Someone needs to surgically remove this game from me because I'm hooked.
Stardew Valley
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw can't decide between Abigail, Penny or Emily
Help me Sup Forums
>not picking Leah
They all act and perform the same once you marry. It doesn't matter. Just go with the one that has the easiest gift. I chose Abby cause amethysts are everywhere.
>Not picking Abigail
Leah is the easiest, she likes all seasonal foraging items as well as driftwood
Tfw putting off playing this for months now because overwhelmed by idea of starting such a timesink.
>picking Abigail
>chores: the game
literally only for people who never played rune factory/harvest moon before
Your interest will fade once you've finished the community center and realise there's not much left to do aside from the tedium of picking your crops every day. Until that point it's great.
Playing discount Harvest Moon. Jesus, you're pathetic.
abigail is a real qt up until you see her portrait
>inb4 anime portrait mod
all of the portrait mods are garbage
get out while you can
>Being so stuck in teen angst you marry it
Give me Leah or give me death. A competent and independent women who thinks for herself, isn't riddled with angst, lives in a log cabin, and punches her abusive ex-boyfriend in the mouth? Sign me the fuck up, I don't need some weak waifu bullshit, I want a goddamn woman.
>Marry my waifu
>She's suddenly bland and uninteresting
so, does she stop being a cunt after you gain some hearts?
yeah it's a pretty huge disappointment. But I guess being a harvest moon clone you can't expect much more.
>cant marry the milf redhead coalburner
why even play?
Me too OP
this desu
She isn't a cunt, shes a person living somewhere she doesn't want to be. You'd be the same.
But yes she does have a change of heart.
Have you guys learned all there is about pig farms? Or do i need to remind you?
This was changed in a patch.
>ctrl+f maru
>Sup Forums doesn't want to enrich pelican town with delicious brown overall wearin negro children
Pigs are the only things I don't have on my farm.
Oh, okay.
How did it change? I haven't kept up with patches much, since i pirated on release, did everything by summer of year 2 and got burnt out.
Today i will remind them.
degenerates like the one that made this image belong on a cross
did you just whiteknight over your waifu
Stop This
Be sure to memorize this tutorial!
Hang in there OP. Once you restore the community center, motivation to play drops really fast
I married Leah so no, I'm just saying.
I wish they made it so the Joja path made the town more modern.
Why doesn't this have the same charm as HM
sent! :)
Because it's that shitty indie "retro" pixelated style, which makes it soulless. Only instead of innovating to make up for it, it just copies what other games in it's genre do. Without changing anything up to give the player a reason to care, it lacks the charm.
Or at least that's my guess as to why. Still wasn't that bad considering it was backed by chucklefuck. My expectations bar was set incredibly low for it
I mean that still takes probably over 30 hours if it's your first time playing the game, I'd call that a worthwhile investment of money
>she punches her ex in the mouth
hold up, she punches him if i don't? but then why did she say it seemed a bit excessive if she was going to do it herself anyway?
It was one dude making the entire game you turbo nerd, the artstyle is considerably way easier to use than to make 3d models and animations or high quality lineart.
I haven't kept up with the game after 1.1
Are there plans for more content aka 1.2 patch?
until there's multiplayer it's a worthless game, so.
I wouldn't mind the artstyle so much if the colors weren't all on full blast all the time.
Can you spare some oats brother?
Is Leah and alcoholic?
She loves wine and at every celebration with a buffet she talks about how she has drunk too much punch.
user, you should not be that hostile to people. Please seek help from your loved ones.
>Married Haley
>Talk to her at the Feast of the Winterstar fetival
>She says something along the lines of "I'll show how thankful of you I am when we get home"
Girl is lewd. She even says similar stuff in the evening hours.
why do people want multiplayer so much in this game?
I genuinely cannot understand this.
So did you fix the community center or sell it to Joja?
>not buying joja membership day 1
>make a game inspired by a series known for farming and waifus
>make all the waifus tumblrcore trash
>somehow people fall for it anyway
I don't get it. who bought this game and makes these threads? mustard race too stupid to emulate rune factory?
Once I got to the middle of year 3 I sort of plateaued and got bored.
Stardew valley is good, it has a lot of content but it pales in comparison to the atmosphere and comfiness of this
What's a good starting point for Harvest Moon?
back to nature or friends of mineral town
Not him, but a long time HM fan. Any of them really, but I would recommend 64 of SNES and then Friends of Mineral Town or Back to Nature since they are essentially the same. The one pictured is A Wonderful Life, it is super comfy but kind of slow paced and very different from other games in the series. Plus, you can't marry Lumina in the GCN version, but the PS2 version is almost unplayable due to system lag. As for the others, just pick one that has cute waifus or art style that you like.
is harvest moon one of those franchises where you should play every game or you can just play one game and get the whole experience?
Everything is basically the same, but each game has its own system of growing crops/upgrading tools/etc.
Basically yeah, rune factory is where it forks off to.
That's her way of coping with her climax.
I made a mistake choosing the river one, the wood always falls on the water and there's little room for farming, just choose the regular one, seems like it is the best one.
Default or forest.
Woah, tell me more about how cool you are for playing those games!
Enjoy it while it lasts, OP, because like all these Harvest Moon type games you'll eventually lose interest when you realize there's nothing left to do, no end in site, and all you did the whole game was endlessly grind your way to nowhere for no reason.
Never played snes version, but heard good things. I'd suggest the 64 version as it's the one I started with. Tip quality waifus. Karen and Popuri are best waifus in that game.
What are some other games that are this addictive? Off the top of my head:
She only drinks "too much" of it because Pam spikes it at every opportunity.
Isaac is awful and only neo-Sup Forums praises it.
I like Spelunky.
You didn't dated Emily, have you Sup Forums?
Hoes before Bros, but the gold and iridium kind. We cool, Clint.
He's kind of right though. Anyone in this thread thinking "hey this game looks cool" should just buy/emulate Rune Factory instead.
So they know what a real chores: the game looks like? I'm not even touching Rune Factory series after 3, and Harvest Moon haven't been particularly good for over 10 years, not counting Magical Melody.
What are some necessary mods for this game anyway?
tell me how to get hooked
i see ppl with hundreds of hours, everyone praises it, i got bored after 15 hours
does it get better or something? it felt so repetitive
Don't even indulge that retarded meme
Isaac is way better than this overrated borefest though.