Half-Finished Hero

Half-Finished Hero

I see such great potential in Shantae, but it never comes close to its full potential.


Man, it kills me how ambitious the original game was, and how ambitious and great the GBA sequel would have been, but then ended up butchered and gutted into Risky's Revenge and the series has had nothing but short and kind of average games since then.

And it's never been as high quality as the games it seem to be most heavily inspired by: Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and Monster World IV.

Sort of a depressing series.

Why does anyone care about this franchise?
Is it just so more rule 34 will be made?

Apparently Bozon hasn't played these games.
He really should.

My nigga

I tried Monster World IV a while back when it was released for xbox360 but I just gave it up.
It felt so easy and uninteresting somehow.
Is it really as good as the other ones?


they should have just gone full porn game and it would have been better

This. I still liked the game, but the lack of complete exposure was off putting.

I don't get it

You're retarded.

No you are :^)

also if you're gonna make a half assed game with tits as a selling point just make it a porn game. It really isn't that hard people just reskin her clothes to nude and give her some animations fucking Risky or something.


Half Assed Hero.

>if you're gonna make a half assed game with tits as a selling point
That's the retarded part. Fuck off.



He played MWIV just a few years ago.



I dunno, it can barely be considered an action RPG unlike the other games, but the presentation, platforming, combat, and dungeons are all improved imo.
It's good, but in different ways than the other games, I guess.

And I thought all of them were sort of easy, so I don't know what to say there, especially not knowing when you quit.

Main reason I bring up Monster World IV is holy shit is the main character and general aesthetic of the game very similar to Shantae.


Ummmm Sky lived in Oasis Town until recently


why don't they just cut the shit and make it a full on h game? at least then it would fill a niche



Making an eroge would ruin the series' artistic integrity.

Found the konsulkidbie.

I thought he was saying he's never heard of the Monster World series when HGH was starting up.
And MWIV is good and all but it's more important that he learns from MWII and III.

What artistic integrity?

>Rated T

that seems a bit high for a game like this

seems like it barely pushes E10+

People can visit places other than where they live, y'know.

What's left.

HGH was starting up in 2009, much more than a few years ago.

He never heard of it when making the first game, he played the 360 rerelease in like 2012/2013.

Risky's Revenge was kind of meh, but Pirate's Curse, HGH, and Original are all fantastic. Any of those could be the best in the series.

Go away. I'm tired of these threads.

Because the games are good.

>HGH was starting up in 2009
What the fuck are you talking about? The Kickstarter first went up in September 2013.

Really? I thought it was Sep 4 2013 - Oct 4 2013.

Oh, alright. Someone should ask if he'll be playing the MWII remake.

No, shovel knight bros and shantae bros are fans. Stop it right now.

Pirate's Curse was an actual good game, but that's it.
The rest of the series is mediocre at best, and pretty much everyone only cares about it because of sexy anime girls.

>ITT: "Mighty No. 9 out of 100" Backers futiliy attempting to shit on the objectively better kickstarter game

Anyone who defends Half Assed Hero is no bro of mine.

seriously wheres you're argument? Whats so retarded about turning A softcore game into a full on hentai game?

They're both shit. At this point you're just arguing one pile of shit smells worse than the other.

I disagree

HGH, Risky's Revenge, and Original were all good

Pirates Curse they moved too much away from the free exploration and open world style of the original. Also I liked the dungeons in the Original and Risky's Revenge that are seemingly lacking in the newer games.

Where do Shovel Knight fans get so defensive about Shantae HGH? Because it's better than Shovel Knight? So what, pic related is better than Shovel Knight also.

Can it, shitposter. You've been trying to start shit for the past week now, ruining both Shovel Knight threads and Shantae threads, hell, I could say as far as any indie game thread that had a Kickstarter. Don't like the game? Don't make a fucking thread with literally three words about it then.

But the game gave us huge ass mermaid titties. What more could you ask for?

Fan art can do that. The video games should aim for being good video games. No point in ruining the future and legacy of a potentially good series with some degenerate mediocre non-game, it's absolute retardation. But it will never happen anyway so whatever.

Pirate's Curse, sure (still way too short), and the original, perhaps, but I'm not at all impressed with HGH so far. Art and animation have taken huge steps back, there are no dungeons or anything dungeon-like, the level design is bland, it's insultingly easy, most of the transformations have very minimal use, and some of the items are ridiculously broken.
Unless the DLC characters are all amazing, I just don't see it.

Noy entirely true. Shantae HGH is a great game. It just sucks that RIsky Boots' storyline is going to be DLC.

>Wonder Boy


aside from that, this user is right

Different user but as much as I would like that, they can't suddenly do that.
>Wayforward is a respectable company that handles license games
>They've already made three games with no porn
>Audience is limited

This the shitposting thread????

I know, my dude. There are few games I'm looking forward to, but these are two of them.

>The video games should aim for being good video games
see heres you're problem you expect the games to be good but to be honest with you they can't get above average tier as platformers/metroidvania games go, so might aswell give us what everyone wants anyway and give shantae the D

You must be playing a different game then because HGH's art is better than the other games pixel shit. The abscense of dungeons is your subjective opinion, the level design, difficulty, and items (you can turn them off) are fine. The transformations I kind of agree with though. They should have allowed Spider Shantae to climb up walls instead of just ceilings because It's completely outclassed by her Monkey form.

>more things automatically mean better

the original shantae has a ton of a problems. Half genie hero actually fixes a lot of them by getting rid of the shitty open platforming filler and just doing straight up Megaman X style backtracking. If your solution to every game is to simply ADD MORE LEVELS ADD MORE CONTENT 20+ FUCKING HOURS OF GAMEPLAY then you're just a fucking retard.

The main problem with HGH is that wayforward just doesn't have enough people and the production values for an HD game with modular animation can be a bit staggering when you're trying not to look like an outdated gba game.

This post is retarded. Shantae games are mostly shit and their only selling point is tits, they really should just go full on porn ga- wait
I don't wanna say it man, but you need to go back

>they couldn't just make another version of the game with an 18+ rating on an adult site
well to be fair kids would probably still find it

Nice bait.

So the game on the top is a spiritual successor right? Because it seems from the trailer and gameplay that it combines a lot of stuff from the wonder boy/monster world games.

>Maki Ōzora isn't directing the art of either

It took three years to make Half-Finished hero.

>the level design
Yeah man getting through the second half of tassle town and hypno baron's castle all in bat form was really well designed.

>No point in ruining the future and legacy of a potentially good series with some degenerate mediocre non-game
well to be fair these games are as mediocre as it gets so might aswell go deeper down the rabbit hole. Go back to plebbit fag

Well, considering the replies are actually trying to imply HGH is a bad game, I think there's only 3 reasonable conclusions...

>Yes it's a shitposting thread
>It's a bunch of MN9 backers still being bitter that the game they backed got BTFO by a game with less than half the funds
>Sup Forums just has shit taste

Actually, it's probably all three of those.

they both based on the same game, one is a graphical update while the other changes also gameplay and other stuff

Because Wayforward makes license games first and hardly get the chance to make their own stuff. They also debug the fuck out of their games.
HGH is the most optimized game for PC I have ever seen.

If by that you mean skipping a few platforms? Bein a bit hyperbolic I think.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but this reads like a reddit-tier response. The game is pretty mediocre, lacks any sort of the inventive design that made Pirate's Curse a fun game. it's only made worse by the fact it's completely unfinished.

Mega Man X has almost no backtracking you tool.


Or maybe, just maybe, you are the one with the shit taste.

Don't get mad at me because you have shit taste in games, moron.

>HGH is the most optimized game for PC I have ever seen
The fact it can't run on my 4 year old laptop and yet shadow of mordor can on low settings tells me otherwise.

>Shantae games are mostly shit and their only selling point is tits
Wrong. They're mostly mediocre at worst.

The appeal of the series is adventuring in a big, lively, connected world, helping characters, solving dungeons, puzzle platforming, looking for secrets, improving your character with upgrades, and transforming into different forms. The first game was a decent start at it, it needs to keep going from there. If I wanted to jack off to Shantae porn I'd go to gelbooru, I want play a good Shantae game.

>waaah don't call me a degenerate
Then don't be one.

That logic makes absolutely no sense. They haven't made a great game yet, so make worse ones? They have shallow elements that hold them back, so maximize them instead of minimize them? That's so idiot.

>they actually animated all her old-school sprites
>nowhere in the actual game

Fucking Wayforward.

>three (3) years
>end up creating a game which strictly enforces backtracking despite not having a connected metroidvania-style map, leading to repetitive filler fetch quests that don't even have the benefit of being in new areas
>integrate transformations into gameplay well but make some of them completely redundant lategame
>use the mouse maze mechanic to create a pointless 5-minute excursion through very simple mazes just so that you can progress the game instead of actually giving the player anything meaningful

The music is the best part of HGH and it's pretty unacceptable that they did such a lame fucking job in all other departments (though the art is not bad)

Oh I see, I'll definitely keep an eye on both games though.

Dude, it's shills, the devs or people regretting they backed or bought this unfinished game

What's there is good, but there's no denying its unfinished.

You mean like all their other games?

>tfw hear half genie hero isnt that great but bought it on sale to support the devs, just because I want to see people continue to make games like this

"NO YOU!" the post

Point out where in the other three games all of those complete points apply.

It's a "reddit tier" response for telling the truth? Well, OK, if you want to continue being delusional.

Whether the game is fun or not is irrelevant, as people have different tastes

However, it is an unfinished game.

Don't pretend as if the post he's replying to isn't "strawman: the post"
He's pretty clearly a brainless apologist anyway. Yeah I kind of like HGH but it's a huge step down and it's a mediocre game, accept it.

But there really wasn't much inventive design in Pirate's Curse. HGH is the first game since the original that actually feels like a game of it's own.

You haven't even played them, have you?

>You must be playing a different game then because HGH's art is better than the other games pixel shit.
The art is larger, and they had to go HD eventually, I can understand that, but the attention to detail and the quality of animation have dropped off noticeably.

>the level design, difficulty, and items (you can turn them off) are fine
I just can't agree at all. The game gets significantly easier over time with all the hearts and items and shit you build up over the game and doesn't step up the challenge of the base content nearly enough to compensate.
It's trivial to beat Risky at the end of the game by just running up to her and mashing attack without making any attempt to dodge anything. Just so we're on the same page here: that's a bad thing.

HGH is the only game I've ever backed, dude. It's underwhelming in its current state. Unless the DLC totally redeems it, it ranks well below Shantae and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for me.

So you can't?

>"strawman: the post"

Hey I found the reddit tier post you're searching for

Maybe they will have an update and have the dances be randomized. Yeah? Send them an email about it or mention it on the forums. They're chill with fan input.

>expecting quality from a game which main and only feature is to attract virgin losers and horny teenagers
Ahahahaha, and you have no one to blame but yourself, not even the development team, it was known they were incompetent from the very beginning.