>What are your interests user?!
>Well uhm.. I like gaming culture.
>You like gay? lmfao haha :) jk jk dude, but aren't videogames for kids?
How do you deal being honest about your hobbies with normies at social events?
>What are your interests user?!
>Well uhm.. I like gaming culture.
>You like gay? lmfao haha :) jk jk dude, but aren't videogames for kids?
How do you deal being honest about your hobbies with normies at social events?
>i like gaming culture
you're just gay and probably a kid
>social events
blogposts go on /r9k/ faggot
>gaming culture
you get some real interest loser
lol just tell them about one of your other hobbies user whats the big deal?
>I like gaming culture.
lmaoing at u
Plenty of manchildren out there. Just find out what he is weak for, probably star wars, cartoons or other shit. Most normies always have a weakness.
>that example of a conversation
You don't have any friends, do you, user?
Get another hobby and pretend you dont play vidya. Woodworking is pretty fun
>gaming culture
No wonder people laugh at you
>What are your interests
>I enjoy playing videogames in my spare time
>Oh, cool. I played some (X) and the graphics were AMAZING.
I've never had anyone make fun of me for playing videogames.
What bizzaro world do you people live in?
>Being honest about your hobbies
I'm not meming. I pretend I've never played a video game in my life. And it got me a REALLY good job. I come in with a suit everyday and try to make smalltalk about literally anything else. People think i'm weird because I seem to go home from work and do nothing when I'm really playing weeb games.
>What are your interests user?
>I play video games
If you have to dress it up and add culture to your hobby then you need reconsider how you seem yourself.
I'd laugh at you as well since you probably follow e-celebs and game journalists as well
>Liking gaming's trash culture
kill yourself.
get a real hobby to tell people about so you don't look like a massive fucking loser. gaming is not a skill.
>liking gaming culture instead of playing games
Your outspoken interlocutor is right.
ITT: normies and dudebros laugh at everybody else
By having other hobbies that aren't just playing vidya you autist
I dont, first noone asks, second i dont tell anyone
>gayming """""""''culture"""""""""""'
Jesus... how did you let yourself go this far?
Learn to play some musical instrument or to draw, you would both get a cover for normies and a fun new hobby.
I just say I game and they start asking me questions about it. I don't know what bizarro reality you live in where you get made fun of for your hobbies but I guess I don't live in it.
I specifically cultivated a set of hobbies and tastes that normalfags find acceptable in addition to what I normally like. They are:
>Rock climbing
Probably the best one. I got into it as a way to stay fit and give myself an excuse to leave my apartment. This one is great because hardly anyone knows anything about it, so there's no risk of someone hammering you with questions about professional athletes.
Second best. I played when I was younger, and still enjoy playing a pick up game if I get a chance, although very rare. I have to be sure to say that I like playing more than watching so that people don't always try to have sports trivia battles with me because I don't actually watch any pro sports on TV.
>Classic Rock
I literally only listen to things that aren't vidya or anime in the car, when I listen to classic rock on the radio. Over the years, I've become familiar enough with bands and songs to list one or two when people ask what music I like.
I only talk about vidya when someone else brings it up.
>gaming culture
What a shitbird. What you do is become a connoisseur of the arts, including video games but branching out much further than that, and say that you enjoy art.
Or are you just a lazy autist who just wants to twiddle his thumbs in his basement and shitpost on video game forums, aka "gaming culture" until he dies? In which case, your solution is to not go to places where other people are.
No grown adult talks like this. Nobody cares what your hobbies are. Everyone plays video games now days too.
>People think i'm weird because I seem to go home from work and do nothing when I'm really playing weeb games.
literally me
You NEVER. EVER. Talk about videogames with normalfags.
Literally ANYTHING is better than saying videogames is a hobby of yours. Just make some bullshit up if you have to.
>I like gaming culture
playing games is normie culture now, OP
the only people who might give you weird responses are older people, like 50+
anyone below that usually won't give a shit
unless, of course, you're a faggot about it, then everyone will give you weird looks because you're being a faggot
In a totally deadpan voice I usually say something along the lines of, "I enjoy sitting at home alone, eating ramen and playing videogames"
It plays into the familiarity of classic stereotypes and removes any surprise when they eventually find out that it's true sometimes. Try to introduce yourself in a way that might get a laugh or put someone so far off that you won't have to guess if you're wasting time with them
>caring about gaming culture
why the fuck would you care about that normalfag hellhole?
just play the video games
I find that 90% of people I meet around my age also play videogames so it's no biggie. I just hide my powerlevel when it's brought up and talk about 2k or some shit until I can identify a fellow videogame autist and we can sperg out together.
I don't know if you are shitposting or not, but what I do is just be honest and confident about the stuff I like, if people don't like who I am then fuck 'em I don't need them. Also having other hobbies besides gaming can be helpful, a sport, reading books, photography, etc.
Papa bless
>turbo sperg who can only talk about vidya and weebshit
>start getting into music to socialize better
>get way too fucking into it
>listen to music 4-8 hours a day, listened to more than 800 albums in 2016
>when people ask me about music i spill my spaghetti and suffocate them with all my opinions
Oh, good, that went well
Do it like everybody else who doesn't have interesting hobbies and lie.
You need to have a slightly better than surface level knowledge of any sport, it doesn't matter which and you'll be golden.
>then fuck 'em I don't need them
But you do need a job.
How do I make a good conversation then?
Some normalfags from my class at uni laughed at me for playing Pokemon GO
The game was a massive hit wordwile and pretty much everyone everywhere was playing it still was too weird for them... that's life when you live in the countryside. it's hell
What is your favorite music? Do you like Huey Lewis & The News?
they probably think you're a serial killer and are too frightened to fire you
it seems like the common answer but I just talk about my other hobbies too. if you're looking for one to talk about movies are an easy thing to go with since you can just wikipedia the plots. but at that point you aren't really connecting with people and you should just talk about the weather anyway.
my man! wish I could afford/had space for more saws though