Fuck face playing titan fall 2

> Fuck face playing titan fall 2
> gets hype at mecha as he should
> fucking sucks at the game
> still can't wall run correctly
> uses scrub loadout
> uses worst load out for viper fight
> almost jumps off the edge
after the boss fight
This is a good LP, I'm actually enjoying it, almost as much as omikron. Titanfall 2 campaign is great too

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Plague new 4th member


I hope so, also drop matt while your at
Plague will actually talk about the creepy sex thing. Matt only postures

thoughts on this guy?

damn woolie is fucking jacked

he is physically bigger than anyone here

And he can beat Pat in a fight

He has grown on me, second best to pat.

That's is stand :FLAMBOYANT
whenever he wears gay Nigger shit, his power grows.

That's sarcasm right?

I started going back to old videos but just the playlist with their one offs and I'm gonna miss the videos with all 4 of them.

this is 12 years old

WTF is a scrub loadout?
A gun is a gun faggot

Itll be better with plague and paige

Using tone because you are so fucking bad you can't aim on your own

They should rename their channel back to 2BFP.

So you admit you can't out play it then, sure shows who is the scrub here then.

I used to be a die hard Matt/Patt only fanboy, loved their resi shit. But watching Woolie and Pat go through the DS series has really made him grow on me, now I've seen the light and much prefer him to Matt. Really enjoying their Titanfall series right now.

>Pat playing Titanfall 2
>Literally looks away from all the cool shit happening onscreen (When hologram Anderson fight and the ship going down)
>They keep talking over all of the dialogue
>Uses Ion's splitter rifle on Viper when the game keeps telling him he has a laser shot
>The right bumper is completely nonexistent to them
>Can't go fast for the life of him
>Keeps rushing on ahead and dies because of it, like when doing the wallrun on Briggs' ship
>Nearly fucking slides off the ship because he's teabagging
As someone who's put 100+ hours and goes fast, Pat is one of the worst pilots I've ever seen.
>Watching him play Northstar
That hurt.

>patt actually made woolie get the scrub sword in dark souls via the arrow trick


No way.

plague is annoying and has almost no personality other than playing up his shitty gimmick

>Listening to Paige read Sonic fanfiction
I've never wanted to die more than I do after that fucking cringefest.
>That paragraph Pat read
I was in stitches.



At least Woolie has enough experience and sense by this point to know that it's not some god tier weapon that can carry him forever like bottom of the barrel scrubs do

>He thinks plague has a gimmick

Plague is pure and unadulterated

Who the fuck names their kid "Darlington"

Or "Woolie" for that matter

Why can't niggers ever have normal names?

>watching Pat suck at the game

God, XCOM 2 was legendary.

>Woolie, the literal race traitor

You kidding? ?tha t is mostly fat.

he's a fucking edgelord

At least they only showed the first two and last arrow shot, so that's something.

He's just a normal ass dude with a more lax opinion on the deaths of animals because he lives on a farm. That's about it.

E-celebs aren't vidya.

>>>/high school/

niggers are a race of special snowflakes who think having nonsense names counts as culture

i fucking hated so much how they talked over the plot that i bought the game out of spite.

Congratulations, your plan worked.

He's a furry.

Why does Pat continue to say things when he's always wrong?
Once again he's talking out of his ass about a Souls game, and it's the one he should know best.

>you can only do it that way? (cut tail with arrows)

>someone kindles a bonfire so they receive an extra estus charge
>what was that?
>i don't know

this fucking guy

He's one of the more tolerable furries by far.

Woefully untrue. When you draw nsfw art you draw for those who pay for it.

Furries pay out more than anyone, I know from personal experience.

no, he's really not

>Having to end a stream to check if your Sonic porn is underage

I don't know how Paige lives with herself after reading this shit. God knows I can't.

>Pat: this is where you get the Uchi
>Woolie: this is it?
>Pat: this is the ONLY way to get the Uchi, that's IT

>can get it elsewhere without having to kill a merchant

To be fair on both of those, he's probably just trying to save Woolie a lot of annoyance by fighting the Wyvern on the bridge, and the second thing, took me a bit to remember what it was since I hadn't seen it in so long myself. You'd probably never see that if you played offline, which Pat probably did a lot.

I honestly have no idea where else you can get the uchi in DS1.

>Woolie or Pat
>Actual mecha fans


What quantifies as "liking robots" to you then, fuckboi?

Mods, please save us from this e-celeb garbage.

>Struggles with silly shit like directions
>Shows Pat up on fights like Ludwig, the Byrgenwerth Hunter, the Party Cave
>Does real well against Gehrmen, The Moon Presence
>Stomps Ebrietas after a couple tries
Paige is the most inconsistent at playing but that's why I like her so much, also Pat getting pissy and salty about it is hilarious

p-sure that the forest covenant merchant sells them, then again no harm in killing him if he bought everything needed from him.

He is. He's just Sup Forums. A guy who gripes incessantly about a lot of things but ultimately does make some good points at times.

Sup Forums is definitely tolerable, most furries are not.
He probably never joined the Forest Covenant.

Don't reply to the fan-autismo, user.

Shiva sells it

he has no fucking excuse
you suck those youtubers' dicks all the time, saying how you watch the videos about the lore and the game and then say this kind of shit

Maybe from the only Asian characters in the game, who also sell shit?

They didn't even use the fucking thing and stopped talking about it completely within ten seconds of acquiring it.
Why cut off a merchant for a sword when you're just gonna cheese the first 30% of the game with the Drakesword anyway? Pat's probably gonna tell Woolie to use the lightning spear from Sen's Fortress, too.


I believe he sells the washing pole instead. been a while since I bothered with him though.

The trick is that Woolie and Pat are actually good friends, they've known each other longer than everyone else and now that Liam's condescending shittery is removed, and Matt's "stop being more funny than me" filter is removed, you're just seeing them shoot the shit together.

The podcast is suddenly fantastic because they just go on fucked up tangents for hours because nobody is there to interrupt them and get pissy anymore.

I hope matt never comes back.

He sells the Uchigatana, as well.

>Reading the list of the girls in Sonic's Ultimate Harem
>Becomes fucking crystal clear that it's just the guy self inserting as Sonic to fuck whoever he has a hard on for that week
I would say it's worse than Sonic Highschool, mainly because you can tell that's just trolling, while this is a literal 13 year old writing this shit.

I don't give a shit about the Dark Souls 'lore'. Its a bunch of mostly made up shit and fan theories.

The games are enjoyable to play thanks to the combat, aesthetic, and bosses. That's it. If someone forgets some things, big deal, who cares.

You're getting way to worked up about something pathetically trivially.

>They didn't even use the fucking thing and stopped talking about it completely within ten seconds of acquiring it.

the character doesn't have the stats to use it yet.

>A guy who gripes incessantly
I don't care about that part
it's when he acts like a faggot, saying edgelord shit cause he can't think of anything else to talk about
he should just not chime in if he has nothing to add

Yes, and they only talked about getting the stats for the Drakesword, which will carry them to the point they get the lightning spear, which will carry them to when they get whatever the third act cheese-weapon is.

Ah okay. At that time nothing compares to claws in PvE anyways.

Sonic High School is fucking hilarious. This is just uncomfortable. Listening to Pat in the background makes it worthwhile though.

James Small dreamcast playthroughs when?

Not one for the fics, but it's entertaining as fuck to see her play BB

Pat telling him not to try parrying the black knight was fucking weird.

He's the best early practice for parrying in the game, and super rewarding at that. And the potential drops (e.g. black knight greatsword) can be a nice carrot to work towards stat-wise.

>Uniroically using fuckboy

The difference between liking something and being a fanatic are as vast as the sea

I like to breathe but I ain't an oxygen fanatic

Or its just his opinion. Yeah its edgy, but everyone has shitty opinions like that.

He drew furry porn back when he just took requests and never got paid. It was most of what he did as well.

what's your point?
why are you bitching

>This right here? The only way to get the Uchi
>Yes, in the whole game. PERIOD.
I love this guy

>Listening to Pat in the background makes it worthwhile though.
It really is. I fucking love just hearing him laugh and snicker to himself about it.
>Paige realizing just how sexual Ultimate Harem is as she's reading the sex scene
>Pat's comment about how Sonic wore his big dumb gloves through that entire scene

Pat was smart about that. You know Woolie would just fuck it up and just die about 4-5 times before finally giving up and just wasting time.

I got the impression that it was his actual opinion on the matter rather than him being smart about the playthrough quality, but I could be wrong.

it's a gimmick he uses because he has no personality

I have to wonder, if Pat was actually right about everything instead of egregiously wrong, would he still be entertaining?

I was so mad when Woolie didn't aggro the black knight when he was running from the hollow soldiers. Would have been incredible to see him get ganked from behind like that.

Because Pat's always wrong, Woolie still plays like shit, and they're going straight-up easy mode for their 5th Souls LP.

Well you could be right too, but I imagine he just didn't want Woolie to waste time trying it.

You could tell that Pat was rooting for it and trying his best not to spoil the possibility. Ah well.

They're always shit and they usually take the easy way out.
Isn't that their thing? I don't know why you'd watch the channel for good gameplay.

He has woolie waste time doing other shit

>they're going straight-up easy mode for their 5th Souls LP.
and you'd probably bitch and moan if they didn't use the best gear they could anyways,
so what's your point

The Chewie and Fuckface show is as good as I could hope

>Claims to be a huge Persona fan, but has only beaten 4. He quit playing 3 and refuses to play 1 and 2. Won't play Persona Q and outright prevents others from playing it.
>Refuses to play old games because "you can't go back to those mechanics."
>"Hates" System Shock 2 and Deus Ex for that reason.
>Used console commands to insta-kill the final boss of Baldur's Gate 2
>Called Banjo Kazooie shit despite later admitting that he had never played it
>Claims to be a huge Resident Evil, and Silent Hill fan, but is barely proficient at those games
>Claims to be a huge JoJo, Berserk, Kamen Rider, and Game of Thrones fan but hasn't read all of the current media and refuses to do so. Bitches when the other friends want to talk about those franchises because he isn’t caught up.
>Looks up the game they play on gameFAQs and tries to pretend that he just knew how to do whatever needs to be done in the LP
>Believes that games should include token minority characters for the sake of filling a diversity quota, even if those characters have no personality
>Created a Free Company on FF14 to do everything for him, give him all the best items, to run him through raids so he can level without doing anything. Actively shouts down and belittles new players who don’t have good gear or aren’t experienced
>Actively seeks out game spoilers on the internet and tries to justify it because “spoilers are unavoidable on social media”

>does push his fetish except to those fans who will eat anything he shits out
>only plays out his horrible fetishes as jokes
>some of his fetishes are normal tier shit like muscle girls

>you are a giant faggot who cant handle it because it confuses your 2 inch wonder

You do know you don't have to find his kinks attractive and just laugh them off as jokes, right?

There's a difference between a fun build with great gear for that build and picking pyromancer and using the Drakesword an hour in.

Pat even says "dex is the best" and then lets woolie spread stat points around like a retard.

Fuck no.

He lives on a farm and draws porn.
He's a proto-furry.

Then he's Know It All Pat

Know It All Pat is right next to Fartgas McSimpsons, Devil's Avocado and Bored Woolie.

>Pat even says "dex is the best" and then lets woolie spread stat points around like a retard.
that's how it should be
pat gives advice, woolie can choose to follow it or not

It's okay, Pat will build Woolie an expertly-minmaxed perfect new character if Woolie gets too retarded with the leveling ;)

I'm surprised by how much I enjoy having only Pat and Woolie. It's like the other 2 were never there for all I care.

This. The podcasts are much comfier and seem to have better chemistry without constant conflict-seeking people

he acts like a petulant teenager. I hate him more than Matt.

Drink everytime Pat is wrong.

Is this on Paige's stream? Where can I watch it if I don't feel like giving up shekels?