How do you go from THIS...
How do you go from THIS THIS?!
to THIS?
Blizzard lost it's "heavy metal" influence and became very casual very quickly.
someone post the garrosh laughing pic
Why did they make him look so stupid?
>Metzen leaves WoW
>Thrall stops being Green Jesus
Fuck thrall and fuck green people !
Garrosh thread NOW !
So everyone's banshee waifu could become horde leader of course.
fuck off hated that bitch with a passion since her first appearance in warcraft 3 when she still lived
Sylvanas hate is overrated
Sauce pls
no it isn't, it baffles me that she ever was not hated
She's only hated by salty alliance cucks who are mad blizzard put zero effort into stormwind lore and want lordaeron back.
I don't hate her per se but making her warchief was stupid. Really fucking stupid. Overall I would prefer Garrosh as warchief but Lor'themar was the obvious choice. IT WAS HIS TURN!
He married and his wife got a son.
That's how they get ya.
I assume its because of Metzen having to forcefuck his voice into everything - bosses, characters, everything from vanilla is now a moot and dead character except for thrall, which he agreed to keep doing after he retired.
You have a fucking company that is not shy at all about ripping ideas and concepts off of other intellectual property and cashing in on it via "parody" or "homage."
They literally couldn't come up with a compelling story, so now we're slowly killing elves and dragons and other mystical shit off in the world so we can be bittersweet dark chocolate dark like Tolkien did before them.
It's a shithouse, Bobandy. Don't bicker about changing the curtains.
It was indeed stupid, but in a way that dredges up a whole batch of stupid things that have been there for years.
Whenever you try to think about how the Horde faction functions in the way blizzard presents it, it naturally angers people given the lore of prior games.
The forsaken have never really worked in the horde given what is known about the Undead and their behaviors. The same could be said about the Blood elves in the horde, or the night elves in the alliance.
But this is blizzard, so all those implied political things that would happen if such races had to co-exist are never given a single thought.
The Banshee queen will lead the horde and not a single question will be brought to light over it, because all the characters that would have questioned her as a leader will never do so.
>reddit spacing
Norwood claims yet another poor soul. The only difference between the first and second pic is thrall going bald, prooving once again that going bald is a death sentence.
I know it's you, /qa/dditor.