocket again
how does literally buying money not help with the only reason anyone would grind lmao
when the fuck are they releasing it?
>I thought the shark cards applied to singleplayer too?
Nope. Shark cards are strictly for Online
I know the San Andreas, Vice City and Liberty City but what are the other areas plus what's attached to liberty city at the top
they avoided legal trouble by not letting you download the assets from them, but giving you a conversion tool that takes the assets from your copy of gta iv and converting them to a gta v mod. i think they did this preemptively, im not sure that they got a cease and desist
No single player is just fucked.
After you complete all the missions you have absolutely no way of making money outside of just robbing stores or looting bodies.
Its completely fucking retarded since if you don't do the franklin Assassin missions properly (fortunately you have to be pretty stupid to fuck it up) you wont have enough money to play free roam properly at the end of the game.
GTA 5 is a mess.
Stock trading you fucktard
Stock trading wasnt up when I played the game. This was a long ass time ago.
I dont know which was a bigger disappointment, GTA 5 or Skyrim.
The shooting was better. It felt like someone actually was being hit and reacted accordingly. I don't get how they could do it great in GTAIV, perfect it in Max Payne 3 and fuck it up massively for 5
You say that like it isn't a million times more deplorable.